Hello world. The following was written 10/11/2017.

A couple of days ago someone had asked a question regarding black lives matter. A brother had responded to the post I had made in response to the question. They were casting judgments telling me I have no right to speak of anything until I am a minority amongst other things. They were also trying to educate me as to what BLM stands for according to them. None of these things had anything to do with the question that was asked or the response given at the time. The following was my response to them before they deleted their comment and blocked me.

My response, “Apparently you missed the point of the question being asked. The question was, “If black lives matter why do they kill each other?”. It was not about what their supposed agenda is. It was asking why are they killing each other if they really believe that “black lives matter”. Above and beyond the picture being painted of the agenda, lies a Truth that IS being ignored. In buying into the propaganda of a belief that they are victims they ignore the basis of the brutality they are committing against each other beyond what is being inflicted by those outside their believed in race.

As for your other commentary, all is assumed on your part. My ethnicity is a mixture of multiple races. I have family that is black, Asian, Native American, White, and European. My perspective comes not from an emotional attachment to a belief, but a perspective of open minded discernment of Truth beyond the scope of the lies being fed to us. I look below and beyond the curtains being placed before me of masks and false facades. I no longer accept anything at face value. I question everything for it’s validity in Truth. What I have found is everything is and has been covered in layers of lies. Nothing is as it may seem on the surface.”

All healing starts within. One must be willing to turn inward and begin questioning all they have been taught to believe in. I do mean all too. One must be willing to look at every life experience they have had since birth and question their perceptions and beliefs about them. The journey inward is one of looking at the experience of life and questioning how we perceive it and judge it to be whatever it is. This turning inward is also a journey of learning Self Reliance.

When you turn to others and the world outside of you, all you get is more and more chaos, pain and suffering. We are taught to seek the answers out there in the world. That is part of the lie, the illusion. Taught we are victims of the world we think we are perceiving. What we are doing in any given moment is judging. We are taught to judge every single thing and Being around us. To filter our interactions through a judgmental system of rules and laws taught to us by man. When going inward we remove those filters and are able to see beyond the curtains that have been placed before us. The curtains or illusions of the lies we are taught to believe in as being real.

I learned to turn inward on my journey. To stop listening to, watching, reading and blindly believing whatever was being placed before me. I began to turn inward and question everything I witnessed, experienced and believed. I began to look below the surface and see the games being played behind the scenes. The controlled manipulations and manufactured chaos that was being created to get a reaction out of me. To get me to do, say, think and believe whatever it is they are wanting me to that will help push their agenda to control me.

I willingly began looking at what was happening within me and around me and started to see patterns repeating themselves. People mimicking those who were around them or came before them without questioning why they were doing so. Recognizing that my own experiences were a repeat of things they experienced and never questioned. Instead they repeated the pattern believing this is just how things are meant to be done. It is the system and it is the way it is. No one before us has questioned this way of being, learning or teaching. All have accepted it blindly, following those things being dictated to them by those who came before them. All of this is done because no one has chosen to question. May I suggest you begin questioning your experiences and these things you believe and think you know as being the Truth you were taught to perceive?

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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