Hello world. The following was written 10/26/2018.
Something to consider, ALL of Humanity has been under a form of Psychological warfare, calculated to indoctrinate you on a subconscious level through subversive coercive destructive subliminal manipulations via the tool of language using the median of labels and their made up definitions to control what you think, say, do and perceive yourself, the world and everyone in it to be and how you react to all of it. There are those who have “awakened” to this indoctrination and understand what it is, has been done and who is doing it. They have also learned how to use the same tactics which have been used, against those doing so. I am being given a visual as an example.
Each of these corrupt Beings can be equated to a spider. Each are interconnected through the “web” they have created for themselves. The populous are the “victims” they would feed upon. For a number of decades these spiders have been gorging themselves unchecked without question. Their only thought, join us or serve us. These spiders are on both sides and they are EVERYWHERE! Do not be fooled by the supposed divides.
Whether you like or agree with this President is not what matters. What matters is, what is being revealed because of him. Widen the focus of your view. The tactics this President is using, are the same tactics they have been using on you. He is using their own labels against them. He is using their penchant for secrecy against them, every time he tweets and makes a statement. Every time they try to block, hide or twist what he has stated, he calls them on it.
These spiders have been using political correctness as a tool of controlling you. He is now using this tool against them, while refusing to conform to it himself, as many others have been doing. Political correctness is an illusion, created through psychology to control your mind on a subconscious level. Each label is a judgment which creates a bar to a cage you build in your own mind. When you accept it as being real and true for you, you shackle yourself to what another dictates you believe. You are your own jailers, with these choices you make to believe.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.