Hello world. The following was written 12/28/2019.
If everything you think you know and believe in to be true has been taught to you by someone else as what they believe in, how do you know it is the truth? Consider this long and deeply. Every limit that has been handed to you is a tool used to control you and all you would think, say and do. Those limits effect the way you perceive so believe. Each limit handed you is based in a judgment that is not true or real. Each is an illusion that only becomes tangible when one chooses to believe in it.
Now consider how you have been taught to judge yourself, your brothers and the world around you. Each of those judgmental perspectives become a bar to a cage you have built for yourself in your own mind. Your choices to accept those judgments handed you has had you putting each one in place to cage you within the limitations those judgmental beliefs have laid out for you in their parameters and definitions. Each is a choice you have made to accept and believe.
The only consequences to the choices you make are the pain and suffering you experience from them in your beliefs that what has been handed you is real and true. It is a choice you make to believe anyone has authority over you to punish you as they so choose. This blind acceptance and belief in what is read in a book, seen on TV or stated by an assumed authority figure is what has Humanity in such chaos. Humanity is completely unaware of how they are the prison warden of themselves and choose slavery willingly when they accept and agree to the rules, regulations, prohibitions and laws being dictated and handed to them.
Society is a cult mentality you are indoctrinated into. Society is created by religion and enforced by the governments created by those religions. It is a circle that feeds itself though the indoctrination of each generation to blindly accept, follow and believe what they are told without question. Consider what is happening in society now and the schools teaching the next generations. How twisted have they become when compared to what you had? Can you see the patterns yet that I am laying before you?
Something else to consider here. As a child you where taught and told you were required to accept and believe as you now do. You were LIED to. You were never required to believe as they were teaching you to. As an adult you are now able to look back on those experiences had and the choices you made back then. As an adult you are now able to look at what you believe and change your mind. You are allowed to let go those things you were told and taught to you, that does not resonate as being True for you any longer. You are not required to continue believing in the judgments handed to you or to hand out those judgments yourself to yourself and others.
You are no longer a child brother. You are now an adult and get to choose what it is you will be here and believe in. No one else can make those choices for you. It is you and only you who is responsible for that which you are experiencing here and believing what your reality is to be for you. What did you choose for you? Look within at that and you will be able to see the patterns you have been following unconsciously on your journey.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.