Hello world. The following was written 3/30/2022.

I shared the following this morning which brought forth a responses from a couple of brothers which pointed out exactly what I initially shared.

Woke up today not wanting to help others heal. Woke up wanting to end this journey of experiencing others pain. Woke up angry and frustrated! ​If all I experience is pain, suffering and it isn’t my own, why keep going? 15 years of censorship and shadow banning. For what? I’m done!

Brother one responds, “Your soul has chosen it for some reason.

Find out why”

My response, “As a Spiritual Healer, Hands on Healer, Psychic Intuitive Empath, Clear Open Trans Channel and Spiritual Writer I have spent the last 15 years sharing my journey of healing multiple cancers and other diseases without medications or surgeries. During these 15 years I have been shadow banned and censored on ALL PLATFORMS so my brothers cannot see what I share. I have been homeless and penniless for the last 4 years struggling to feed myself.

I experience the mental, emotional and physical pain and suffering of others within my own body as if it is my own. I AM literally walking in Jesus’s footsteps here whether I want to or not. I’ve been stuck in on BLM lands for months now. As a Spiritual Healer I work through donation. Spirit has asked me to share my journey FREELY and when my brothers ask for help in healing I AM NOT TO CHARGE THEM FOR IT. Spirit states NO ONE should have to BEG for help in healing. No one should be turned away because they do not have the money to pay for it, like I was.

I woke up this morning asking myself why I keep going, doing what I do as Spirit has asked me to. I am in this desert with no money. I have to leave this area in 2 weeks. I have no place to go and no money to get there or live on. I have bills that need to be paid like cell phone and insurance for my RV Im living in. Groceries take money to buy.

I have been writing about my journey and sharing it in articles for 15 years now. I have written over 1400 articles which are shared publicly on multiple platforms. All of them shadow ban and censor. One platform removed an entire month of articles. Others remove the articles where I AM Channeling a message from Holy Spirit and my Guides or sharing the visions given me in understanding experiences had on my own journey so I could heal.

I know why I experience all as I do. My journey has been one without the love, support, approval or validation of others. Instead what I received were the extremes of abuses including deaths from those abuses meted out to me by those supposed to care for me. I asked why me many times on this journey. I no longer ask that question. Instead I ask how was this of benefit to me.

Today I woke up with my own cup empty of the love and healing I have given so freely on this journey as was asked of me. I have nothing left to give brother. I haven’t eaten in two days. It is NOT because I don’t have food, because I do. I have not been able to eat for over a month and have had to force myself to eat every day. The last two days anything I try to eat I throw up.

As I said I AM done. I have nothing left to give for I AM empty internally just as my wallet has been empty these last 4 years I have been living in an RV in poverty. When one says they are done, they are done. I have nothing else to give when I am not receiving. I can no longer help another when I cant help myself right now.

California forced the shut down my computer repair business of 23 years when they passed their Contactors Bill forcing businesses to hire on contractors as permanent employees. That bill caused conflicts of interest for companies like mine who work for multiple banks, hospitals, pharmacies and other industries as onsite technical support. They literally forced me out of business. Which is part of where I find myself today.

I AM a Spiritual Healer who lives on donations now, except there are no donations because I and all I share is hidden from my brothers view. Both my Husband and I have put in applications for work, yet no one is hiring. As I stated we have 2 weeks left on BLM land before we have to move. Moving takes money for it takes gas to move a vehicle.”

My brother responds, “uhhh

Everyone is hiring. There’s a labor shortage.

But anyway good luck with all that. I just think you might be highly delusional but there’s a cure for that too”

My response, “Been here in this area since late December applying for work. I AM 50 years old and ran my own business for over 20 years. I am told I am over qualified for these jobs who are hiring. SERIOUSLY! Take your judgments and shove them up your ass.”

My brother responds, “dude any reasonable person reading this would think the same. Not going to waste energy arguing with you. Obviously you’ve got severe issues that a spiritual healer of the caliber you claim to be wouldn’t have. For example, you look borderline obese. I mean how I can I believe you have all these abilities when you can’t even control your own gut? I bet you can’t post one verifiable case behind your claims. And if you are telling the truth, and you’re just Jesus reborn, then why don’t you manifest your material needs out of thin air. That’s what he did and that’s exactly what you’re claiming to do anyway soooo…

any reasonable person would agree with me. If you’re such a high level healer why are you obese and deranged? I mean if you can’t control your own gut what else can you control? I bet you can’t show one verifiable case for what you claim. And if you can, why don’t you just manifest your material needs out of thin air, if you’re Jesus reborn? That’s what he did.

can you post one verifiable case to back up what you said? If you’re just Jesus reborn, then why don’t you just manifest your material needs out of thin air? That’s what he did and that’s what you claim to be able to do anyway lmao”

My response, “Wow! 135 lbs is obese to you? When I had 2 forms of cancer, a broken body from a motorcycle accident and multiple other diseases so was bedridden I in 2004 I had gained weight then to 275 lbs. When I healed I lost all that weight to 135 lbs. Everything I write and share about is DOCUMENTED in medical files, police reports, FBI, NSA, CIA and other government agencies files on me from my childhood. I do not lie and cannot lie. Everything I write and share about my own journey is the Truth.”

My brother responds, “you’re up here saying you’ve cured 100s of people of cancer but none of them will spot you a dime?

Just seems like bs and any reasonable person would think so.

“The laborer deserves his wages.”

-jesus in the gospel

a healer of the caliber you claim to be probably wouldn’t be like you, simple and plain.”

My response, “No I said I healed MYSELF of cancers. I stated I help others heal and remove or ease their pain and suffering. You are allowed to believe as you choose to. No one is required to believe as you are choosing to. What I posted and shared today is where I AM at on my own journey and what I was asking myself. As I shared with another brother a bit ago.

“My main question to myself this day was why am I continuing my journey experiencing the pain and suffering of others within my body as if its my own and healing them of that pain literally. Why am I doing as God and Jesus is asking me when all I get is persecutions and judgments from others demonizing me like my family did when I was a child for being psychic and a healer? Why am I willingly helping Humanity when Humanity crucifies me and kills me every chance it gets. I’ve died and been resuscitated over 100 times in my lifetime and most those deaths came from my childhood and my own family killing me. So I asked myself why do I continue here when its obvious what I do is going to get me killed eventually by someone who believes I must be demon possessed so evil as my family and the Catholic Church labeled me as a child. This is where I AM at, at this time on my journey.”

Your judgments were not asked for. Now move along.”

My brother responds, “lol no

Look at your original reply. You state explicitly that you spent the last 15 years as a spiritual healer healing “multiple cancers”

You’re talking like a crazy person Sabrina. I’m gonna go on my way now.

But if I’m wrong, by all means post the proof. It’s just nothing you say makes logical sense. You’re convinced in your mind that youre teloing the truth. You might bw schizophrenic.”

My response, “As was already stated I said these words and not what you are assuming it states, “I have spent the last 15 years sharing my journey of healing multiple cancers and other diseases without medications or surgeries.”

What part or PORTION of MY JOURNEY of HEALING MYSELF do you not comprehend? All of it apparently! Unfortunately for you and most of Humanity the Universe is a mirror and will reflect back at you what you extend to it. When you extend judgments you receive them to experience them for yourself through KARMA.

By the way, part of what I experience in conjunction with my psychic and empathic abilities is a form of synesthesia, where I experience my reality on multiple levels at the same time. There are smells, sounds, colors and feelings attached to all words used and emotions expressed beyond what is normally perceived by others. Look it up! It is a real thing!

Dont bother responding again with more judgments as they are not asked for or needed by anyone in this world and definitely not wanted or asked for by me. I have no issue blocking you if you continue with your nastiness.”

Another brother responds, “Seek God’s help! Ask him to assign angels to you. Worship God only. Why help others if you can’t help yourself.”

My response, “Please read my response to our brother before you respond again with judgments and dictates of what I should or should not be doing.”

My brother responds, “you have free will. I am not judging you. I simply tell the truth of all matters.

I want to help you and not hurt you. I read the post you asked me to read. I recommend you read my last post on my feed. Peace to you I leave ask God for help and guidance… “

My response, “I am surrounded by Angels in every moment. I AM a channel and I speak with God and the Angels all day throughout the day every day. Please stop assuming I am not. This is what I was speaking to about judgments. Your statements are judgments and assumptions of what you think I am doing or not doing.

My main question to myself this day was why am I continuing my journey experiencing the pain and suffering of others within my body as if its my own and healing them of that pain literally. Why am I doing as God and Jesus is asking me when all I get is persecutions and judgments from others demonizing me like my family did when I was a child for being psychic and a healer? Why am I willingly helping Humanity when Humanity crucifies me and kills me every chance it gets. Ive died and been resuscitated over 100 times in my lifetime and most those deaths came from my childhood and my own family killing me. So I asked myself why do I continue here when its obvious what I do is going to get me killed eventually by someone who believes I must be demon possessed so evil as my family and the Catholic Church labeled me as a child. This is where I AM at, at this time on my journey.”

My brother responds, “krishna is not a name of God. krishna stands about 5 foot 8 inches tall and weighs about 160 pounds. he is blue like a smurf.

God is bronze in color. Azna is brownish in color.”

My response, “I do not experience those colors in those ways, for those Beings. Each time I have died and crossed over I was in my true form of a body of Light Energy and was met by 2 of my Guides who were also in Light Bodies. One was Blue to Purple like mine and the other was of White Light. Each time they escorted me back to Source or God who for me showed themselves to be Female and was of a Pure White Light literally. After speaking with God I would then visit the other lives I am living simultaneously as this one in other forms Human and otherwise.

Once I had visited those other lives to witness where I am on those journeys I was given a choice to create a new form and journey picking up where I left off in this one or I could come back into this form and continue on this journey knowing what I was experiencing and would continue to experience in molestations, rapes, beatings, exorcisms, canings, mental and emotional abuses. Each time I chose to come back here and continue with full knowing of what I was experiencing and would continue to experience for many years.”

Another brother responds, “It was NEVER your duty to “heal” others, by taking on their energies, which is IMPOSSIBLE to do. So if you stop trying to do the IMPOSSIBLE, you will be free from all of the pain and suffering that you are experiencing, my dear sister in Christ!!! Namaste”

My response, “What? I never said anything of duty or taking on anothers energies either. There is more to this reality than you have experienced for yourself. Just because you have not experienced something for yourself does not mean it is not real and is not being experienced by someone else.

There is more to me and how I experience my reality than you know or can comprehend. Part of what I experience in conjunction with my psychic and empathic abilities is a form of synesthesia, where I experience my reality on multiple levels at the same time. There are smells, sounds, colors and feelings attached to all words used and emotions expressed beyond what is normally perceived by others. Look it up! It is a real thing!

My main question to myself this day was why am I continuing my journey experiencing the pain and suffering of others within my body as if its my own and healing them of that pain literally. Why am I doing as God and Jesus is asking me when all I get is persecutions and judgments from others demonizing me like my family did when I was a child for being psychic and a healer? Why am I willingly helping Humanity when Humanity crucifies me and kills me every chance it gets. Ive died and been resuscitated over 100 times in my lifetime and most those deaths came from my childhood and my own family killing me. So I asked myself why do I continue here when its obvious what I do is going to get me killed eventually by someone who believes I must be demon possessed so evil as my family and the Catholic Church labeled me as a child. This is where I AM at, at this time on my journey.

I woke up with these things running through my mind with the memories of how I was abused and killed again and again by those were supposed to be my care givers as a child. Each time I have died and crossed over I was in my true form of a body of Light Energy and was met by 2 of my Guides who were also in Light Bodies. One was Blue to Purple like mine and the other was of White Light. Each time they escorted me back to Source or God who for me showed themselves to be Female and was of a Pure White Light literally. After speaking with God I would then visit the other lives I am living simultaneously as this one in other forms Human and otherwise.

Once I had visited those other lives to witness where I am on those journeys I was given a choice to create a new form and journey picking up where I left off in this one or I could come back into this form and continue on this journey knowing what I was experiencing and would continue to experience in molestations, rapes, beatings, exorcisms, canings, mental and emotional abuses. Each time I chose to come back here and continue with full knowing of what I was experiencing and would continue to experience for many years.

As I stated there is more to this reality than you know and more to me than you know.

Blessings on thy journey my brother.”

My brother responds, “All of those things are NOT real! Yes, you have experienced them, but because God did NOT create them, THEY ARE NOT REAL!!! Namaste”

My response, “Brother you are allowed to believe as you so choose to. No one is required to believe as you do. As I stated, just because you have not experienced something for yourself does not mean it is not real and being experienced by them”

My brother responds, “God DID NOT create pain and suffering. So if you are doing something that is causing you to experience pain and suffering, THEN IT IS NOT REAL! TRUTH!!! Namaste”

My response, “No! What you are stating is the LIE and illusion the EGO wants you to believe. You are REAL. This planet is REAL. Every Human Being and animals is REAL. What you experience IS REAL.

What is not real is how you are judging or choosing to believe everything is and is supposed to be. That IS the illusion for you are indoctrinated to perceive all as being what it is for you.

Now I have better things to do with my time here in this reality than deal with judgmental egoistic Beings who negate themselves so negate everyone else.”

My brother responds, “I Love you, my dear sister in Christ!!! Namaste”

Another brother responds, “I find it to be a curse at times and a blessing in other times. It is so hard and extremely lonely to bare but it is a very special gift that few have. You are unique and needed in the world and far from alone. I’ve learned to protect myself from certain people.”

My response, “Thank you for sharing this. It is truly appreciated.”

My brother responds, “you’re very welcome, just glad to find someone like me”

My brothers, what I was contemplating this morning and speaking of were all the egoistic judgmental responses I receive daily from my brothers about my own journey and that which is experienced on it. Many judge and persecute me and that which I am able to do so share of my own journey and that which has been experienced on it.

Each one of those brothers judging me could not see what they were doing in the moment. Each one who judged me negated what I experience as being not real or delusional. The negate me and their brothers as they negate themselves. They negate what another experiences as not real or true because they have not experienced it for themselves.

Why do I continue doing as Jesus is asking me to do when my brothers persecute me? Because this is what I AM asked to do by Holy Spirit, Jesus and my Guides. Why would I choose to follow in Jesus’s footsteps knowing what he went through? Because He asked me to.

Please be the Light, I see you to be. Please be the Light, I know you to be. Please be the Light, you are meant to be. Please choose, to be the Light.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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