Hello world. The following was written 7/06/2018.

Humanity, as Eternal Beings your “Self Image” carries over with you from one manifestation of “BODY” into the next. Think of an over head projector. On that screen is an image of you as you start out in this manifestation as a child. You are your TRUE Self in this image. As you grow up you are handed judgments, opinions and labels by those around you. Some you accept and some you ignore. The ones you accept are laid over the original image of you. Each one you accept as being true and defining you distorts the image you perceive yourself to be.

What carries over from one life to the next are those experiences where extreme emotions were involved and the judgmental beliefs we chose to hold onto and believe in that we did not find healing for within that existence or the time between them. Even in the afterlife we carry over the judgmental beliefs that we held during life. Those judgments become the “karmic baggage” we are pressed to clear out in this existence or life time.

Humanity struggles with the aspect of Free Will because of the way they have been conditioned to think, perceive and believe in judgments as being Truth. Humanity has been conditioned to believe that another has authority over them and they do not get a choice in anything they think, say or do, let alone believe in. Humanity has been conditioned to willingly be a victim and hand away their Sovereignty to the authority to feel safe and secure.

It is a false sense of safety and security they are given. For in believing they have no choice they accept what is given without question believing that is all there is because that IS the way it is. It is an illusion they are blindly accepting as being real, this belief they have no choice and that another has authority over them. These judgments they accept are the delusions another has chosen to believe in and they are accepting to be true for them. Each one is a CHOICE they make to believe. Each one is choice they may make to CHANGE their minds.

If you are a Human Being you are part of the Human Race. The Human Race is a singular race of Beings who are all interconnected and RELATED ONE UNTO the OTHER. This makes each and EVERY ONE of you BROTHERS!

Every difference you think you perceive between you was taught to you by someone else, just as it was taught to them. These differences are no more than a belief in a LIE that YOU are holding within your own minds. It is a choice YOU are making to believe and so perceive.

You have done nothing wrong my brothers. Everything that has happened has been of benefit to you. You are healing. It is a process of baby steps healing each individual item one at a time. You are working a review right now. You are being shown were you have been and were you are now at on this journey to healing. You have come farther than you believed you had. Each of you are choosing to look within and change your minds.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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