Hello world. The following was written 8/17/2021.
I found myself reading a brothers judgmental diatribe of what he believes so judges his brothers chosen perspectives and beliefs to be. After reading his responses to others sharing of their perspectives and beliefs, I was guided to respond to him and his initial statement.
My brother states, “So let me get this straight …..
Some of you (personally) believe in a physical solid world full of separate things in time and space ….
And inside that world full of separate things there’s a separate brain and separately within that is a jewel of a self
That don’t make no god damn sense
And it’s certainly not non-duality by any stretch of the imagination
Sounds like a cause & effect origin story to me
But I do enjoy the diversity of perspectives being shared here
And I love you dearly “
My response, “Hello brother. Something to consider, all of Humanity is Indoctrinated or Conditioned into the cult mentality which is labeled as the society they are born into. ALL of Humanity is trained in almost the exact same ways. Taught they are required to blindly accept, follow, conform, comply, adhere to and believe without question all rules, laws, regulations, prohibitions and limitations dictated to them by a supposed authority figure they have chosen to believe in. Even you!
The Conditioned Mind is trained into blind Obedience of any and all limitations handed or dictated to them. It is trained to Obey the authority or punishments in mental, emotional and physical pain and suffering will be meted out to them. What you have is coercion under duress to gain your willing compliance and conformity to the dictates of your society and the rules, laws, regulations, prohibitions and limitations it dictates are to be the parameters of the reality you perceive yourself to be a part of.
The brain is no more than a computer which is programed to think, say, do, believe, perceive and react to specific stimuli via emotion and physical pain. It is a tool used as a control board for the body’s physical responses based on the stimuli coming from outside of it and from within it. It is filled with knowledge learned from that which is outside of you and taught to you by those with knowledge but no actual knowing.
Consciousness comes from within you and IS the Spark which gives you Light and Life. Consciousness comes from Knowing, which is gained through experiences had, so comes from within you. Consciousness is gained through Self Reflection. Through looking at the experiences had on the journey and learning the lessons buried within each one.
Everything we experience is for our benefit with lessons we are to learn buried within them. Every experience had is specifically created for us to experience here on the journey. If an experience is not meant for us we do not experience it. When we enter this reality we do so under a contract which we create of all we would experience here “EMOTIONALLY”.
What we do not get to choose is how these experiences shall be delivered. This is where our Free Will comes in. We get to choose what each experience shall be for us. We are the ones who choose what each experience means and will be defined as being. What we choose to judge an experience to be, shall be what we perceive our experience to be.
Understand, Humanity is taught to superimpose over themselves and all they perceive, preconditioned filters which are taught to them. We are taught we are the body we inhabit and not the Soul within the shell or meat coated skeletal wagons we call our bodies. We are taught we are finite so limited and confined to our physical forms.
We are conditioned to perceives ourselves as limited when in Truth we are all Eternal Beings whose forms may change, yet who we are within them remains the same, Eternal. Like actors on a stage, we don costumes pretending to be what we are not for the experience of it. Like diamonds we shatter or fractalize ourselves into multiple facets with slight variations in the costumes we don.
Humanity is trained to think, perceive and believe in the same exact ways. We are all taught to seek the same things and to superimpose over other ideologies those things we were trained to believe in unconsciously. In doing this we propagate the illusions taught to us and also twist another’s chosen beliefs into a torrid travesty which needs to be destroyed so they think and believe as we would choose to. This is what all of Humanity is trained to do. Denounce and degrade anyone who thinks differently than they do.
What Humanity is experiencing is the programming of the Conditioned Mind to Obey so judge everyone and everything. Trained to destroy anyone who doesn’t think, speak, look, sound and believe as they do. Trained to judge everything to be other than it actually is, including themselves.
Everything you have espoused here is a prime example of the Conditioned Mind and how it is trained to react, think, say and do. The Conditioned Mind is the Egoistic Thought System all of Humanity is indoctrinated into unconsciously and unknowingly from the moment of their birth. If one would reach a True state of non-duality they must face themselves head on without judgments accepting full responsibility for themselves and all they have chosen to believe in, so understand how every experience has been for their benefit, so share the lessons learned from them on the journey without fear of persecution.
Something you are unable to do. All you seem to be able to do is regurgitate what another has chosen for themselves or what you have read in a book which is still another’s choices to believe so be. You cannot be other than you are and you cannot be someone else or walk their path and journey. You are here to walk your own Path and Be who you choose to be no matter what it is those around you would choose for themselves.
When will you stop pointing fingers at those outside of you and start looking at that which YOU ARE DOING AND CHOOSING? When will you stop blindly following another’s chosen path and start walking your own? When will you Self Reflect so learn the lessons you came here to learn on the journey? When will you stop playing the victim and take responsibility for yourself? When will you look at what you have chosen for you?”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.