Hello world. The following was written 1/18/2017.

A brother asked, “Why some people always carry negative perceptions?”

My response, “Something to consider here brother, we perceive what it is we are believing in. We enact what it is we are believing in. We experience what it is we are believing in. We believe in what we have been taught by our parents, family(aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings), peers, and society. All of us are taught to conform to and believe in whatever is being taught to us as children. All of us are taught to NOT question what is being taught to us. We are taught to blindly follow and accept whatever is being stated as the absolute Truth. Because they believe in it we must believe in it too. If they have judged it as being this I must judge it too.

Now consider these things you are judging to be negative. They are judgments you are holding. When you are hearing your brother share, are you listening to actually hear them and where they are at in that moment or are you listening to JUDGE them and their choices being made on THEIR journey?

Consider looking within your own heart and mind at your own choices to believe as you are and you may find that you are holding onto just as many “negative aspects” as your brothers do. That you have judged what they are saying and doing because it does not fit with what you choose.

What you see in your brother is a reflection of you. It is a reflection of all that you have chosen for YOU. When you judge another you tell the world what you believe to be true about you. Many of these beliefs have been taught to you just as they were taught to those who came before you. All of it is a pattern learned and repeated generation after generation. Consider your choices to judge again. Consider your choices to believe again. Consider questioning everything you have been taught to think and believe in as being true.”

My Guides state, “If and when you so choose, The Light shall be waiting for you to uncover your eyes and gaze upon that which you hid from yourself within you. The Truth of who you are within you without all the illusory veils of the judgments taught to you, fogging the view of what is really there inside.

The Teacher’s Purpose.

The purpose of the teacher is to teach the student to turn within. The goal of the teacher is to get the student to no longer look to the teacher for answers. The teacher teaches the student the answers are within them. They are the Master of their journey.”

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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