Hello world. The following was written 09/10/2017.

In this I am speaking of events occurring in 2017. Of Hurricanes and other storms manifesting all over the planet. How my brothers were wishing ill upon any who looked, sounded or thought differently than they do.

I came across a video yesterday which had people calling for the destruction and death of people by these storms. The bile filled vitriol was shocking and saddening. That anyone would call for the death of another because of skin color or a difference of opinion was appalling.

Seeing the comments to the news video made me very sad. My brothers do not recognize the racism buried within them they are continuously projecting out on everyone around them. They do not recognize the hate which fills them and eats at them from within, is their fear of themselves and what they have been taught to think and believe about themselves. They blindly follow and believe whatever is being said or placed before them is the Truth and refuse to ever question it. They have taken in the training, brainwashing and indoctrination into obedience and to obey the authorities do as you are told and do not question or else, so deeply, they must propagate it on all who come near them.

We are looking at the beginnings of the indoctrination which occurred in Nazi Germany and has happened in North Korea. This is the agenda laid out before us. All rights taken with one thought and belief system in place of our “leaders” know what is best because they are the “gods”. Sadistic and ego driven minds spew the hateful vitriol. They are the sheep and lemmings who would push you over the cliff if you refuse to jump when they tell you too. Consider that vision a bit and see if what I state here has not been done many times over throughout history. The kicker is, it is happening now too. I am pushing back. For I refuse to leap when dictated too.

Working in the technical field I can tell you, around 98% of the stuff being posted and groups started on this platform and many others are being done by bots. These bots are programmed to put out massive amounts of hate filled vitriol. What you are witnessing and experiencing is a controlled manipulation and kidnapping of your subconscious minds. They are using the constant flow of hate to paint you a mental picture and create a void of fear and hate within you.

It is the energy of hate, vitriol, and violence which creates the fear needed to have YOU hand away your rights and Free Will to decide for yourself what you would like to be and experience. When you accept their authority over you, you are handing your rights to Sovereignty, to them.

Here are some questions to consider. Who gave these people the right and authority to judge you and tell you who you are to be and allowed to do? When did you choose to accept their authority over you? Were you really given a choice or were you coerced into accepting what was dictated to you? I know I never gave anyone the right to control me or judge me willingly. Did you?

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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