Hello world. The following was written 8/15/2018.
Yesterday my Husband was faced with a situation which had him experiencing conflict within him. In one of the Spiritual groups he was in, a brother shared some items from Scripture with his interpretation of them regarding evil and sin. When my Husband responded with his understanding there is no such thing as evil nor sin, they are no more than a belief in a judgment created to enslave one. The brother tagged the admin stating he was being nagged.
This brother was seeing himself as being a victim. In his angst at what he perceived as an attack, he chose to leave the group. The admin, upon seeing this reaction chose to react to the situation by becoming a people pleasing admin. They immediately removed and block my Husband from the group to get this person to come back. It did not matter no one was attacking anyone in any way. A Truth was shared which caused cognitive dissonance. A lie was told to silence the one speaking the Truth.
What transpired was my Husband being removed and blocked. He was not permitted to respond in any way. He was silenced and removed from existence. This catalyst started a domino effect which has had my Husband and many others questioning what occurred and seeking answers for themselves.
My Husband shared, “After being blocked and banned from a group which meant a lot to me I have decided to leave all groups except the one group I manage. Beware of those who play the victim role. They can be more dangerous than a tyrant. Beware of sharing the truth, for sharing the truth can feel like an attack to the victims of the world.”
A brother responds, “I feel for you at the moment Alex. I get the impression from what you write that you are holding on to something that is precious which at the same time is causing you pain. It appears that you have an “ idea” what the truth is and that others don’t conform or understand what “your “ truth is. Maybe you believe that your truth is the ultimate truth. I feel in your case there is a lack of total acceptance of others views. What you mention also is the old age conflict between different beliefs of truth.
I still maintain that the most dangerous weapon in this world are BeLIEfs because the conflicting results are often wars, violence and aggression.
I am certainly not going to block you as a Friend. I am not going to say I want to help you as this would be arrogance. I send you my Peace and Love which is also your Peace and Love.”
My Husband responds, “You are right. I feel that it is precious for humanity to wake up to the truth of who they are. When people post talking about evil and sin I am moved to tell them that in reality there is no evil there is no sin. It was these truths that I had shared in response to a brothers post who then tagged the admin saying that I keep nagging him. It was shortly after this that I found myself removed and blocked from this group.
You are also correct that I have a lack of total acceptance of other peoples views. When my brothers share their views that is not in line with our ultimate reality, our ultimate truth, I am moved to share what I believe the truth is with them. Granted I have selfish motives in this because I feel that if humanity woke up to their ultimate truth the slavery of humanity would come to an end.
It’s becoming clear to me that the world will not change overnight, over a year, or even over a decade, and that I am in no position to change the world. This is why it’s time for me to take a step back and just concern myself with my own life and my own peace of mind.”
My brothers, we are in the middle of a retrograde. Retrogrades break down the lines of communication. Retrogrades slow down travel and tear down schedules. Retrogrades stir up all the garbage we have buried and bring it all up to the surface in your face to be looked at and contemplated for value. Retrogrades are for looking at what is experienced. It is for gaining the clarity and understanding of the purpose of all we have experienced. It is for letting go the old so we may create the new for ourselves.
For those of you with a technical mind set, think in term of a hard drive in a computer. When your hard drive is to full it shuts down. It crashes and continues to crash, until some of the space within it is cleared out. You have to SIFT through your files and folders to clear out the garbage which no longer serves a purpose for you. In this same way the Human mind needs to be cleared out of all the debris it has acquired in regards to knowledge learned.
What is being experienced in these moments is the disconnect. Everyone will experience this place on their journey. The aspect being experienced here is one of someone stopping the looking out there in the world in their brothers and books for the answers they seek. They have accumulated as much knowledge as they may bare before going completely insane.
It is now they will disconnect from all exterior sources of information and begin turning within to Holy Spirit and only Holy Spirit for the answers they seek. They now begin a journey of sifting through all the information they have gathered to learn to DISCERN the Truth mixed in with Lies they have been indoctrinated into believing. It is now when they will call out to Holy Spirit to step forward and help them understand all they have gathered. It will be in these moments, Holy Spirit will sift the Truth from the Lies.
It is in these moments, ones connection to Holy Spirit becomes fully connected. They have stopped seeking outside of them for the answers. They have chosen to turn to Holy Spirit for that which they seek. In these moments, the clarity and understanding comes to shift their perceptions of all they thought they perceived and believed to be. As all shifts within them, all without them shifts with them. What they perceived to be Hell, becomes Heaven. What they believed, was what they HAD, perceived to be.
As has happened throughout history, those who speak the Truth are persecuted, demonized and ostracized by those who choose to believe in the lies. The willing ignorance of the masses makes it difficult to watch them enter willingly, into the pain and suffering of their own slavery. Yet, watch we must from the sidelines or be persecuted for pointing out the Truth to them, of what it is they are choosing to do.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.