Hello world. The following was written 2/25/2017.

A brother states, “Unfortunately, no one notices your tears. No one notices your sadness. No one notices your pain. But everyone notices your MISTAKES.”

My response, “This is not true brother. Your brothers witness your tears, sadness, and pain. Instead of accepting where you are at in the moment, they choose to judge you instead. This is their way of disconnecting and disassociating themselves from what they are experiencing when they witness this within you. In those moments they are choosing to deny what they are experiencing and instead choose to point fingers and place blame on you and others. This is how they justify in their own minds what they are experiencing as being the Truth. What they are experiencing is being witnessed in you.

Bare in mind every experience is just that, an experience. It has no merit or meaning until you choose to label it so. Even if that label is one being handed to you by someone else, even if that someone is stating they are the authority, such as many of these so called gurus, teachers and ministers will do. It is still your choice to choose to believe in it as they do. It is also your choice to look at that experience and question what it is you experienced. If you choose to do this ASK GOD, Holy Spirit and your Guides what it is They would have you see and understand. Ask for the corrections to your perceptions and the choices you have made. You cannot receive the correction if you do not ask for it. You always have to ask.”

It is the want to be gurus, teachers and ministers that would have you believe that looking to them and not within yourself with Holy Spirit would be the way to the Truth of who you truly are my brothers. It is a lie they are selling you. Every judgment they hand you is a form of coercion and manipulation to get you to conform and comply with what it is they would have you do and be.

One no longer seeks, when one realizes they are what they had been seeking. That all they had sought out there in the world in another was inside of them, waiting for them to seek it therein. Until one has reached this understanding with knowing and conviction within their very Being, they are still seeking out there in another the Truth of who they really are. It is the want to be guru and teacher that would have you believe looking to them and not within yourself would be the way to the Truth of who you truly are my brothers.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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