Hello world. The following was written 09/28/2018.

It is amazing how easily Humanity is manipulated through labels and lies. What ever happened to the policy or precedents of, INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN guilty? Humanity needs to wake up to how language is being used to control and manipulate them on a subliminal level, through subversive coercive tactics using shame, blame, guilt, anger and fear as the catalysts. Humanity you are being played and they are using your own minds and emotions to do so. They literally have you begging them to finish off enslaving you, as you hand them your Sovereignty and your ability to be Self Governing. They are using labels as the tools of control here.

Something to consider, Kavanaugh’s accuser is a licensed psychologist who has more than likely listened to many accounts from patients, on rape and sexual abuse. She would know what the key points are and how to deliver them as if she experienced them, even if she did not. Which is why, her own private doctor called her on her BS and stated none of what she has said is true. Every one of the witnesses she has named as being there, have signed affidavits under OATH stating the event never happened and they were not there. They have NO MEMORY OF IT. One of those witnesses was her own friend who stated she did not know Kavanaugh, had never met or seen him before.

Every label is a LIE they create to manipulate how you are thinking, perceiving and believing. They feed you lies, telling you it is the Truth. Because the one saying it tells you they are “The Authority!”, you believe them blindly. No one has authority over you, and you were never required to believe the bullshit you have been indoctrinated into believing. Start questioning and start looking for TRUTH! This woman is a liar. She is baring false witness and is willfully doing so, under oath. This makes her eligible for PRISON! Baring false witness is prosecutable, as a FEDERAL OFFENSE.

Everyone seems to want to prosecute Kavanaugh, because someone said he touched her. Personally, as a woman who has been raped, molested, beaten on, mentally and emotionally abused, starting at 9 months old through my growing years, I can state unequivocally I remember every incident as if it happened moments ago. Every single person I have spoken with, who has had similar experiences, ALSO remembers theirs as if it JUST happened to them. Doesn’t matter if alcohol was involved either. Fear is a great catalyst to sobriety. This woman is not believable, especially because she is a psychologist and understands how to control and manipulate someone on a subconscious level.

I speak from first hand knowledge and experience of what Psychologists do. I had 4 try to tell me I asked for it, deserved it, should have kept my mouth shut and was lying, when I was 14 years old and my landlord tried to rape me. He ripped off my top after pinning me to the ground, when my mothers roommate walked in and stopped him. So, NO, I do not believe this woman for a second, and her job title makes her even more suspect in my mind.

What you are witnessing and experiencing, is a manipulation of your subconscious minds and emotions. They have you believing, we live in a democracy, when our country is a Constitutional Republic. They have you believing, the law states you are guilty until proven innocent. They have you believing, an accusation is fact. They have you believing, a label defines who you are, what you are and how you are to be treated. Our laws state, you are INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. There is NO COURT of public opinion. None of the labels they hand out are true. They hold no meaning, other than what they tell you they are.

These representatives showed their hands today and what it is they are after. Power and control. This farce with Ford and Kavanaugh is a delay tactic and nothing more. Their intent, is to hold out until after the elections. Their intent, is to bring forward more accusers with false allegations to keep these investigations going indefinitely. Their actions of releasing Fords information against her request says what they think and how they feel about women. Their actions and treatment of Kavanaugh, show exactly what they think of this country. It shows, what they think of the law. It shows, they believe themselves above the law.

Once we have a confirmed majority of Constitutional Justices many laws can be changed and shown as unconstitutional. Is it any wonder these representatives are freaking out and doing everything possible to derail our Constitution? When Kavanaugh is confirmed, will he remember these representatives and hit them harder because of it? Anything is possible!

Kavanaugh and one more would make a majority vote for our Constitutional Laws which state Treason is punishable by death. These representatives are looking death in the face and THEY KNOW IT! Remember, they have killed to keep what they have been doing secret. They have jailed innocent citizens to keep their secrets hidden. They have weaponized our government institutions to hide their Treason.

If you haven’t read them yet, look into the JFK files and who was involved in the CIA, FBI, DOJ and various other parts of our government at the time. Then look at the last couple of presidents and how they are connected to those who were in power then. Look at those who were there and how many of their children and “proteges” are now holding seats as our politicians and leaders. See a pattern yet?

By the way, the JFK files are government files from the CIA, FBI, DOJ and NSA which Trump released when he entered office as they had reached the 25 year statute of limitation which stipulates their release unless otherwise stipulated by the PRESIDENT. It is those files I speak of. They contain evidence of the trafficking of drugs, weapons, human trafficking, child sex trafficking and more by our government agencies. They show how Bush senior was head of one of those agencies and was working with then governor Clinton to ship in drugs and Human Beings for whatever they wanted. All in those files.

We have been under Martial Law since 9/11/01. Sen. Graham made a point to specifically ask Judge Kavanaugh about 9/11. Pointing out we are under Martial Law, asking how does Martial Law work. Does the Judge know what the differences are? It was at after this interview allegations started coming out. Connect the dots and gain the bigger picture. These representatives are running scared for a damn good reason. They have all been committing Treason knowingly.

These politicians and activists screaming for an FBI investigation of Kavanaugh, would do well to extend an investigation into Fords childhood acquaintances and “boyfriends”. Looking into her connection with Bill Clinton as a teenager and the pictures floating around of them together, arms wrapped around each other. Especially with Bill’s connections to Lolita Express and this woman’s penchant for partying and sex parties as a teenager, as reported in her high school year books. All five years of them.

Look into the envelope passed along at yesterdays hearing to Fords attorney from (D) Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee. See how her and Diane Feinstein are connected to these attorneys. Look into the attorneys of Ford and their bank accounts too. They stated under oath they were working Pro-Bono. This means they are not accepting money from any outside sources to fund this case. If they are doing this Pro-Bono why does Ford need multiple gofundme accounts to pay for “legal” costs? Wouldn’t this be a form of FRAUD? Yes it would. PLEASE Investigate Fords perjury of herself while under oath too.

Something else to consider, would Ford’s connections to the CIA via her family who are or were connected to high level CIA, activists, political parties and she the fact she herself works for them, being she is a “recruiter” for them, be a conflict of interest? Everything is screaming collusion at the highest levels again.

Just a few more things to look at and consider when being bombarded by all this propaganda being flung at you from all sides. So I ask you now, based on all these facts, who do you want to believe? SERIOUSLY!

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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