Hello world. The following was written 8/15/2018.

I have been Guided to partake of a number of articles regarding past and current events. Articles pertaining to murders, assassinations, missile launch alarms, drone attacks and so much more. The picture which is being painted for me is an interesting one. I find myself responding to my brothers posts about these current events. The first being about the assassination of JFK and the alphabet agencies power and control. The next being the stolen airliner, Q drops and covert attempts on our Presidents life.

My response, “History loves to repeat itself until Humanity opens its eyes to the Truth and begins to do things differently. This president watched Kennedy rise and be taken out. He watched who and what were involved. He watched and he learned what NOT to do. The same tactics used on Kennedy to slander are being used on Trump and any who support him. This is why he always seems to be a step ahead of them. He has watched them do the same shit again and again for decades.

The JFK files have been released with only a couple of redactions for still active assets. CIA, FBI, most of both cabinets of congress and the senate, as well as what we call our DOJ, pentagon and a number of other entities who were all involved in a number of murders revolving around JFK. All in those files.”

Brother one responds, “His demeaning the intelligence community is a very dangerous thing for him to do. Apparently he did not watch closely enough.”

My response, “Why would it be dangerous, unless they ARE everything We The People believe them to be, which is a CORRUPT CRIMINAL ENTITY which performs a farce which is called upholding the “laws”. Laws created to strip away your rights as Sovereign Beings to be Self Governing so Self Reliant. Laws created to enslave you and have you begging to be saved, all for a false sense of safety and security from those who you have chosen to believe have authority over you. You were taught to believe they do. None of it is true. It is a LIE you have chosen to accept and believe in willingly.”

Brother one responds, “Because they are much more powerful than shitforbrains knows. They control what goes on in many conflicts. Drugs smuggled out of Vietnam and Afghanistan. I do not believe their lies having been a part of an arm of NSA in the Vietnam era. Their domestic spying has just kicked into high gear the past several years.”

My response, “No they are not. You only think and believe they are. You have been indoctrinated into thinking and believing they have the power and control. They are the ones with authority over you and you are required to comply. None of it is True. It is the biggest freaking lie which Humanity has been living under without comprehension. Humanity is handing away their rights with their willingness to obey those who STATE they are the authority. It is a choice being made by each one of you to believe.”

Brother one responds, “Well if he steps hard enough on their toes he shall see. I do not fear them. They may kill me me but never change my mind. Incredible data storage using an incredible amount of electricity somewhere before the Rocky mountains. Dwarfs NSA Fort George G. Meade. The people are the government. George Washington…not any of the jackasses in Washington.”

Brother two shares, “The Seattle Hijacked plane flight path made a shape of a Q over an island that is near where a missile was shot. The name of the pilot was Richard Russel, which is actually the name of the submarine that fired the missile at POTUS after returning from Singapore. My suspicion is the pilot had what aviators call a “parachute” and escaped unharmed.”

My response, “More likely it was done remotely through satellite with operatives playing a mental game with the Deep State. They were also pointing out a mental health hospital strictly for disturbed youth on the island the plane crashed on. There is a neighboring island a short distance away for convicted pedos. These islands are surrounded by military based facilities. What better way to get all eyes on an area and start a federal investigation which calls on multiple agencies who ARE NOT interconnected, to look at what is happening someplace, than to steal a plane remotely and crash it into a location which SHOULD be of great interest due to the attempt on the President they are trying to bury from the public view and knowing.”

Brother two responds, “Are you certain that there was no pilot or just speculating?”

Brother three shares a portion of an another article, “The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) found human remains at the crash site of the Horizon Air plane an employee stole and wrecked near Seattle.

The FBI has not confirmed the human remains are Richard Russell, 29, the employee suspected of stealing, flying and crashing the 76-seat passenger jet, reported CNN. However, Russell was the only person on board the plane, confirmed the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, according to CNN.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) received the flight data recorder and parts of the cockpit voice recorder, reported CNN.

The plane plowed through trees before crashing and breaking into unrecognizably small fragments.”

My response, “ Consider the narrative being put out there and the symbolism each one of the tag names have. They have to say there was a body. They do not want the public to know these planes can be remote controlled so they do not have to lose operatives taking out a target. There are plenty of hints painted all over this of Q also. The plane type is a Q400. The pilot flew a pattern which created a Q over an island which a missile was fired from or near at our President. The name of the “pilot” was a segue for a historical submarine which has been re-purposed by the Deep State instead of decommissioned as it was supposed to be. It is this sub which has been setting off the missile alarms in HI and other locations. Connect the Dots.”

The other aspect here is the ability we have to remote control drones for air strikes. There are plenty of flight simulator games out there to teach one how to fly a plane, drive a tank or captain a ship. This particular plane happens to be in some of those games. Connect the Dots!

Another item happening would be the shadow bans, censoring and the all out attack on free speech. Heads up! Deep State, has already started censoring attacks on alternative media sites. They took down H3 mid live stream as they were talking about the ban on infowars. H3 were in the process of “siding” with youtube about people following their guidelines when it happened to them. The host went off the deep end and is now siding with Jones. As I mentioned they are hitting anyone and everyone now. Even our elected representatives are being hit by this. Look at Twitters active silencing of our political officials. Connect the Dots!

We are next. Close your doors to all your internal systems. Data is critical, they will attempt to remove it from key areas of your research. Duplicate, get certified copies and find ways to protect the hard copies you have. We are in a trial by fire my brothers. They are trying to “BURN” all evidence. Think advanced tech energy attacks. The more chaos there is the more people fear, then beg for protection. Humanity is being manipulated to beg for their own slavery. Connect the dots!

History is repeating itself in many ways, my brothers. We are playing a mental game with the powers that be, PLEASE CONNECT THE DAMN DOTS ALREADY!

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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