Hello world. The following was written 01/30/2019.
A brother states, “Now we know why the Bible says no sex before marriage.”
My response, “Interesting, and what exactly would that be? Is it the understanding that what has been put before Humanity within these religious doctrine is no more than a textbook formula for the indoctrination and slow stealing of their ability to discern Truth using their Free Will to Choose what Resonates as Truth within them as Sovereign Beings who are Self Governing against them? Is it the understanding of how they have been manipulated and coerced from birth to conform and comply with and to the judgmental expectations that where being handed to them by those around them who stated they were the authority? Is it the comprehension that every word and label they have been handed as defining who they are and are supposed to be with their myriad definitions being twisted on a whim as they are handed to them are all LIES they have been forced to accept and believe in as being true? What exactly would it be you refer to here with your statement brother?”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga without the soul healing, the man or woman becomes their ‘ God’ and all hell breaks loose. God must come first. Also, if you really love someone, sex can wait until you commit in marriage. If one can’t….. is that love?”
My response, “There are quite a few assumptions, judgments and blind beliefs you are putting forth there with your statement and loaded judgmental question.
First off you are assuming and judging that one must seek outside themselves and place another above them on some ladder or pedestal of authority. God does not judge. God does no more than WITNESS what it is we are choosing to do and perceive ourselves and our reality to be. In all instances God recognizes that we are caught up in an illusion of our own making with our choices we make to believe so perceive.
All that you have stated is no more than a judgmental belief that has been handed to you by someone else and told it is the Truth and this is how it is supposed to be. A belief that one should feel shame, guilt and fear for and about their body and the things they will experience while within it. Things such as attraction, desire, pleasure, joy and so much more that comes with Human touch and Intimacy.
As a child I was taught to fear my body and how others would react to it. I was taught I should feel guilt and shame for feeling pleasure when I was being touched or molested and raped as that child. I was told I was bad, wrong, a sinner, demon possessed and needed to repent and atone for being touched. That I needed to accept that it was all my fault and I was the one responsible for a grown man touching me. My punishments were beatings until I conformed and complied by agreeing with them that I am bad, wrong, a sinner and possessed by demons that needs to be used and abused for my wicked ways. That training started at 9 months old and continued until I was 14 and decided I had had enough.
Each and every judgmental opinion and belief that was handed to me was also beat into me until I stopped arguing with the adults around me. I was being coerced, manipulated and forced to accept what another was dictating that I believe I am and or was to be and what each and every experience was going to be for me.
All of Humanity is trained in similar ways to perceive and so believe. To bow down to the expectations and judgments of those around you. To believe you are REQUIRED to COMPLY with whatever they are dictating to you.”
Another brother responds, “What you just espoused is also a doctrine. I am a sovereign being. Free to choose whatever thoughts and behavior I want. I can commune with my Creator and receive Divine Wisdom or follow the ways of the world. It’s really that simple.”
My response, “Brother, to whom were you referring your statement too?”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga to you.”
My response, “Brother, I did not share any doctrine here. That would be your own judgmental belief that a question asked would be a doctrine. Try reading my questions again. Each one holds the ASPECTS of the CONTEXT to which it is the question is referring to in regards the overall foundation of the point of perspective and purview it is putting forth. Each one points to the aspects of the psychology behind what has been taught to you that YOU have chosen to blindly accept and believe in as defining you.
As I shared with our brother of the things that were experienced as I was growing up and how those choices to accept and believe impacted me on my journey, I share the experiential aspects on my journey with the lessons learned through them of how each and every one has been of benefit to me and through me all of Humanity. I share a different perspective of which to view one’s experiences and see how each and every one had a purpose and a value above and beyond what I was taught they were or could be.
Nothing is as it may seem. Everything you think you know and believe in as being true and defining you has been taught to you just as it was taught to those who taught you. It is a vicious cycle that is taught and propagated by each Individual to blindly follow and believe what the authority figure tells you and what you are reading in some book as being the Truth. It is a choice you and everyone else is actively making to accept and believe in whatever is being handed to you without questioning its validity in Truth.”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga I don’t judge anyone. And you don’t know what I believe. You are projecting.”
My response, “Brother, may I suggest you go back and read your initial response to my questioning of and asking for clarity to what it was our brother was sharing here. Your very statement was a projection of what you were choosing to judge so perceive and believe yourself to be. Your words state exactly where you are at on your journey brother. The emotional energy you have attached to them shows me everything about where you are at. There is more to me and who I AM than you think you see nor perceive here. Our brother, is already very aware of who I AM and what I do here. Blessings to you.”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga ok.”
Another brother states, “I don’t know about life….. I am so lost.”
My response, “Guess what? Everyone is in the EXACT same place and space as you are right now. Believe it or not all of Humanity, as in every single Human Being, has been trained or indoctrinated to think, say, do, believe and so perceive themselves, everyone and everything around them through specific judgmental filters. All of us are trained in almost the exact same ways. Everything you have been taught to believe is of value and worth and to be sought after is the same as everyone else has been trained to do. This is what all of us were trained to search for and never find that which we are seeking. What we have been indoctrinated into seeking are illusions. They are lies that were created to control and manipulate all we think, say, do, believe and so perceive ourselves and our reality as being. All of Humanity has been trained to judge and be judged. To seek out another and ask them for their judgments. We were trained to accept those judgments and then enact them on ourselves and anyone who’s path may cross our own. It is a self propagating system that is using your own mind against you.
If you are able to “catch” your thoughts in any given moment you will find they are mired in judgmental opinions that have been handed to you. Each one was said to you and you accepted it as being true. Many of those opinions you were taught as a young child and each one was connected to an experience you had that has stuck with you to this day. If you can look at those experiences with Holy Spirit, you can ask Holy Spirit to show you what was happening and why you chose to believe what you did of it. How you chose to accept someone else’s judgmental opinions as being true in those moments. Once we can “SEE” what was experienced from a perspective of detachment, we are able to witness what was occurring without the emotional attachments that were being held in the moments of it occurring. It is this ability that will allow you to see how you either accepted a judgment as being true or had judged it yourself as being whatever it was for you. It is in the moments you can SEE THIS that you will be given an opportunity to let it go and change your mind on how you perceived it as being. This change of mind or shifting of your awareness works to release all fears, shame, guilt, anxiety and so much more from your life experience on your journey.
God does not give you more than you are able to handle. Every experience is for your benefit whether you know it or not. Each hold a lesson within it you are to learn about yourself and how you have chosen to believe so perceive yourself and your reality as being. Nothing can go wrong here nor be bad in any way if all we experience is for our benefit and through us all of Humanity. Everything has a purpose and reason for being. If we are not meant to experience specific things we DO NOT. All we go through is designed specifically for us and what it is we came here to learn on our perspective journeys. Blessings to you.”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.