Hello world. The following was written 8/08/2016.
To Whom It May Concern,
Whatever you have experienced at the hands of another does not and will not ever define you. You are not your body but the Soul within the shell, the meat coated skeletal wagon you call your body. No amount of rape, molestation, exorcisms, beatings, mental and emotional abuses will ever define you in any way. No accident, scar, lost limb will ever define you. No one may define who you are but you. It is your own judgments and opinions of yourself that matter and will ever matter. Consider everything you believe to be true about you. All the things you believe define you. Every one of those are a label, judgment and an opinion handed to you by someone else. We mimic our family and their judgments of what they believe to be true. Accepting them blindly as our own never questioning them.
None of you have done anything wrong. You are not bad, wrong, evil, unworthy or sinful. Those are no more than judgmental labels created and used to control you twisting and skewing what you think you perceive including yourself. They are used to get you to willingly comply so conform to someone else’s dictates and beliefs. What I am sharing with you now is how your acceptance and belief in those judgments and labels of that experience is what is causing you pain and suffering. It is your thoughts and beliefs that play it over and over in your mind. It is that belief that keeps eating at you from within clouding your purview of yourself and the world around you.
You are and have always been innocent. It has only been the labels and judgments you have accepted that has you believing otherwise. It is these labels, judgments and beliefs you are holding forth as defining you and the world around you that is killing you from within with sickness, disease and dis-ease.
Believe it or not, everything you experience is for your benefit. Every experience has a lesson within it that we are to learn and understand at our core so we may heal. Every experience and the lesson learned is to be shared so others may heal as we are. You would not be who you are with the understandings and ability to connect with your brothers if you had not had a similar experience as they have. In seeing it differently you can help them see it differently too so heal as you have healed from it.
This is what I am sharing with you now. For I myself have experienced rapes, molestation, beatings, exorcisms, mental and emotional abuses. I have experienced first hand how my blind following and accepting of the beliefs in the judgmental labels handed me created cancers and other diseases within me. As I looked within me with Holy Spirit at everything I was believing in and holding forth as defining me and being true, I found out they were all lies taught to me. Lies used to control and manipulate me to another’s will. That it was my own choices to believe as I was that was killing me with cancers and other diseases. As I looked within at everything I was believing defined me I saw how I was doing it all to myself with my choice to believe as I was.
That is a very big pill to swallow. But, swallow it I did. Once I got it down, guess what? The Truth set me free. I was healed instantly of all disease. All cancers gone with no medications or surgery. In accepting full responsibility for every choice I made to accept so believe I was able to let each one go for the Truth that none of them where real or defined me. That acceptance of responsibility opened a door within me to heal completely, seeing that nothing was as it seemed or as I had been taught to believe it to be.
My brothers, whatever you have experienced it is your choice to judge it as you do. The one causing you the pain and suffering in this moment is you. Because you are the one believing that this is what is defining you. No one is doing anything to you right now. In this moment it is all you. You have a choice in what it is you want to do. What it is you want to continue to believe? Is this something that destroys you or is it simply an experience that has been colored by the judgmental labels and fears that were being handed to you at the time? You are NOT what they think or judge you to be. They ARE what they are judging you to be. You are what YOU CHOOSE to think so believe yourself to be.
You are loved. You are innocent and perfect exactly as God created you. You have purpose and value here in this life. You are and have always been worthy. Worthy of love, kindness, gentleness, understanding, and acceptance. Only you may define you.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.