Hello world. The following was written 12/31/2012.

In my minds eye, I am given a vision of threads. I could see how all of Humanity is connected through a single thread. A single individual thread can be connected to hundreds if not thousands of other threads. Those threads can connect to just as many as the first thread. In this fashion we come full circle. All of us are connected to one another. No matter if we are the starting or the finishing thread. It was an interesting concept to grasp.


Here’s to the end of a troubled year, and the beginning of a new. We love you all, our family and friends, we know you love us too. Through all of time our lives entwine, a fabric sure and true. A robe of love surrounds us, each day we start anew. Although the robe looks tattered, from the loved ones we have lost. Others have crossed those gaps, to share equally in our loss. We don’t forget the loved ones passed, their love cannot be lost. For throughout time and the universe, our paths will always cross.

The essence of our heart, mind and soul combine, to create our life force. This becomes our own thread, in this worn and tattered robe. Each of us are a single thread, connected one to all. Each of us are a thread in this robe, surrounding us one and all. Each life we touch in a single day, is a thread woven through. Connected to each of us with love within them too. Be kind to those less fortunate, is what we are taught to do. We all know in our hearts, the right things to do. Reach out with your heart to ours, feel the bonds of love we share. Hug those close to you, tell them you love them too. Remember, a moment in time, may be all you have. Do not waste a moment on regrets, hurts, and blame. We are all connected, our love is all the same.

This robe of love will link us, through all eternity. No matter where we are in time, our love shall always be. From this life’s death, to our next rebirth, our lives will always entwine. Remember, you can’t rewind, so now is the time. Take the time to make the time, we are a family. We are the race of human kind called Humanity. Don’t dwell on the past, purge all of the bad negativity. You are surrounded by love, the purest love from all Humanity. We love you. Happy New Year!

Sabrina Reyenga

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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