Hello world. The following was written 11/09/2018.
We are and have been under a number of planetary retrogrades all freaking year. We do not go direct until January Folks. Everything coming up is to be looked at and healed if we are to move forward in Unity. We are in the middle of a HUGE review. Look at it all.
Are you ready to open the dialogue on the box of limitations or the gilded cage Humanity has built for itself unknowingly? Are you ready to have that conversation about the box of limitations or the gilded cages Humanity has built for themselves? The shackles binding Humanity are invisible. You are your own jailers. Think outside the box. The box you believe in traps you.
Humanity has been indoctrinated into a Cult Mentality called or labeled as the Society they are born into. Each and every one of you have been trained from birth to perceive so believe as you do. You are trained to react and judge as you do. It is a choice you make to do this and to stop it.
The way Humanity is trained to perceive so judge and believe creates the box of limitations or the bars to the cage you built. Your choices to blindly follow and believe in the judgments handed to you entrap and enslave you. You made your own boxes of limitations or the gilded cage you now live in.
Humanity has been indoctrinated. They built a gilded cage for themselves. This cage is no more than a box of limitations they have built for themselves to confine them. Every judgment, opinion and label they accept and believe in as being true and defining them, creates a bar to that cage or the walls to the box they build for themselves. Little do they know that all it would take to free them from that cage, that box of limitations they have built is to begin to question what they have chosen to believe in and start THINKING OUTSIDE the BOX!
You must be willing to look at what you think you have experienced or been taught about it and question it. Question what you think you perceive. Question what they would teach you to believe. Question what you are reading in that book. Question what they tell you. Question everything you hear, see, read or think you perceive.
When you read a book you are taking in what someone else has chosen to think and believe in. You are taking in that information and processing it on some subconscious level of understanding. Sometimes what you are reading resonates with you. Sometimes it does not resonate and you have difficulty reading it. The same could be said of what you hear, such as music and what you see, such as a movie. They each hold the understandings, beliefs and perspectives the one sharing has chosen for themselves to believe in.
Those beliefs are the bars to the cages or the walls to the boxes they have built for themselves. It is a choice they are making to believe so perceive their reality as being. That is their choice that is being shared with you. Just because they have chosen to believe in that, does NOT mean you are required too. You are NOT required to accept what they have chosen to believe in for yourself. You are allowed to choose differently for you.
Everything you have been taught, trained and indoctrinated into believing in, is gauged to get you to build your own cage or box of limitations. Each label handed you creates a shackle that binds and limits you and what you perceive of yourself and your reality. Everything label is given a definition of which you now define yourself or what you experience as being.
If you would seek the Truth of this, consider writing down every label you use to define yourself. Where did that label come from? Who handed it to you? Does it create an emotional reaction within you? How does it make you feel? Look at how these labels are connected one unto the other. Look at how they are connected to what it is you think, feel and experience physically when someone calls you by that label.
Every label that has been created and handed to you is used to manipulate you and control what you think you perceive of yourself, your experiences and your reality as being. It teaches you to judge yourself, your brothers and the world around you. It teaches you to judge your experiences as being what they are not. They teach you to perceive an illusion as being real and what is real as being an illusion.
Humanity if you would break free from these shackles that are binding you, you have to willing choose to look at and question everything being placed before you. Be willing to review all you think you knew as being real and true. Be willing to question EVERYTHING and not pick and choose what you think is or is not of value to you here in this. If it is being placed before you IT HAS VALUE and is to be looked at for a reason. Stop judging it!
Humanity you judge the messengers and do not listen to hear the messages they would bring you. You judge all you think you perceive. You judge it as being whatever it is for you. What have your choices to judge gotten you? Have they brought you joy? Have they brought you peace? Have they brought you the happiness you so desperately seek?
Are you willing to be honest with yourself yet? Are you willing to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what it is you have been choosing to believe in here? Are you willing to accept responsibility for your choices to believe? Are you ready to take responsibility for yourself? Are you ready to open the dialogue on the box of limitations or the gilded cage Humanity has built for itself unknowingly? Are you ready to have that conversation about the box of limitations or the gilded cages Humanity has built for themselves?
Are you ready to start Thinking Outside the Box they would limit you with? Are you ready to have that conversation? Are you?
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.