Hello world. The following was written 10/04/2016.
My brothers have you not yet figured out that CRIMINALS do not follow the law. They do not care if you place a ban on something. They do not care what laws you create. The laws do not stop criminals from being criminals killing, robbing, raping and destroying another’s life and property. When are you going to stop believing that someone else is going to save you? When are you going to stop handing away your rights to protect yourself to a corrupt government? YOU ARE THE FIRST RESPONDER! When you wait for someone else to save you, you die a slow agonizing death filled with pain, suffering and agony. Stop waiting and start doing for yourself brother. No one else is going to save you.
A brother asks, “Sabrina Reyenga does your household keep a gun?”
My response, “Not at the moment. I grew up with guns in my household and I have used them myself. Guns are not the issue. They are an inanimate object that responds to a physical directive from the one holding it. The issues here are the people behind the gun and not the gun itself.
Be careful to not confuse the two. For that is what our governments have done and are doing. They are confusing the object with the subject. They are placing the fault with an object and not with the subject who enacted the experience themselves.
It was a choice made by a lone individual to act out for whatever reason. He could have chose to use a steak knife instead. Would our kitchen knives then be subjected to a ban because someone chose to use it in a way it was not created for?
Or was it? It was created to cut flesh was it not? It is all about perception and perspective. What we are witnessing is an agenda being pushed. These people are tools. They are being mind controlled and have no idea what is happening.”
Stop blindly believing everything the media is putting out there. When will you begin to question that which is being fed to you? Everything that is happening is orchestrated to created fear, anger, and hatred. Everything is being orchestrated to get you to hand away your right to protect yourself, your loved ones, your neighbors, and your properties. Everything is gauged to create a response that has you begging your governments to save and protect you from who? They have you thinking it is the guy next door when in fact it is them you need protection from. It is the governments that needs to be stopped from enslaving Humanity.
Recognize that in all things YOU ARE the FIRST RESPONDER. YOU ARE the one who is responsible for protecting yourself. Stop waiting for someone else to come in and save you. All that will get you is more pain and suffering and maybe even death itself. When will you start standing up for yourself first? When will you stop accepting the abuses being doled out to you by those around you? When do you stand up and say, “Enough is enough! I will not put up with this another moment!” When will you decide to defend yourself and your God given rights given you by God and not man? It is mans laws that have perverted who we are and think ourselves to be. Consider that one a while and the Truth will dawn very quickly how you have been manipulated from birth to be a slave unknowingly. Think! For once in your life THINK for yourselves!
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.