Hello world. The following was written 9/06/2016.
I was being guided to read a book called The Kybalion. It is a Study of the Hermetic Philosophies of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Holy Spirit and my Guides are directing me to read each section then write out and share my understandings of what I am reading.
“”The Kybalion” by The Three Initiates, part of the introduction…
The lifework of Hermes seems to have been in the direction of planting the great Seed-Truth which has grown and blossomed in so many strange forms, rather than to establish a school of philosophy which would dominate the world’s thought. But, nevertheless, the original truths taught by him have been kept intact in their original purity by a few men in each age, who, refusing great numbers of half developed students and followers, followed the Hermetic custom and reserved their truth for the few who were ready to comprehend and master it. From lip to ear the truth has been handed down among the few. There have always been a few Initiates in each generation, in the various lands of the earth, who kept alive the sacred flame of the Hermetic Teachings, and such have always been willing to use their lamps to re-light the lesser lamps of the outside world, when the light of truth grew dim, and clouded by reason of neglect, and when the wicks became clogged with foreign matter. There were always a few to tend faithfully the altar of the Truth, upon which was kept a light the Perpetual Lamp of Wisdom. These men devoted their lives to the labor of love which the poet has so well stated in his lines:
“O, let not the flame die out! Cherished age after age in its dark cavern — in its holy temples cherished. Fed by pure ministers of love — let not the flame die out!”
These men have never sought popular approval, nor numbers of followers. They are indifferent to these things, for they know how few there are in each generation who are ready for the truth, or who would recognize it if it were presented to them. They reserve the “strong meat for men,” while others furnish the “milk for babes.” They reserve their pearls of wisdom for the few elect, who recognize their value and who wear them in their crowns, instead of casting them before the materialistic vulgar swine, who would trample them in the mud and mix them with their disgusting mental food. But still these men have never forgotten or overlooked the original teachings of Hermes, regarding the passing on of the words of truth to those ready to receive it, which teaching is stated in The Kybalion as follows: “Where fall the footsteps of the Master, the ears of those ready for his Teaching open wide.” And again: “When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with wisdom.” But their customary attitude has always been strictly in accordance with the other Hermetic aphorism, also in The Kybalion: “The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding.
There are those who have criticized this attitude of the Hermetists, and who have claimed that they did not manifest the proper spirit in their policy of seclusion and reticence. But a moment’s glance back over the pages of history will show the wisdom of the Masters, who knew the folly of attempting to teach to the world that which it was neither ready or willing to receive. The Hermetists have never sought to be martyrs, and have, instead, sat silently aside with a pitying smile on their closed lips, while the “heathen raged noisily about them” in their customary amusement of putting to death and torture the honest but misguided enthusiasts who imagined that they could force upon a race of barbarians the truth capable of being understood only by the elect who had advanced along The Path.
And the spirit of persecution has not as yet died out in the land. There are certain Hermetic Teachings, which, if publicly promulgated, would bring down upon the teachers a great cry of scorn and revilement from the multitude, who would again raise the cry of “Crucify! Crucify.”
In this little work we have endeavored to give you an idea of the fundamental teachings of The Kybalion, striving to give you the working Principles, leaving you to apply them yourselves, rather than attempting to work out the teaching in detail. If you are a true student, you will be able to work out and apply these Principles — if not, then you must develop Yourself into one, for otherwise the Hermetic Teachings will be as “words, words, words” to you.
The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows:
Here is my understanding of the first:
1. The Principle of Mentalism
“The ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental” The Kybalion
Everything, ALL that IS or has ever been, IS SPIRIT, which is the ALL which is MIND.
We project out what we believe. We manifest within our minds a picture which super imposes itself in front of what is actually there. It is this distorted view of all that is, we take within us, reinforcing within our own mind the repeating patterns learned to create the self validation needed which bares no resemblance to the Truth of which they continuously hide from themselves. In everything we create our reality with our own minds. We are not our bodies but the Souls within them. Our Soul, Spirit, our very essence, is of the ALL which is SPIRIT. We are created in the MIND of SPIRIT.
Here is my understanding of the second:
“As above, so below; as below, so above.” The Kybalion
Everything is connected one unto another. There is no separation. What effects one will effect the other. Everything IS SPIRIT in it’s Truest form. How we choose to manifest this into material form is done on an individual level and a mass consciousness level. Each seems to reside within the consciousness of the other. In truth they are two halves a whole. A Yen and Yang. A constant blending with no beginning and no end discernible when seen without the blinders learned.
Here is my understanding of the third:
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” The Kybalion
Everything comes from the ALL. The ALL, which is Pure Spirit, manifests ALL which IS through the creation of energy manipulation through vibration. Because everything is connected one unto the other seamlessly, the only way to detect a discernible difference would be through the vibrational energy signature created at the moment of it’s creation. The difference would be in degree of density and the definition on which the Creator defines it. The highest level of vibration would be Pure Spirit. The lowest level would be the grossest means of matter. All else would be a slight variation in between the two. Yet both are still of the same Spirit at it’s core being.
It is around this point I began to realize everything I was reading had already been taught to me by Holy Spirit and my Guides. They had been teaching me these principles since 2004 after I had wrecked my motorcycle and was told I was dying. Talk about being mind blown.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.