Hello world. The following was written 11/06/2020.

A brother posted a question which had another brother responding with a question of their own. I found myself being guided to respond to this brothers’ question with as much clarity as possible of the processes used in answer to their question. This started a much deeper dialogue and questioning.

My brother asks, “Why do you want to continue to suffer when there is a way out?”

A brother asks, “What is the way out?”

My response, “The way out, is to turn within oneself into their own mind. The process requires one to look at the experiences they have had that have stayed with them on the journey, tormenting them from within their own mind, causing the emotional outbursts and reaction they are continuing to experience on their current journey.

This turning within shall show them how each experience is connected to a judgment held about the experience that has cause them to perceive it they way they have. It will also show them how all of their experiences and the way they were perceived are connected one unto the other seamlessly, seemingly without end. Each thought is connected to an emotion, which is connected to your bodies physical responses.

Once it is seen for what it is, you are given the opportunity to see it in a different way(shift in perspective), so change your mind about it. When you change your mind about how you believe it to be, you change and the world around shall shift so change to MATCH your new perceptions and perspectives of reality.

Once you can understand how all is connected, you begin to understand how your own mind works and has been used as the tool to manipulate so control all you think, say, do, believe so perceive to be here on your journey. As these Truths are brought to you and into your awareness, you will have to accept FULL RESPONSIBILITY for every single choice you have made to blindly accept, follow and believe without questioning what you had been told to believe in. Once you accept this responsibility you are able to change your mind changing what you are choosing to believe in, so Be. All starts with you, within you and shall end therein as well.

When you turn within, you must ASK Holy Spirit, God, The Angels and the Guides given you to show you the absolute Truth above all else in what it is you have been choosing for you. They will lay this Truth before you to examine so contemplate the Truth of. You will have to face yourself fully, with honesty and authenticity. Once you see the Truth of what Holy Spirit is handing you, you will have to accept it fully to be able to change what you believe in. Once accepted YOU LIVE that Truth. You Testify to what you believe in by Standing in your Light of Truth no matter what anyone else is choosing for themselves. You no longer fear being judged or being rejected. You are at peace within, when you accept yourself as your are and are meant to be FULLY, as God Created You to Be.

Does this answer your question sufficiently?”

My brother responds, “It does. Beautifully written. I’ve been on that path for a long time… only recently starting to experience much less suffering. Thank you. I just thought maybe our brother knew about some secret door that magically ended all suffering in an instant…”

My response, “The answer is yes, there is. It requires you to accept yourself as you are without judgment so you can accept everyone and everything around you exactly as it is and they choose to Be without judgments in the moment. Once you are able to do this accepting you will find you are able to LOVE THYSELF Unconditionally, so able to LOVE those around you and all as it is Unconditionally as well. Do you understand this way of Being?”

My brother responds, “I understand the idea of it… I worked with A Course in Miracles for many, many years. I find I’m not quite willing to accept everything without judgment yet… but perhaps getting there.”

My response, “I understand. I was introduced to ACIM when it arrived in my mailbox anonymously around 2009. It was not until 2013 my Husband and I chose to do an online course of the Workbook. By the end of the year what I found for myself was what the “teacher” was saying the materials translated to was not what I was being shown it was meaning.

I AM a Psychic Intuitive Empathic. That teacher and many like her, negated what I shared of my own life experiences and that which God, Holy Spirit and my Guides were showing me was the Truth. They negated my abilities as a psychic, stating it was not possible for me to be one. They negated my ability to experience the mental, emotional and physical pain and suffering of those around me or I am connecting to, no matter the median, within my own body literally. This ability allows me to understand and KNOW what my brothers are experiencing in the moment, so understand how all is interconnected. This understanding allows me to help them heal on their own journey, as I have been healed on my own. It allows me to pull out the seeds of darkness within them, so they may SEE them for themselves and work on healing them.

As with all of Humanity, I was taught to blindly follow and believe what is read in a book, said by the teacher or the person behind the pulpit, was telling the absolute Truth, so I was required to believe whatever they said and dictated to me. It took me a very long time to see what I had done and was doing, before I could accept it, so change my own mind. I had been taught I was evil, demon possessed and deserved the abuses I received because of my psychic abilities. I was raised Roman Catholic and labeled as evil at 2 years old. I received exorcisms, canings, beatings, molestations, rapes and other abuses as a child to force my submission to what was being dictated to me. As that child I chose to conform for survival. As an adult I no longer have that excuse, so I am able to change my mind and choose differently.

This understanding is what has permitted me to completely shift so change all I had been indoctrinated to believe in for the Truth that all of it was lies used to control so manipulate me to another’s will and control. All done subliminally without my consciousness knowing or awareness of what was happening, as it happened. Once I could see this, I was able to shift and change fully. As I did this, I healed my physical form of multiple cancers and other diseases without medications or surgeries. Back in 2004 I wrecked a motorcycle breaking the left side of my body and was told I had 2 forms of cancer and other diseases. They said nothing could be done for me, I was dying and had 8 months to live. Those doctors also negated my psychic abilities and tried to institutionalize me, so force medicate my abilities from me.

All of these situations forced me to accept responsibility for myself and the choices I was making to hand away my Sovereignty to another in a belief they could save me and keep me safe. I had to accept I was lying to myself in those moments, just as they were lying to me. Their lies created fear, and fear shuts down the mind causing one to blindly follow in a herd mentality. Prime example: Look at the world around you and how your brothers are and have responded to what they were told to think, say and do for something that could not be seen or proven to be real. Their fear causes them to attack and demonize anyone who does not choose as they do. So they kill their brothers just as they are killing themselves. It is a mind screw that seems a catch 22, until it isn’t.”

My brother responds, “Quite a story your life has been. It’s amazing that you’ve come through that to this other way of being. Fear has been a huge part of my suffering… it is lessening lately. I am also starting to see through the illusion of self. Thank you so much for sharing with me.”

My response, “You are welcome my brother. It is what I AM guided to do here on my Journey as the Master Teacher I AM. I AM a Spiritual Healer. I help one understand the journey they are on and how every single experience has been of benefit to them. How each experience held a lesson within it they were to learn of themselves and what they were choosing to believe in. I get them to see how they would not be who they are with the ability to connect to those around them Heart to Heart if they had never had those experiences. I help them understand how each one was needed so necessary for them. How nothing has or is going wrong if all is for their benefit and through them the rest of Humanity. As they learn who they are, they share their journey, so help their brothers heal as they have, so they become who they are meant to be.

By the way, what had me responding to you here was your QUESTION. You ASKED and Holy Spirit had me answer you in a detailed way stating you were SEEKING this understanding of the process to better able you to clear the hurtles that were keeping you trapped in those ruts you found yourself within.

Spirit states, “The quality of the questions asked shall reflect the quality of the answers you are given. The more pointed and direct the question is, the more direct so clear the answers given shall be. Reflect upon the questions you ask. Recognize the judgments you would attach to them. Once you see it you may remove it so receive the answers you would seek. All shall depend upon you. We await you within when you are ready to face the journey of retracing your steps back to your beginnings to see when, where, and why you chose that which have so you may let go those choices and change your mind. You are not and have never been alone. We have always been here with you, within you. It has been your own choice to turn away from us and seek out there in the world and in your brothers for what has always been within you. Blessings to you. You are loved. We love you.”

FYI, I forgot to mention I AM also a Clear Open Trans Channel for Holy Spirit, My Guides and other Beings who come to share Truth and help Humanity Heal.”

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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