Hello world. The following was written 8/21/2021.
I found myself responding to a brother’s post talking about the Asch Conformity Experiments. I shared with them about another set of experiments called The Milgram Experiments. Another brother chose to respond to me and the following dialogue ensued with both of us sharing part of our journeys with an understanding of WHAT Holy Spirit is.
Brother one shares, “The Asch Conformity Experiments were a series of psychological experiments conducted by Solomon Asch during the 1950’s. Asch found that people were willing to ignore reality and give an incorrect answer in order to conform to the rest of the group.”
My response, “Consider looking up The Milgram Experiment on YouTube. It was a psychological experiment showing how Humanity will kill another Being if given a command or suggestion from someone they ASSUMME is an authority figure, as they did with Hitler and the extermination of the Jewish People.”
Brother two responds, “I’m laughing at you cause Milgram is taught about in freshman psychology lol”
My response, “Glad you were able to go to college. I myself am a high school drop out with a GED. I have no formal education so would hold no knowledge of what is taught or is not taught in a college. How is your indoctrination going? For it is what higher learning is, a form of indoctrination?”
Brother two responds, “Not all of it is indoctrination; you can learn cool stuff in college. They add the bullshit to the good stuff, like pouring salt in the well. I dropped out in my 20s because of girl problems, and only go to have something to do.”
My response, “On my own journey I was required by Holy Spirit to look at my earliest experiences in this reality to see the judgments I made about it and how those judgments created the foundational beliefs I held as defining who I am and how I was to be treated. As I looked I began to see how I was willingly conforming, complying, adhering to and blindly accepting and believing what was said and dictated to me, to get the abuses I was experiencing to stop.
When I questioned Holy Spirit about these experiences and how I was choosing to accept these things said to me, Holy Spirit explained I was never required to accept or comply with what was dictated. I only thought I was required to. Holy Spirit then began to point out how every rule, law, regulation, prohibition and limitation handed to me came from the Society I was born into and each one is a foundational belief taught to the masses so all perceive in almost the exact same ways. All of Humanity is indoctrinated into the Society they are born into. Taught to conform and comply willingly with their own slavery and enslavement.
All I know so understand, has been taught to me by Holy Spirit and my Guides. I have severe dyslexia, so do not comprehend or perceive as others do. Holy Spirit has used this learning disability as a tool to keep me from taking in those things which have mired my brothers in a quicksand, which is slowly drowning them. They have no clue it is their choices to believe which are killing them and stripping them of their ability to be Self Governing so Self Reliant, as the Sovereign Beings they were created to be, so are meant to be.
By the way, I made my first judgments at 9 months old, when my grandmother force fed, then kicked me across the room into a brick fireplace. I died and came back that day and over 100 times since then to continue in this form and life to complete the journey I started here knowing what I would be experiencing each time and I still chose to come back.”
Brother two responds, “Many of my spiritual friends have told of such experiences; revelations, and guides and auras and near-deaths. If I have connected with that paradigm, it’s not in any way that I can definitively say I didn’t imagine. That’s not to say I don’t believe, just that I know all I really have is hearsay. Never could get the Holy Spirit thing.
I was born seemingly healthy, but gradually lost my hearing and some of my vision, and later my balance to walk unsupported. I also was spared much that others are subjected to, because of that.”
My response, “Thank you for sharing part of your journey brother. Blessings to you on the journey.
In regards to the aspects of the Holy Spirit, consider this perspective, Holy Spirit is the Bridge between you and God, Prime Creator or Source. Holy Spirit IS the Higher Self so IS the Aspect of you which HAS NOT LEFT God or Source. Consider Holy Spirit or Higher Self as the UMBILICAL CORD which keeps you connected to ALL THAT IS.”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.