Hello world. The following was written 7/05/2018.

A brother shared where they are at and going through on their journey. They shared the questions and thoughts going through their mind in regards the situation they find themselves in. The following is what they shared and my responses to them. My first response being to share a channeling I received back in 2016 called, “To Whom it may concern.” after reading their initial post sharing where they are at.

My brother shares, “Meeting with my lawyer tomorrow for my protection from abuse order (this is our third meeting because my rapist keeps filing for a continuance). The criminal case has started, too.

To the woman in a relationship with my rapist; why? What is it about him dating you but still being obsessed with me, forcing a gun into my back, raping me twice, and me leaving blood on the sheets of his parents bed (that the State has in evidence), makes you think “this is a man I want to be with”? What about the State going after him in a criminal case because of all the evidence against him, makes you think “I deserve this kind of man”? You are better than this. You deserve better. My only hope in going after my rapist, is so he doesn’t hurt YOU. You are the reason. You and every woman before you.

When he goes to prison, are you STILL going to ignore all the evidence & hard work of the detectives who spent hours & days away from their families?

I am doing this for you.”

My brother responds to my sharing of, “To Whom it may concern.” with, “I believe a lot of this. Thank you for sharing.”

My response, “My brother, what is eating at you within? I feel an ache within my heart center with an attachment to confusion and the word my Guides use is antipathy.”

My brother responds, “Just confusion. No antipathy. Well, I wouldn’t use that word at least.”

My response, “The aversion or antipathy is for the man and the belief the woman is holding that you would want, seek and or desire any type of connection with the man that had abused you. The confusion comes in trying to understand where her mind is at in regards this situation, you, him and her own self worth. The comprehension will come with the understanding of what a co-dependent relationship is and entails in it’s multifaceted ability to take on different seeming costumes within different situations.

What you are witnessing between those two is an excellent example of a mentally, emotionally and physically abusive co-dependent relationship. What you are witnessing is her projecting out her own fears onto you. Because of his obsession with you she is experiencing extreme fear and desperation that she will be left alone and no one will want her except him. He is playing on this fear to control and manipulate her to do and say whatever it is he wants. It is also to keep her in line as he does whatever and who ever it is he chooses. She will be his “escape goat” with an alibi if ever he needs one.

It is a psychological pattern that is being played out before you. It is there just below the surface so is not normally seen by those looking on it from the outside. Something else to keep in mind here is that this pattern of forcing, taking and bullying “HE” is repeating was learned. It was taught to him. It is something he learned and did not stop to question if it was right or wrong, good or bad for lack of a better way of phrasing it. All that was understood were the results that came from those actions and or reactions he witnessed. The results were power, control, respect, fear and authority.

Do you understand what it is that is being shared here with you in regards the underlying layers that are interwoven into what you experienced, she is experiencing and he is experiencing with these situations? Can you see yet the lessons buried within them you are to learn about yourself and what you think and believe? The lessons are many, yet worth the experiences had to learn them when seen in hind sight. It is in the moments we experience them that we have the hardest difficulty in grasping the meanings and purpose of all that is experienced in the moment. Yet, understanding does come when we are ready to accept it.”

My brother responds, “Yes, I do understand all of that. Much easier to digest the way you worded it though, thank you.

I have journals out so many forgiveness letters to him, as I know he was hurt a lot when he was younger. I know of some experiences he shared with me from his past that explain the way he’s behaved.

I’ve found other experiences in my own life where I can see how it lead to this. I know of the lesson, but I do not excuse his behavior. The result of him going to prison, will be his lesson to learn.”

My response, “Yes, it will be “PART” of the myriad lessons he has to learn. Those clues you were given of his past are keys or markers both for you AND HIM. Those markers are there to help you understand, forgive and so accept what was experienced through him without pain and suffering any longer. In accepting the experiences as just that experiences, without mental nor emotional attachments nor meanings, their memory fades with the exception of what you learned of yourself and the underlying situations purposes in being experienced by you.

Here is where your learning and healing come to the forefront. You are being given the tools to help him heal that which he experienced and has been lashing out at the world from. Those same experiences that have cause him to lash out and hurt you. These are the things you will take forward and help others heal the experiences of. As you share your journey with them they will heal as you are healed. It will be a choice you make to be the example for those around you.”

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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