Hello world. The following was written 10/09/2017.

I have spent the morning in contemplation of the visions coming to me. Many are replays of visions I have had before. Yet, this time I am being shown new visions of how they are each interconnected one to the other.

I started the morning off with a replay of the temple vision. Of the priest telling the people do this because God says too or else. When the people do not comply the priest then manufactures the results they had predicted to manipulate those witnessing to their dictates. To gain control over those around them through myriad tactics of lies, deceit and fear. When these tactics stopped working they turned to another form of contrived control and manipulation, pain and suffering.

This vision had me watching a scene of a person being held and their family members being tortured in front of them. As the person is being tortured they are being told this is happening to you because your family member will not do as we have asked. They will not conform and do what we want. If they would only conform your pain and suffering would end.

The scene would then change to the one baring witness to what is being done to their family members. How they are being fed a steady measure of guilt, blame, shame, and fear. Told they are responsible for what is happening to another. Told they are the cause of another’s pain and suffering because they are not conforming to another’s dictates. Helplessly they watch their loved ones being tortured until they give in. In the next moments as soon as the torturer gets what they want from them they watch their family then murdered as another punishment for refusing for so long. Their family members are told just before the blade strikes home, “See, as soon as they give in your pain and suffering ends.”

This twisted mental mind fuck is part of what began our decent into a mass hypnosis of controlled manipulations that have been manufactured since time began. The characters at the top have changed yet the game is still the same. Each blindly following and believing in what was taught to them by the ones who came before them. Unknowingly selling their Soul each time they harm another to keep propagating the lie. Keep the Truth hidden and feed them lies. Keep them in fear and use safety as the guise to get them to follow and believe whatever it is you want them to perceive. Use judgments as punishments with pain and suffering as the result. If they do not conform label them, demonize them, confine them, or kill them. Do not let them awaken the masses to the Truth of the illusion we have kept them under.

The way out of this nightmare of an illusion using controlled manipulations is to go inward and not outward. Stop seeking out the opinions of others or their judgments. Stop believing all you read, hear, watch and are told blindly. Question everything you have experienced and have been taught to think and believe you know as being the Truth. Recognize how in each experience you are judging it or are accepting a judgment about it from someone else.

You have been taught to think and believe you are your bodies. Taught you are a victim of this world you have been taught to perceive. Taught you must protect the body at all costs. You have been taught to blindly accept and believe in whatever is said to you, shown to you, or is printed in a book is the absolute Truth. Taught YOU are not allowed to question it’s validity because someone else has stated this is the Truth because THEY ARE the authority.

You have been taught to value the valueless. Taught a book, a certificate, a document, a diploma, and some letter attached to your name or some title gives you credibility and elevates you above your brothers. All those things have done is perpetuated your belief in blind following and believing whatever is placed before you. Except know you are the one regurgitating the same bullshit lies that had been taught to you. You are now the one enslaving your brothers by perpetuating a lie to just follow me over looking within for the answers and questioning everything for Truth.

You have been taught you have a right to judge your brothers because you have been judged. This is the example you have taken in and chosen to believe in as being the Truth of how reality is supposed to be. This is the lie that has been fed to you from birth. You have been taught you have no choice and must conform to the dictates of those who say they are the authority. You have been taught you are a label. The label was created as a tool of control. It manipulates you in how you think, perceive, believe, and behave. These labels tell you who you are and where your place is in the hierarchy of society. Those labels were created to hide the Truth of what you are to those at the top, A Slave.

You are no more than a slave to the machine of an illusion manufactured to create a willing slave unknowingly. You are given a semblance of freedom of choice between the two least desirable outcomes, a bullet in your leg or a bullet in the guy beside you. The choice is yours. The one you choose is the one you think and believe will be the least painful, least damaging, or the least life threatening to you and hopefully them as well. The choice made is a reflection of who you believe yourself to be and what you have chosen to believe in.

When you are actively trying to control and manipulate your brothers, you are responsible for the consequences that happen to anyone you are using coercion and manipulation on. When you are the one inflicting your will on another coercing them through manipulations, you are propagating the lies of the machine. You are being a willing slave in those moments and forcing your brother to be a slave as well. You are not giving them a real choice in anything other than whatever agenda you are wanting to achieve for yourself.

As in the vision a proverbial carrot on a stick is held out that if you just give in and conform to the dictates being handed to you the pain and suffering will be stopped, if only you just did as they want.

Open your eyes my brothers to what has been done. Understand no one controls you. You are not responsible for the choices another is making. You cannot stop another from doing whatever it is they are choosing to do. You do not have a right to judge, control, manipulate, or harm another being unless it is in self defense. No one has the right to do any of these things to you.

There are 4 Basic Laws of Universal Creation my brothers. They are above any law man could ever think to create. These are the laws I adhere to above and beyond any law created by man. All mans laws are created for are to prohibit, deny, and take away ones own Free Will choice to be as they were created to be by the One Infinite Creator. The following is from Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka. These are the Laws I follow.

“The 4 Basic Laws of Universal Creation

1 You exist. (I AM)

2 The All is one, and the One is all.

3 What you put out is what you get back.

4 The only constant in the universe is change –

except for the first 3 laws, which never change.

You exist. (I AM)

If you exist now, your existence is eternal: You have always existed and you always will exist. You may change form, but you are existing always So…..relax…..you’ll be around forever.

The All is one, and the One is all.

Just as each tiny section of a hologram contains the information for the entire hologram, likewise we are all inter-connected. Everything is truly just one totally-interconnected “thang”.

What you put out is what you get back.

Physical reality is actually a mirror: Your physical reality is just a reflection of what you most strongly believe to be true. And like a mirror, physical reality will not change unless you change first (change what you most strongly believe).

The only constant in the universe is change –

except for the first 3 laws, which never change. So…..might as well get used to eternally-changing Creation.” ~ Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka.”

My brothers, what you put out is what you get back. If you are judging yourself you will judge your brother. Whenever you are judging your brother you are also judging yourself. These judgments are taught to you. They are learned and can be unlearned.

You can reverse this training you have been put through. All it will take is willingness on your part to begin looking at and questioning all you have been taught to think, believe and perceive. To willingly question your experiences and any judgments held of your perceptions of them. To recognize no one has authority over you. You are allowed to be as you choose to be and no one gets a say in it but you. You are responsible for you and only you.

Recognize you and your brothers are exactly the same and have been put through the same training in almost the exact same ways. There are many variations to the tools of controlled manipulations. All create a fear of judgments and responsibility. All have been taught to be responsible is to be blamed. The meaning has been twisted and perverted by changing it’s label to mean something else. Blame creates shame and guilt which reinforce the fear of being responsible.

We are taught to pass the buck to the guy next to us. Make them the one responsible, make them the one to blame for what it is I am experiencing because I am the victim here. We have been taught we are the victim and the Being next to us is our abuser. They are the one who is doing this to us. Because they believe different, think different, perceive different, sound different, or look different they are the ones to blame. Everyone must think and believe as we are told to.

Do you not understand? If only you would do as you are told this pain and suffering would end. We would be safe and taken care of. We would be protected instead of hurt by those who say they are the authority. They will stop hurting us if we do what they want. They won’t hurt our families anymore. They won’t hurt us again. It is the same lie again and again. Do as we say or else. You do as they say and you still get the or else and then some.

The only real choice you have right now is to stop playing their game. Stop watching, listening, believing, and buying into the lies being fed to you. Start turning inward questioning everything being placed in front of you to look at. Recognize the patterns hidden within patterns before you. The layer upon layer of lies used to propagate one another. Peel back those layers of the onion that has been used to encapsulate you in the illusion. Let go your belief in the judgments that were handed to you and watch the bars to the cage created within the labyrinth of your own mind fall away.

Become aware of these Truth’s and you will see yourself Truly for the first time. You will understand what was done and be able to discern the Truth of another’s intentions no matter the mask they wear or the false façade they create around them. You will see through the lies to the Truth and know by what resonates within you the choice to be made. No longer will you be able to be manipulated as you once were. For once your eyes are open to the Truth they cannot be closed again!

Please be the Light you are meant to be. Please be the Light I know you to be. Please be the Light that I see you to be. Please choose to be the Light.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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