Hello world. The following was written 7/08/2018.
It amazes me how Humanity is blind to what it is they do and how simple it is to stop it all and change how they as Individuals are experiencing this reality they are part of. Humanity is NOT required to follow these laws created by man that prohibit and limit them from being the Self Governing Beings they were created to be. Humanity only BELIEVES they are required too. It was part of the conditioning they went through from birth that has had them blindly following and accepting the judgmental dictates of anyone who states they are the authority and they have to comply with whatever laws are being manufactured for them.
It is a CHOICE that HUMANITY is making collectively and on an Individual level to propagate these judgmental beliefs that they are limited to the parameters being set for them by someone else’s choices to be and believe. That they do not get a choice in any of this is part of the illusion they have been under. In everything they are willingly accepting these laws of limitation that prohibit them from being able to be Self Governing so Self Reliant. In refusing to comply and demanding their Sovereignty be acknowledged, they may take back their ability to once again be Self Governing so Self Reliant as they were meant to be. They have to open their eyes to the Truth of what it is they do though first!
Everything we experience and the world experiences is for our benefit. All happens for our benefit. In every expression of manifestation we witness there is something for all of us to learn from it. To let go our judgmental fears of what we think anything is for. To ask instead, how is this of benefit? For everything is of benefit to us. We simply judge all we perceive and experience to be other than it is because we look at it through the eyes of fear. We look at everything through the lens of the judgmental beliefs that we have been conditioned to perceive our reality with.
It is a choice each of us are making to believe. It is our joint energy in believing these things that creates what we manifest in this reality for ourselves. We manifest what we focus our mental and emotional energy on. Now consider what the main stream news, political figures and celebrities are and have been ranting about and pushing a narrative of for almost two years now. What exactly is it they would have Humanity focus their energy on? From where I am standing it looks a lot like separation, division, racism, anger, violence and the murder of any who hold an opposing view, skin color, hair color, language, sexual orientation, origin of birth, religion and political belief than they are choosing too. Seems as if many are calling for the annihilation of Humanity.
Why are they doing this? They do this because they are wrapped up in their beliefs in the lies they were conditioned to believe in since birth that power, greed, avarice, control, manipulation and envy were the things to be desired. Each gives one the ability to play God over someone else’s life just as someone else has acted like God over their own. They do not understand what it is they do fully and if they do know it, it is now a choice they are actively making. My bet is that very few realize or understand what it is they are doing or how it is they are doing it. All they see are the results of what an action is causing.
Humanity is awakening to what has been happening and how it has been done. It is only a matter of time now before they start standing up one by one, then many at a time demanding their Sovereignty be recognized as the Self Governing Beings they are.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.