Hello world. The following was written 1/25/2018.

Day three and the dialogue continues from my initial sharing of, “The Synchronicities, which solidify the validity of Truth.” and “Man’s laws, hold no bearing or merit, when placed next to God’s Laws.”. I am bidden to keep first names in place, for this one. This time the vitriol comes out full blown, as the ego becomes exposed. The ego loves to give out demands, dictates, name calling, belittling, judging and assuming.

When one assumes, they make an ass of themselves, the one they make their judgment of, and IF the one being judged chooses to believe them, accepting their judgments as their own. Assumptions, are judgments.

As I said, the dialogue continues and it is not pretty, by any means. The ego isn’t pretty, when it gets unmasked. The ego tends to become violent in it’s reactions, believing itself attacked, again and again. We may but hope our words bring clarity, to help heal our brothers calls for love.

Maz states, “Sabrina Do you know what “Natural Law” means? And, since when is a Copyright for protection a Law of God? Can you answer a direct Question? You said your Guides propose same as Trisha’s claim, that ACIM should be copyrighted. I asked by whom? Now you do not address the topic of this thread AT ALL, yet try to gaslight me, telling me I ‘create a hell before me’? What makes you think you are entiltled to make this topic personal? TIA.”

Trisha responds, “And by the same token…just What makes you think you’re entitled to demanding that anyone account to you?? LOL that’s an indication you’re still suffering the authority problem. You’ve got about all you can handle with just your own nonsense nevermind attempting to adjudicate anyone else’s.”

My response, “I stated my Guides taught me, the same principles about the teaching of the material. It IS a self study requiring one to be willing, to turn within themselves for the answers and to stop seeking for the answers outside of them, in another and the world around them. The lessons I learn are to be shared freely, as those understandings were given me. I am to use my experiences as the examples, to give a basis of understanding what is shared and how it is applied.

You asked about the copy right and my Guides answered you, as to what was meant and why. What is not understood by YOU, would be the God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Spiritual Guides will use the language and terminology best understood, by the one they are interacting with. There may have been questions asked at the time, of the creation of the material based out of the fears of those who were the channel and auditors, of said materials. As I stated earlier, many materials of a Spiritual or religious nature, have been co-opted and twisted into something entirely different. It is possible, in their minds they were trying to prevent, a similar thing from happening.

Unless someone who was there during all of this, steps forward to clarify, the answer may not be known until they choose a way to get their message to Humanity, through some form of medium.

As for your belief, you are being attacked. I have not, attacked you. I have not, judged you. I have not, psychoanalyzed you. I bare witness, to what you are choosing to share. I bare witness, to your projections and your judgments. I bare witness, to your beliefs being bared, for all to see. I share, what it is I am witnessing. I share, the understanding I am given, as I witness your words, actions and reactions, to what is said. I step out of the way, becoming the medium, the conduit or channel, when a question is asked which is not loaded with judgments, so an answer may be given.

If you are being triggered, believing yourself attacked, then you are holding onto a misconception which IS NOT in alignment with the Truth. You are instead, holding onto a judgment which is causing YOU cognitive dissonance, within you. Remember, you are the one who commented on my commentary, directly tagging me into a conversation here. Your commentary and questioning, opened this door to your own awakening, of what YOU have been choosing to do. You continuously project out, your own judgmental beliefs on your brothers, demanding they conform to what you are choosing for you.”

My response, “Hahaha, Trisha, I didn’t see what you wrote until I had finished writing and posting my own response. Now this is some funny shit. We basically said the exact same thing. Buwahahahaha!”

Maz responds, “Excuse me, Trisha, YOU are making a claim that your diary entry is a ‘guideline’ on how ACIM should be approached and you claim divine infallibility for this. That makes it a matter of the whole ACIM community, and it is only fair to ask you why you yourself have a life record which is ignoring or violating those same guidelines. Trying to turn the table is cheap. The squirming and dodging, too. She who makes the claim should be prepared to substantiate it. You don’t. And it is obvious by your way of conveying the issue with a foto and all it is your own initial intent to make this also personally about you. Reason and logic apply. Why not apply your ‘authority problem suffering’ comment to yourself? You are deceiving and not trustworthy in this by your own admission. (IMO). But its very telling that you yourself call this issue your ‘nonsense’, above. LOL! In this you might be correct!”

My response, “All this vitriol because you are not hearing or should I say reading, what YOU WANT to be true… Nothing is going to change and no one is going to give you, the answers you are wanting to hear. Trisha had already stated, more than once, she does not make money off of the course. Yet you Sir, keep harping on this. I am being given an insight the reason is because, YOU SIR, DO charge money for the course and all things Spiritual. So what I am being told right now, is this entire situation, is all about YOUR shame, guilt and fear. Because you are dangling the carrot on a stick, fleecing your brothers for everything they have. It is looking as if YOU, are the one who has been doing all you accuse, your brother of.

What is even worse, is you are doing no more than causing more pain and suffering, for those who chose to listen to you. All you are teaching, is how to become an enlightened (saying this loosely) egoistic mind, who blindly follows and believes whatever is placed before it.”

Maz responds, “Sabrina Reyenga ‘……. Trisha had already stated more than once that she does not make money off of the course…….’ Where? She said ‘nothing I do involves money’. Nothing further. You are bearing false witness against your neighbour. What else should we take serious from you??

LOL. What a nitwit. Step one, pay attention. Step two, remain truthful (if you know how that works). Why not get this. I am not a sir and you are not allowed to call me that. Next, I could care less what you are told by your demon guides. This thread is about Trisha’s claim and her own substantiating (or not) of this claim. You can buzz off with your unsolicited cyber psyche analysis in the name of repairshop guidance. I have posted no accusations, but questions. I am not causing pain and suffering by asking honest questions. I am not a teacher. So buzz off. You are not credible, and have no say in this issue, AFAIAC.”

My response, “When my brother states, nothing she does with the course involves money, multiple times to your accusations of the opposite, you still refuse to accept her answer to you and you still continue to accuse her, of what you do. You have nothing, to teach me or anyone else. You Sir, are no more than an ego. I have my Guides, to teach me.”

Maz responds, “Your a goofball. Without ethics. Otherwise you wouldn’t post this drivel. She didn’t say that. You are lying again. Buzz off. You’re not credible at all. And most probably illiterate. Or willfully ignorant and bearing false witness. What’s your pay-off for making an a** out of yourself? Too funny.”

My response, “Apparently, you have been triggered. Your responses of name calling and belittling, show this to perfection. All your pain, is caused by you and your choices to be. The Truth is only painful, when we are in denial of it.”

Maz responds, “OK, Here is your chance to regain some credibility. Where do I “fleece” an audience? Put up or shut up!”

My response, “Fleecing another does not specify, what is fleeced. You yourself stated and I quote, “ I am known for ACIM correspondence for 20 plus years. Just ask Dov Fishman, our host.””

Maz responds, “ROTFLMAO. Yeah, you are credible. NOT. What a nitwit. lol.”

My response, “You imply you teach, through your correspondences. You inferred, I should PM you, if I wanted to delve deeper into things. When I pointed out your hypocrisy, you called my sharing of Truth and personal experience, a mind fuck. As I stated, you are projecting out, because you are a fraud.

I do not and have never looked to Dov or anyone else, for my own validation of Being. Yet, you seem to think their judgments, have value here. Each time you are called out on your garbage, you resort to name calling and belittling. In every instant, YOU are the one who is being triggered here. You are no where near, where you think you are and neither are many of those, you choose to blindly follow.”

Maz responds, “‘You inferred I should PM you if I wanted to delve deeper into things.’….. That is another lie. I said this place is for ACIM. If you want to discuss outside of this context, PM me. Otherwise dont.”

My response, “Truth, if those you follow were where they think they are, they would be healed of all illness and disease completely. They would have done the inner work needed, to gain healing on all levels. This is something I found out first hand, as I have healed every disease I was diagnosed with. Two forms of cancer gone, with no medications or surgeries. All by turning within, looking at my choices to believe. None of the people you follow, can state the same.”

Maz responds, “ ‘….When I pointed out your hypocrisy you called my sharing of Truth and personal experience a mind fuck……’ That is another lie. When you started cyber analyzing a total stranger (in this case at my address) and started to defend bogus claims by demeaning and belittling your opponent in discourse, I raised concerns. And I still do. I hope you will not gas lighten real people with your psycho babble and demonic guidance. To me, you are shpwing the traits of a sociopath. Truth be told.”

My response, “Wow, you pick and choose, what is of worth, value and what is to be looked at, in any given moment. Everything, is for our benefit. Everything! All dialogues and experiences, are for our benefit and are in alignment, with what ACIM teaches. If it comes up, it IS to be looked at and not ignored. All subjects, are in accordance with ACIM. ALL, not this one or that one.”

Maz responds, “‘Wow you pick and choose what is of worth or value and what is to be looked at in any given moment. .’ — — Really? And you don’t by any chance? Whats your point, liar?”

My response, “Projection! I am not able, to lie. Lying, creates disease. Projection again! I bare witness, sharing what is witnessed. I do not psychoanalyze, anyone. I share what is witnessed, and I respond when someone tags me in a comment. Need I remind you, YOU brought all this on yourself, with your judgments?”

Maz responds, “‘…. I am not able to lie. ….’ ROTFLMAO!!!!!!”

My response, “Are you projecting out again?”

Alex responds, “That is all that he has been doing the whole time every time he calls you a liar or any other name. Everything that he accuses you of is exactly what he is doing.”

Maz responds to brother three, “Alex LOL. Circling the wagons. Your repairshop ally with ‘direct channel previliges’ is posting personal slander against strangers on the Internet. You should keep an eye on her. IMO.”

My response, “As if I, am some piece of property. My Husband is my equal and my companion, not my keeper.”

Alex responds, “Maz, You sir slander yourself. Sabrina only points out the truth of what you do.”

Maz responds, “Sabrina You are definitely writing as a piece of internet crap posting slander against strangers while claiming higher Guidance for your shit. So much is clear. You call me ‘sir’ one more time and I will send you my insurance policy and terms&conditions which for very sure topples yours. I told you to please buzz off. Seek help.”

Trisha responds, “Sabrina pay no attention to Maz as it appears hes still struggling with the authority problem with its endless drama.”

Maz responds, “Alex ‘….Sabrina only points out the truth of what you do…..’ What do you want? Send me your business coordinates and you will be held liable for your vile slander and character assassination support.”

My response, “SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR! I am able to say, whatever it is I so choose to and YOU do not get a say in what I am choosing for me. I am not, a piece of property. NO ONE, controls me. I am a Sovereign Being, with Free Will. I know, who I AM. Now tuck your tail and run away.”

Maz responds, “Thank you Trisha. You have been everything else than credible in this topic you started. Again, you resort to personal slander. I suggest we wait for Gerald’s and Judy’s response in the matter. Your accounts are fishy, IMHO.”

Alex responds, “Here are those ‘coordinates’ you were asking for. Come hold us liable for your own worlds and actions, LOL! (link removed)”

Maz responds, “Sabrina OK. You asked for it. Wait and see. https://thelawdictionary.org/self-insured-retention-sir/”

My response, “Tick tock tick tock, goes the hands around the clock. Words are but symbols of symbols, only have the meaning you are giving them. Redefine your meanings, and your pain and suffering will stop.

All you do is regurgitate that which you accepted, as being true and defining you. You continuously project out, what you want to be true and resort to name calling and belittling as all school yard bullies do, when they are being shown for what they are. They immediately start in with threats, to try and force their will, on another. Yep, a bully sure a true, is what is shining before us, here and now.

Like all bullies, they hide behind a false facade and mask. Notice, you have no personal pictures, on your page. Just someone else’s picture or art work, instead. Was permission given, to use another’s art? Probably not. Yet, the bully never asks, for anything. All they do, is take, threaten and coerce others, into conforming to their dictates and demands.”

Maz responds, “Sabrina You crossed the line with me by accusing me of ‘fleecing’ an audience, and the rest of that drivel. Stop stalking me with your pathetic projections. I am still only interested in truth, and my communications are with Trisha whom I know for decades. You goofballs take a hike already, demon guided trolls.”

My response, “How do you, make your money? You stated, you do correspondence for ACIM. Do you make money off of your brothers, through the work of ACIM? You have asked us, this question. Now it is being, asked of you.”

Alex responds, “I think Maz is trying to be funny.”

My response, “More like, a hypocrite.”

Maz responds, “Sabrina I asked you nothing, cupcake. Stop bearing false witness against your brother. If you want advise, thats the only one I can give you.”

My response, “I see you refuse, to answer the question. Guess it states it all, right there. You are projecting out, your own guilt. Why would I seek out advice from a liar, a fraud who does not know what honesty and authenticity is?”

Maz responds, “Sabrina LOL, you interrogating me on Trisha’s alleged guidelines? You must think everyone is a moron because you are? My work for ACIM is registered and secured for over a million bucks of production costs at the Washington Department of Licensing. A hormonally challenged and demon-driven old hag like yourself should probably educate herself about the consequences of online libel and slander before she proceeds? (IMO)”

My response, “PROJECTION! Why would I choose, to incur more pain, suffering and disease, by accepting someone else’s choices to believe, in the form of advice? You have nothing to offer me or anyone else, with your egoistic beliefs. So you admit, you are making money, off of ACIM then?

I stand behind my statements, fully! You are projecting out your own guilt, shame, and fears, you have been FLEECING your brothers of their Sovereignty and Free Will, each time you DEMAND they conform to your belief or face the retribution, of your anger through threats.

This right here is the exact opposite, of what ACIM teaches. ACIM teaches, all are allowed to think and believe as they so choose and are not required, to accept their brothers choices to believe.”

Trisha responds, “It’s an ugly drama of projection when someone is struggling with the authority problem, as they always have to make someone else wrong in order to feel better about themselves — it’s an insecurity called low self-esteem and it’s the core issue of every problem we have. Kinda reminds me of the Peanut cartoon series and the character “pig pen” who’s in a dark cloud of dust wherever he goes. LOL

ACIM is about correcting illusions. And since it took two to manufacture illusions then it’s going to take two to undo them. And we can only find ourselves where we lost ourselves. that’s why your healing can only occur when you’ve extended forgiveness to your brother FIRST. so correction can get messy when witnessing for the truth as the Holy Spirit reveals it. The ego may protest.”

Maz responds, “ Trisha ‘….someone is struggling with the authority problem….’ Exactly. You promoting an alleged guideline for the Community, abusing Bill Thetford’s aquaintance, scamming folks to believe in TuttleRaj being author and Christ himself, living off NWFFACIM’s group study since decades, and therefore being deceitful and untrustworthy, entitles YOU to lecture about authority? ROTFL. Give me a break, Aude, LOL, if anything is a pinnacle of hypocricy, your bogus claims are. Your slurs are nothing but an attempt to deflect, as always. No sprise, really. (imo)

What is the difference between a scam artist like Renard, Wapnick or yourself or TuttleRaj? You all lie willfully, IMO. Take it up with Creator.”

My response, “Projecting again.”

Maz responds, “Sabrina You are obvioulsy talking out your behind. I don’t know you, Reyenga. And I don’t want to know a demon driven con artist like you. Buzz off, and let this thread alone. I am talking to Trisha. Understood?”

My response, “Unfortunately, you do not get a choice or a say, in where I respond or not. I was not the one who tagged you, in this thread. YOU, tagged me. You responded to my comment, directly! You have brought on all of this, yourself. If you do not like what I share, then stop reading it. You do get, this choice. Otherwise, enjoy the MIND FUCKING, because this is what you do to yourself, with your choice to be and believe as you are.

Recognize, how YOU are demanding everyone, conform to your dictates and beliefs. Notice how, YOU are dictating what everyone is, to think, say, do, believe, and be here. You have not once allowed or accepted, your brothers choices are theirs to make and you do not get to make these choices for them. Throughout the entirety of this dialogue, you have projected, accused, and tried to brow beat your brothers, with name calling, threats, and belittling.”

Maz responds, “Sabrina Your choice to libel and slander is yours. That’s right. My choice to hold you liable for that are mine. So fuck off before this recorded thread gets into the broader public. I warned you once, this is twice. A third time will not happen. I am not obliged to suffer your demonic abuse, goofball.”

My response, “As ACIM points out clearly, these are all traits of the egoistic wrong minded thinking. Poor guy. Your feelings, are hurt. You do this, to yourself. Please feel free, to do whatever you believe. I am not afraid or threatened, by your childish whining.”

Maz responds, “Sabrina Yup. Just like your mean spirited accusations, libel and slander. How many times must you be asked to back off? Do you have a speck of decency in your bones, or do you love to torment strangers on the internet?”

My response, “I point out the Truth, you are in denial of. I speak my Truth, an nothing more.”

Maz responds, “Sabrina You claim to be a ‘direct channel’, and the vile vitriol you post is evidence that you are a complete fraud. Everyone can see this. So buzz off.”

My response, “As was already stated, if you are feeling attacked, then you are the one holding a misconception. In my defenselessness, my safety lies. For when I defend myself, I am attacked. ACIM. Remember this lesson?”

Maz responds, “you wouldn’t recognize truth if it fell on you head, right? I am here to find clarity with Trisha. Fuck off. Torment your husband if you need a target for your hate, goofball.”

My response, “Sounds like someone, is experiencing little man syndrome. It seems to be, all about the pissing contest.”

Maz responds, “ROTFLMAO. Why not keep your bedroom revelations with hubby for yourself?”

My response, “Do you prefer to be right, or do you prefer peace? ACIM again. Little man is pissing on his own shoes. Sir, you may want to change direction, or you may find yourself with squishing feet. You are getting pretty deep, into the muck right now. LMAO!”

Maz responds, “Sabrina Reyenga “little man”, “pissing contest” whip, lash and leather. LOL! we get the picture. You are shameless, right?”

My response, “At 9 months, I was force fed and kicked across a room into a brick fireplace. At 10 months I was raped and molested. These experiences, continued into my teens. I was beaten if I spoke, of what was happening. I was beaten, when I spoke of the dead I was seeing. I was exorcised, when I would speak of these experiences, then beaten again. I was taught to believe, I was unworthy of human touch, affection, kindness and gentleness. I was taught, to feel fear, shame, and guilt, for how my body looks. I was taught to believe, I was responsible for what was being done to me. I was taught, I had to conform to the dictates of those around me, or I would be beaten to death if needed.

Those are the things I experienced and was taught, define who I am and am supposed to be. Every single thing I was taught, was a lie. I am shameless and sinless. I AM INNOCENT! Every experience I have had, has been of benefit to me. Each held a lesson within it, I was to learn about myself. I share openly all I have experienced, holding nothing back. MY own family, does not deny what I share, for it is TRUTH I share and no more.”

Trisha responds, “You are the mirror to your own self Maz. Right now you act like you’re in a jungle feeling a bit threatened. Hopefully you’ll work it out without too much discomfort as you deserve not to be suffering that mindset. Best to you.”

My response, “SIR has tucked tail and run away, at being confronted with the TRUTH! I do believe, the point has been made fully. They are a fraud and are projecting out, their own shame, guilt and fear this Truth will find them on the receiving end, of their own personal form of purgatory.”

Trisha responds, “Well this is not an easy path to walk and I’m finding requires more and more patience and less reactive thinking which of course is the whole point and a great benefit for a happy fulfilled life “

Maz responds, “Sabrina Well, this personal life story does not at any rate give you the right to expand the abuse onto strangers on the internet, ie. like you wrote to my address today “You are projecting out your own guilt, shame, and fears that you have been FLEECING your brothers of their Sovereignty”. It should be clear that you are projecting the victimizers (parents etc) onto a stranger online. Thats why I said, seek help. Your way of addressing strangers by psycho analyzing them, shaming and rediculing them, just because they ask questions on a public thread and tag you because you are part of the discussion, is alarming!

Trisha ‘great benefit for a happy fulfilled life ‘… Yeah, Scamming your brothers with hypocrite bogus claims for attention, squirming and dodging when asked directly. If that is what you call happy, nobody can help you, Trish.”

My response, “All projections and judgmental beliefs.”

Maz responds, “Sabrina On this we agree. And you’ve crossed the line, believe me. Seek help.”

My response, “There are no lines, to be crossed here. I speak the Truth. Truth is Truth, it is what it is. You placed mans law, above God’s Law. This was the choice, you made. You choose the EGO, over GOD.”

Maz responds, “More psycho analyzing a stranger. You like the kicks of that, don’t you? Why not go and repair some robots? You’re a bore.”

My response, “Every law created by man, is made of ego, based in fear. Mans laws, are the exact opposite, of the Laws of God.”

Maz responds, “Sabrina That is why you have the perfect POTUS for your kind. Tell this to your ancestors who wrote the Constitution and granted equal rights and freedom. You are shaming our forefathers and you take pride in it for some demonic guidance you rely on. Seek help!”

Alex responds, “It’s funny to watch Maz project so much and then project some more and accuse you of being a liar and a fraud. The funny part of it is that Maz only shows how he is not willing to do the work or look within every time he projects out with his judgments of himself onto another.

LOL! And now he has to get political. Can you get any further into the egoic ideas of separation and judgment?”

My response, “Sir Ego, what would you have of Holy Spirit you believe, you deserve? More pain and suffering, maybe? Ah, this is not something Holy Spirit, may give you. Only the Ego may give you, that which you seek here.”

Maz responds, “T 2 B 46. Human beings can learn to improve their behavior, and can also learn to become better and better learners. This increase serves to bring them in closer and closer accord with the Sonship. But the Sonship itself is a perfect creation, and perfection is not a matter of degree. Only while there are different degrees is learning meaningful. The evolution of man is merely a process by which he proceeds from one degree to the next. He corrects his previous missteps by stepping forward. This represents a process which is actually incomprehensible in temporal terms, because he RETURNS as he progresses.”~ Jesus, ACIM.

Alex Proclaiming all of man’s laws are egoistic is a darn lie and defamation. It is clear you can’t even think your way out of a paper bag, let alone honor your forefathers. Take a hike. Read the Magna Carta or the Constitution of the USof America. Too bizarre.”

Alex responds, “Sabrina, Maz seeks relief from the pain and judgments that he holds of himself. He is wracked with guilt that he may have been going against Jesus wishes as to how the course is to be handled in regards to money. I’s ok Maz, remember the line, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”? You are sinless and innocent no matter what you say, do, or project out onto your brothers, for your projections are but a call for love. You are loved brother. God bless.”

Maz responds, “Alex Sanctimonious bullshit makes you feel better, I get that. Why not go play ‘little man pissing contest’ which your wife loves to mention so much online? You guys are a hoot. You abuse the granted freedoms to debase strangers on the internet. You should be ashamed of yourselves, really. LOL.”

Alex responds, “Maz, I have to admit that I thought that you were a moron for your reasons of protest of being called sir. I refrained from stating that judgment for that is not a kind way to look at any of our brothers or ourselves. But since we are laying our judgments out on the table to be looked at and healed, I figured why not join the party?

You have no reason to be ashamed of yourself. You are doing the best you can at every given moment with what you have to work with. Your ego is a master of projection but I’m sure that everything has a purpose and a reason, for the Holy Spirit uses all things for the healing of Gods Son.”

Maz responds, “Alex And? Even if I was a moron, you guys have no right to torment strangers by giving unsolicited psycho analysis through the Internet, claiming infallibility based on some alleged ‘guides’ in a thread which is about Trisha claims on guidelines for ACIM. So, find a hobby or go fix some more screws on robots, I’d say.”

Alex responds, “Maz, we are not here to fix your robotic ever repeating egoic thought system, for that is your work. We are only here to answer your calls for love that are underlying your egoic judgments and projections. If you really did not want to be in this dialogue with us you would not be participating in it. Your feigns of protest are seen for the calls for love that they are.”

Maz responds, “Alex I happen to have some spare time. And I take notice of goofballs shaming their ancestors and forefathers for the God-based laws they have established so that you arrogant scumbags have free speech and can post slander on the internet. The ‘love’ you offer is based on ignorance and bigotry. Keep it for yourself. I am doing very fine, so don’t worry. You should concern yourselves with your own mental health and calls for love, IMO.”

Alex responds, “Maz, two by two we walk each other home. We do this by sharing the truth with ourselves and our brothers for when we stand in our own light of truth the sinlessness and innocence of our self and our brothers can be seen for all who are willing to see. When we stand in our light of truth and refuse to buy into the ego judgments we are freed from the thought system of separation and fear.

We are taught to should on others by others shoulding on us. We blindly follow these patterns of shoulding on ourselves and others until we begin to seek for the truth above all else. There are no shoulds or shouldn’ts. You are and I are doing exactly the right thing for us to be doing in each and every moment based on where we are on our journeys.”

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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