Hello world. The following was written 7/27/2021.
I am in something of a Righteous Fury right now at these antics I am witnessing occurring all over the place with bullying others to get the jab. There are insights coming through of the mentality they are under.
Their responses are those of a narcissist using subliminal coercive manipulative comments to get a reactionary response so you do as they tell you. They are all about controlling you, the majority of these assholes coming onto your timeline screaming at you to get the jab. They are blind unconscious automatons who are incapable of thinking for themselves. They are literal sheep who do as they are told blindly without question. They are killing themselves and doing their best to kill anyone who does not fall in line and do as they are choosing to do.
None of them have common sense and none of them have an ounce of discernment between the Truth and a Lie. None of them hold a clue as to who they really are here or who they are meant to be. These are the Beings who will be crossing over sooner rather than later. For they are the ones injecting themselves with the tools of their own demise.
There are other aspects still. They use the books in their hands to beat their brothers into submission of what they are choosing. Forgetting no one is required to think, see, perceive or believe as they have chosen to. They only THINK they are required to. They superimpose.
Meaning they superimpose a learned ideology over the materials they read and take in with no recognition to that which they do. They repeat the same cycles over and over expecting a different result which in itself IS the definition of INSANITY.
They project before them onto you what it is they are choosing to believe in never realizing what they are choosing to believe in are lies or illusions crafted using their own minds and emotions against them to control all they think they perceive using the median of fear.
As was done to them they do to you. They use blame, shame, guilt and coercive language disguised as kindness and a supposed knowledge only they have to coerce you into submission. They do not care that they are undermining you on your own journeys path. That want you on theirs!
This is not how it works! Each of us are on our own SOLITARY PATH or JOURNEY here! We each walk our own path. All PATHS lead to the same destination no matter the path you choose for you. There are no wrong choices here when you choose what resonates for YOU! All are lessons.
Every experience has lessons to be learned buried within them. All are for you benefit. Nothing can be bad, wrong, evil, unwanted or unneeded if ALL IS FOR YOUR BENEFIT. It is your judgments that cause all pain and suffering you experience. It is a choice you make to believe.
This makes you responsible for what you are experiencing. Its your choices to believe so judge as you do that create the misery you experience. Your circumstances do not matter. It is your state of Being that matters! How you CHOOSE to BE IS what dictates your state of Being.
You are the one choosing what you shall believe in so experience. No one makes these choices for you. You have to willingly face yourself head on without fear. Recognize what you do and choose so you may stop and change your mind about what you do! No one can do it for you.
Understand you cant save the world or anyone else. You may only save yourself. You are only responsible for you and what you choose. The only thing or Being you may change is yourself. The outside world is a projection of an inwards mental condition you are trained to perceive.
You must willingly to look at all you think you believe in if you would release these lies taught to you that fog your ability to perceive what is real so True before you. Understand how your own mind works its the Key to freeing you from the slavery of the conditioned mind.
For that is what the majority of Humanity is under the control of now. The Conditioned Mind. It is conditioned to negate itself and others. Like crabs in a bucket the pull down those who do not act so think as they do. As with the monkeys climbing the ladder for the banana…
All of Humanity starts out the journey under the premise of “The Conditioned Mind.” We are each to work towards the releasing of that conditioned mindset we were indoctrinated into unconsciously and unknowingly. Its part of our journeys. We are all the same so equals always.
We are each permitted to choose what resonates within our hearts as being true. No one is required to believe as we do and we are not required to believe as the do. We must learn to accept and allow others to be as the choose without interference as long as they harm no one.
This means they are not permitted to willfully harm themselves either. All life is precious and a gift to be appreciated and given gratitude for. For each experience is a gift of lessons that are for your benefit. All were created specifically for your edification and no one else’s.
As I stated there are a lot of insights coming in this day that I am to shine the Light of Truth upon to highlight the Conditioned Mind that is there before you in plain view for you to see it for what it is. Until you see it you cant change it. You have to be willing to see.
I AM a TRUTH SEERER and a TRUTH SPEAKER. I shine the Light of TRUTH on the lies placed before you so you may see them clearly. It is who I AM and that which Holy Spirit has bidden me to do. I AM to speak bluntly, honestly, authentically holding nothing back so all may Witness!
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.