Hello world. The following was written 01/19/2019.
A brother asks, “Does doing the will of God require you to sacrifice what is dearest to you?”
My response, “Something to consider brother is when something is being removed from your life there is a reason for it. Do not value the valueless. Whether it be people or things, when God removes them from my life there is a reason and a purpose for it. Many times what is happening in those moments is a blessing. If and when I am feeling torn up about something or someone being removed from my life I ask God to show me what the purpose and value of this removal is. When I ask I am given an answer. So far, every time I am shown exactly why it is those things or that Being had to be removed. Whether I knew it or not in those moments I was being given a gift.
I also had to recognize when I was standing in judgment of whatever was being experienced. Those judgments are what was causing me to feel anxiety and other deep emotions when I was in fear of losing something or the fear of LACK. All were coming from preconceived notions and judgments of what is or should be and how I was in fear of not having or having what I had taken from me. When I could step back and see things from all points of perspective, I could then let go those things and people without fear popping its ugly head up to torment me any longer.
So, the point here is that if something or someone is being removed from your life, Let them GO! You are valuing the valueless and God would remove all that is not worthy of you from your life. Cling NOT to what has no value nor worth.”
My brother responds, “You make a great point. We really don’t know what is best for us, and need to trust our inner guide/higher power to lead us to what is best.
I recall many years ago not getting the job I had my heart set on. When I didn’t get it, I was devastated. But not getting it, led me to explore other options, which, in the end were far better. I never would have been happy in that other job.”
My response, “And that is EXACTLY the point being made here. We cannot know until all is said and done. It is in hindsight that we are given the clarity and understanding we may lack in the moment to see how all has been for our benefit. That NOTHING has gone wrong and all was as it needed to be for all involved.”
My brother responds, “Yes, I agree. But I have encountered lots of people who think that God is asking them to give up what is dearest to them. I have even felt that way in the past.
This reveals an fearful and anthropomorphic concept of God. As if he is a demanding father, rather than a pure source of love that makes no demands.”
My response, “Something to consider here is that it DOES NOT matter what it is another is choosing to believe in nor perceive. All that matters here is what YOU ARE CHOOSING to believe in and perceive for yourself. Circumstances DO NOT MATTER, ONLY your STATE OF BEING matters here. How YOU are choosing to be and perceive yourself and your reality as being is up to you and no one else. What your brothers are experiencing is up to them. You DO NOT get a say in it nor any choices in what they go through. Like you they too must decide for themselves what it is they will go through here.”
My brother responds, “I love that phrase, “Circumstances do not matter. Only state of being matters.” I first heard it from Bashar. Is that where you got it?”
My response, “DO NOT CONCERN yourself with the choices your brothers are making. Concern yourself with all that YOU are choosing for yourself. He is one of the beings I have heard that statement from.”
My brother responds, “That’s really all I ever do. But I do like to make provocative posts to encourage people to examine their beliefs. I find Bashar to be deeply inspiring.”
My response, “ He can be. Yet he is also limiting in that which he shares. For many who come to him seek direction and would blindly follow and believe without question nor understanding what it is He was actually sharing with them. He will use the phrase permission slip to get one to look past the limiting beliefs they have accepted as being real and true for them. Unfortunately most do not comprehend the depths that his sharing can go to because of the limits they place upon themselves.”
My brother responds, “I used that idea of “permission slip” in a recent post about beliefs. I have also used his definition of abundance in another post.”
My response, “There have been many perspectives shared by Bashar that have helped me grasp some point that my Guides and Holy Spirit were trying to make. Such as the permission slip giving one the ability to step outside of the box of limiting beliefs they have created for themselves unknowingly.”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.