Hello world. The following was written 6/19/2018.
It seems my brothers are want to point fingers and place blame on those outside of them, for what it is they are experiencing within them. My brothers do not comprehend, projection makes perception. What you have chosen to believe in as being True for you, is what you will perceive out there in your brothers and the world around you. It is a choice you have made to believe. The following was my response to a brothers statement, pointing fingers and placing blame.
My brother states, “I believe it’s the Trump administration that causes pain!”
My response, “Thank you brother, for sharing where you are at on your journey to healing. What you state, is no more than a projection of your own beliefs, of who you are and what you do with your brothers and yourself. You are telling the world and everyone reading this you extend pain and suffering to all whom you will cross paths with. Because this IS what you give to yourself. Your choices to judge have blinded you to the fact ,your brothers ARE your EQUALS in ALL WAYS, without exception. The only differences between you, are held within your own mind. They are choices, YOU have made to believe.
Whatever pain and suffering you are experiencing is and has been created by you, with these judgments you are making and believe in. If you would have your pain and suffering end, may I suggest you choose to turn within to Holy Spirit and ask Him to SHOW you where those judgmental egoistic beliefs came from. Ask why it is you chose to accept them as being true for you and when it was you made this choice to believe. Every experience you have had, holds a place within your memory of your growing years. Each holds a lesson within which is the key to your freedom from this pain you endure. If you would have your pain end, seek within you with Holy Spirit for the answers to where it came from and how to release it fully.
Otherwise you WILL continue this continuous rinse and repeat cycle of pain and suffering which seems never ending. Every time you push the memories away, instead of looking at them and questioning what you believe of them, you prolong your suffering. Every time the memories come, you are being handed an opportunity to heal. When you ignore them, you are asking for the pain to continue and increase in it’s intensity until it is no longer possible to ignore it any longer. If one gets to this point, death is usually starting to look like a possible solution. It’s not. All you will do is prolong these incarnations, repeating these lessons again and again in each new life cycle you choose to incarnate in. You are Eternal. The shell you perceive yourself to be is not.
I have given you much to consider here about your own choices to think and believe as you are doing and how those beliefs are being projected before you. I have even shared with you the processes you will need to go through to attain the healing you seek. It is now up to you whether or not you choose to heal yourself. The choice is yours. What shall you choose?”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.