Hello world. The following was written 6/4/2016.
Earlier today I shared a dialogue with someone about “teachers” who do not answer questions. What prompted this dialogue was a question being asked which had been asked of me the week prior by the same person.
A brother asks, “Why do we cherish our free will and say, There is no will but Gods will. This needs Reconciliation”
I found myself waiting to see if the person being asked would respond. After 24 hours there was no response. I followed my inner guidance and responded to them.
My response, “Brother, we had this conversation just last week. If there is conflict in this for you, then you are the one who needs to reconcile it, not anyone else.
Free Will is the right to pick and choose what it is we will believe in and experience in our lives. We get to make the choice and decision to think and believe whatever it is we want to. We experience whatever we experience based on our judgments of it. It is what we are thinking or believing about it which colors it in our minds. It is our FREE WILL to choose this or that as an experience. Our judgments are what we use to gauge everything to be for us.
It is saying your will and God’s Will are one and the same. Every choice and decision you make is in accordance with God’s Will. Each choice is an experience with a lesson within it for you to learn. Every experience is for YOUR benefit. You choose what it is you will experience. You judge each and every experience. All judgments come from what you have chosen to believe in as Truth. God has allowed us to choose for ourselves what to believe and experience. No one makes these choices for us.
These were the words I shared with you when you inquired similarly from me. You are the one with an issue with the words, “Free Will”. Are you forgetting what the Course says about words being symbols of symbols twice removed? They will only have the meaning YOU give them. If there is conflict within you over these words then you are the one with the misperception. You are the one holding onto a judgment of what is, and not accepting it as it is. Until you start to willingly go within and ask Holy Spirit to help you correct your misperceptions, this conflict will only continue and increase in it’s intensity until you do. All of this is your choice. Your Free Will to choose what you will experience here.”
My brother’s response to my reply at first surprised me and then resonated with me. His response to me was this.
My brother responds, “I can’t really disagree with what your saying but I just wanted to hear what they had to say. Most or maybe all Teachers that I ask never answer.”
It is interesting how those who claim to be teachers do not answer the questions being asked. They cannot give an example of how it has been proven to be Truth in their own lives, most of the time. All they do if they do answer is quote someone else’s concepts and ideals or what they read i a book. Still not giving any examples of how it has been shown to be the Truth for them in their own lives.
Now think about this for a minute. If they have really done the inner work needed and healed themselves completely as they imply, with their hands out for your money, then it would stand to reason they would be able to share from their personal experiences of how they have been shown this idea or this concept is true. This is how it has worked in my life!
How many of these teachers answer your questions with vague esoteric sounding answers? How many give answers which come from some book they read, about someone else’s ideal or concept? When you ask them how they got there, they tell you of this great guru, who hand fed to them everything to do, who to worship, and they are to give all their worldly goods to. Then when they can blindly repeat everything told to them, they are given man’s blessing, I mean guru’s blessing to now be a guru, all you need do is give away your power to someone else.
Okay, okay, they don’t say the last part. But they may as well be saying it. I am serious here. If these self proclaimed teachers truly believed in what they are teaching they should be able to share something which gives weight to why they believe this. Something which shows them, “This is Truth!”. But, you do not hear this when you ask them, “What does this mean?”, “Why do I need too…?”, “But this doesn’t sound right or feel good to me… Do I have to do it anyway?”. Then you ask, “How did you do it? What clicked to make you understand what this was saying?” You wait as they seemingly contemplate their answer to you. When they begin to speak they begin with, “I remember my teacher telling me about his teacher and his teacher telling him we are all the same. Then directing him to read this, listen to that, contemplate this, meditate for this long and the answers will come to you. Now I will do the same for you. So, just as my teacher told me I so too will tell you…” And they simply repeat what they were told with some new stuff added in to keep you floundering for them to guide you more.
Yes, this is very familiar ground for me. I have come to understand none of them have the answers. They like to believe they do, but they do not. Many are blinded by their choices to become enlightened egos. They want to tell you what you want to hear. They play on your fears, guilt, happiness, shame, hurts, hopes, dreams and any other thing they may use as leverage to get you to follow them, believe in them, and depend on them to have and give you the answers. Yet, they never do. They cannot even answer how they got to their understanding. How do they know this is true?
When I listen to my brothers questions I answer with an understanding which comes from personal experience. Of going through the process of looking within at everything Holy Spirit brought before me to look at. I would look at it every time as He brought it into my view. I did not pick and chose what I thought anything was or was not. Instead I watched it all as an observer. Each time I could see from all perspectives. I could see my choices to judge and how I felt immediately after when my choice in belief became my hell.
See, there is a huge difference in knowledge and knowing. Many teachers out there have a lot of knowledge. Yet, very few have actual Knowing. Learn to be discerning betwixt and between the two. One heals with Truth and one kills with a carrot on a stick called awakening and enlightenment or WOKENESS. One shares freely the lessons and healing they have received to help their brother heal and one tells you to ignore every stop sign God is giving you and to listen only to them because they know what is best for you.
Every choice made is made by you. It is a belief you are holding onto. No one can make your choices for you no matter how much you want to believe they have or they can. When you start seeking the Truth, the garbage starts to fall to the sides like chafe in the wind. Garbage being the “woke” enlightened ego teachers. They seem to have knowledge in abundance, yet lack knowing for all the knowledge they are so keen to share.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.