Hello world. The following was written 8/26/2018.
A family member shared about a letter sent from a teacher informing parents there would be no homework other than what the child does not complete in class that day. This sparked quite the dialogue between my family members and their friends. It also led me to share what I have come to understand of our education system and society.
Brother two responds, “What? They should have homework and eat dinner.”
Brother one responds, “Only homework they receive is class work not completed.”
Brother three responds, “Every child should have homework so they learn to study on their own. Teacher sounds like she does not want to make up home work to give it to the kids.”
Brother one responds, “no studies have shown that there is no correlation with kids homework and them learning or retaining the knowledge they can study on their own but to do extra school work on their time takes away from other area they might be able to excel at or spend time with loved ones”
Brother four responds, “Not true. homework on their own time teaches the kids discipline and priorities.”
Brother five responds, “Not true discipline & priorities should be taught by the parents. Why should I let a teacher do that for me. I’m raising my kids, not the teacher. Now if they are assigned homework, it is up to them to do it yes. It is also the responsibility of the parent to instill that sense of responsibility toward their children. Also to guide them onto the right path.”
Brother one responds, “Beat me to it brother Lol”
Brother four responds, “I believe teachers and parents should work together and instill work and study habits in their children. Ethics should be taught at home and in school. School and home training is to help advance the child into society.”
Brother six responds, “I disagree. School is to further knowledge within a vacuum so to speak. Only what the government/school boards want them to learn. It teaches kids to use steps to problem solve so they conform to what society thinks they should be. Not what they want to do & how to use critical thinking & basic cognitive reasoning to deal with problems. Parents have let too much power go to the school systems that are failing our kids on a regular basis. Ethics, values, discipline are taught in the home. I believe parents & teachers can & should work together to do what’s best for them on an individual basis. Not what’s good for “Jimmy is also good for Paul.””
Brother seven responds, “”I believe parents & teachers can & should work together to do what’s best for them on an individual basis.” Homework is teaching the child to work on their own with the parents’ guidance. There must be an effort from both teachers and parents.”
My response, “State run compulsory education started in this country in 1852, in Massachusetts. Until then, schooling was done in the home by the parents and other adults in the household. Most children were taught basic grammar and mathematics as well as Latin, French, Greek and Spanish (from Spain) as their curriculum.
In doing some research on world history and our own country’s history, you will find there were certain “families” who held money and power. Those families began taking over the public education systems, colleges and Universities. It was in these institutions the move to INDOCTRINATE the Youth was begun. Slowly the government has stripped away every right a parent has.
The children are and have been indoctrinated to conform to and OBEY the dictates of whoever states they are the authority. If and when a child refuses to conform they are immediately labeled by the school as a troubled child. The parents are forced to have their child examined for psychological issues by a doctor hired by the school, so paid to side with what the school wants. What the school wants are docile programmable children who do not question their authority. They are labeled bi-polar and drugged until they either commit suicide or go on a murderous killing spree.
This is being done purposefully, so the masses beg for the authority to take full control of their lives. Enslaving them permanently for the rest of their existence willingly. They use your minds against you. They use your children as the leveraging tool of control.
It is a psychological mind screw Humanity is put through unknowingly. Each and every one of you were indoctrinated to conform to and OBEY someone else’s dictates, because they told you they were the authority. It is an illusion with invisible shackles which keeps you doing as you are told. Each rule, law, regulation, prohibition and limitation you willingly choose to follow creates a bar to a cage you build in your own head. They control you. All you think, say and do was taught to you on a subliminal subconscious level using coercive subversive manipulations to subvert your Free Will to be Sovereign Beings who are Self Governing so Self Reliant.
Do some research into psychological indoctrination, manipulation and subliminal coercion. Each one is used in psychological warfare against populations to induce a form of Stockholm Syndrome to get the populous to think their torturers are their saviors.
Everything we have been taught to think and believe as being true, were lies created to control and manipulate us to someone else’s will and dictates. Every single Human Being goes through this and it all starts with their families. It is their families who teach them to blindly accept, follow and believe without question. They use anger, violence, mental and emotional forms of abuse to gain compliance from the child.
They repeat the patterns taught to them by their parents without thought. They were told they were not allowed to question. They were told they were to do as they were told or a beating would be the result. This is how it all begins. We do to our children what has been done to us and we do this unconsciously, unknowingly.
By the way, all of Humanity has been been indoctrinated into a Cult Mentality. This indoctrination starts at birth. The cult we are indoctrinated into, is what we have labeled as the Society we are born into. All rules, laws, regulations, prohibitions, and limitations we follow come from a make believe entity we are trained to believe in and conform to and OBEY or be punished for not doing so. We are all indoctrinated into the cult mentality we call our society.
Here is a kicker though! You were never required to accept or believe in any of the bullshit told and taught to you. You only THINK and BELIEVE you are required too. This is part of the illusion. You have been trained to believe you are required to conform, adhere to and comply. Taught you do not get a choice or say in it. These lies are what you have been taught to accepted, so believe. Holy Spirit has me diving deeply into these Truths of what was done to me and all of Humanity.”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.