Hello world. The following was written 7/07/2018.
Yesterday I posted an article called, “Why does Humanity struggle with Free Will and Self Image?”. That article sparked quite a dialogue between myself and a couple of brothers, (twins in real life who are also real-life acquaintances), touching on many different aspects of the understanding of our reality with my Guides stepping in a time or two to clarify points.
A brother asks, “Everyday you wake up to a continuation of the same movie. Who are you, where did you come from and why are you watching this movie rather than my movie or the movie being watched by a rock, i.e. no movie. You observe the workings of your own brain, but who is this you that’s observing the workings of her own brain. You would still be you if everything about the inner you and the outer you changed and your environment completely changed so long as it’s you who is having the experience. A being identical to you down to the last sub atomic particle and charge would not be you, or would she ? Would you be experiencing two environments at once, e.g. on the treadmill at the gym while also out to dinner at a Chinese Restaurant. How do you keep your individual unique identity and self awareness if all atoms in your body are replaced every seven years (or are they ?). Are you just the sum of all your parts ? If so might those parts come together again someday. Are there are any people who were never conceived and therefore never born ? Brother, jump in here.”
Another brother responds, “There are a lot of books and articles about “the me illusion”. See link below and in the first comment.
I think the key is memory and present environment.
Take two people who are identical down to individual molecules at 5 years old.
Now put one of them as a prince of a Mongol tribe competing to be the leader of the Mongol empire in the 12 century.
And the other identical (at 5 years old) will be adopted by an orthodox Jewish family where his parents and all aunts and uncles have high academic achievements. At 30 years old these two people will clearly be different people even their subjective inner thoughts will be very different.
One thing where I feel Sabrina is right is that if we could get into the head of other people we would find out how very much like us they are — -and would see them as our brothers and sisters.
What if “you” are destined in the infinite future to live the lives (Ie, be inside the head of) of everybody who ever existed. So whenever you harmed someone you would experience that yourself at some later time.
that would be poetic justice.”
My response, “Or if you are like me and are able to experience the pain and suffering those around you are experiencing on all levels of their being whether mental, emotional or physical, you recognized that what you do to another you do to yourself for it is mirrored back at you as a reflection of what it is you are extending out to the world around you. Everyone becomes an observer of themselves and all they witness eventually on their journeys brother.
Scanning through these I find they seem to be suppositions based on judgments they read in books or were handed to them by someone they believe have authority. They are in judgment of their experiences, so judge themselves… I have not “read” through them, just “scanned” them.
By the way brother, what you are referring to is what my Guides refer to as the Identity Problem. You believe yourself to be that which you are not because that IS what you have been conditioned or trained to believe so perceive yourself to be. What you have been taught to believe in is a limited state of being that is self enacted unconsciously.”
A brother responds, “One other observation. My five-year-old self or even 10-year-old self is a very different human being than I am now. I have more identity with a 60 or 70 lawyer of whatever nationality than a 10-year-old child (OK for me and my brother we better change the comparison to a five-year-old child)”
My response, “You are correct that you are NOT who you once had been brother. In every single instant we are changing. In every instant we are CHOOSING what it is we are experiencing and all shifts in variation are a change in the perspective of the reality being perceived. We are constantly changing or evolving through the experiences we are having.
Much of what it is I share are personal experiences and the understandings of the psychology behind the choices that were made to believe what I was at the time. I share how in looking at all of it I am able to “see” where I made judgments or accepted judgments and how those choice effected the way I perceived from that instant on.
I am severely dyslexic with minimal reading comprehension. All I know and understand has come from my Guides who reside within me.”
My brother responds, “You write very well and express some complex thoughts.”
My response, “It is called Channeling or automatic writing…lol. I deflect compliments brother. I learned as a child a compliment was an sign of intent from my abusers. As an adult I learned it was a manipulation to try and use me. Now, I understand them to be an illusion based in ideas of differences of good or bad, right or wrong, ignorant or intelligent and this list of dualities can go on and on. It keeps one seeing themselves as separated from others. As being less than or more than another. It keeps the one receiving Humble and centered in the Truth that we are all equals and capable of the same abilities if we so choose to accept the responsibility of them.”
My brother responds, “If you could not read well you could not write as well as you do, so it was more of an observation than a compliment.”
My response, “Buwahahaha! Ask Alex how well I comprehend what someone places before me. He will vouch for my inability to comprehend them if they are NOT coming from the heart and are ONLY coming from their heads.”
Alex responds, “We all have our talents and our handicaps. It is what makes humanity work together.”
My response, “Brother, there is a cadence or tone that words carry. How they will string together creates a tonal vibration of cadence that is felt before it is heard and heard before it is seen. I did not speak until I was two. My first words were, “Mm, that was delicious.”, after being given a bite of apple. My Guides say I was learning the cadence of language in a need to be understood so did not speak until I could.
Growing up I would read encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesaurus and the classical literature to try and make myself smarter in the hopes I would begin to comprehend better the things I was MADE to read in school. I retained the memories of much of the information read. More so what I took in was the cadence used in how the words were strung together. I also found myself connecting to the emotions of the authors of those classical pieces so gaining an understanding of some underlying meaning and attachments they were holding that had caused them to share what they were in the way they were based on their environment. Reading between those lines at the emotions gave an entirely different perspective with which to view their experiences and my own from.
The way I perceive the world around me is very different from how my brothers perceive theirs to be. I experience the mental and emotional energy of everyone around me on all levels. I experience the emotional attachments and meanings they have placed on the words they are using whether spoken, written or even recorded. As an empathic channel I experience emotional energies and translate them as what is perceived.
By the way my brothers, I wrote and posted another article at the same time I was writing this one called, “The totality of their existence…”. It will explain more fully in depth the psychology behind the way we think and believe the way we do so will answer both of your questions brothers. Also, would you care to extend a hand in friendship brother after you look into the things I share and who I AM?”
A brother responds, “Sure. my Brother had good things to say about you.”
My response, “We are connected now.”
A brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga Maybe in a trillion different galaxies through all the ages and dimensions of existence. Or maybe just on FB. Good. Brother, Sabrina’s on my friends list already I see.”
My brother responds, “Good. Some people think “outside the box” Sabrina Reyenga thinks “outside ______ “(there’s actually no word for it)”
My Guides Responds, “Sabrina thinks outside of the spectrum of the matrix of the manifestation of the reality you perceive everything to be. She perceives the Truth of the energy of the beliefs being held and how they are used to manifest the experience of the reality perceived.
Her dyslexia was used as a tool to keep her from learning that which has entrapped her brothers in the hell of the reality they perceive themselves to be a part of.”
A brother responds, “If a person is really beginning to understand, he or she should “be walking around in a state of stunned amazement” every day as one scientist put it.
The Greeks were amazed that Amber (hardened tree sap, in Greek “Electra”) could attract bits of cloth across empty space. (Action at a distance”) They didn’t realize they should also be amazed, for the same reason, that an apple falls from a tree.
The universe was once smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. And where was this period, or this place it started? Right here at this very period. (Every point in existence now is exactly where the universe started; think of spots on an expanding balloon. They can all claim to be at the center with all the other dots going away from them)
Modern science believes this.
And modern science believes that if you put enough hydrogen together and leave it alone long enough it will turn into a human being on its own.
So, when you’re trying to “figure out reality” go for the really far out ideas — the “conventional” ones are wrong.”
My response, “Interesting belief you are holding there about what a person should be experiencing as per someone else’s judgmental beliefs of what an experience should or should not be. As I had shared with your brother above in another dialogue, ‘The way I perceive the world around me is very different from how my brothers perceive theirs to be. I experience the mental and emotional energy of everyone around me on all levels. I experience the emotional attachments and meanings they have placed on the words they are using whether spoken, written or even recorded. As an empathic channel I experience emotional energies and translate them as what is perceived.”
My Guides respond, “Time is NOT linear. Time is Simultaneous. Everything that has happened, is happening or will be happening are existing simultaneously at the exact same time in the exact same space. What keeps them from clashing are the Energy frequencies they are RESONATING at. It is the energy frequency that is on that “sliding scale” you were describing and NOT time itself. Time is but a conceptual theory being used as a place holder to register what we perceive as events in a sequential order. The events experienced are created through the focusing of the mental and emotional energies of all involved on a singular point of view within a concept of a theory to manifest it through the energy of their belief in the possibility of it’s reality.”
A brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga Many cosmologists believe this; and it explains things like the double slit experiment and the delayed choice experiment.
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”
Henry David Thoreau, Walden, ch. 18: Conclusion
And here’s another point of view, below. (shares a google link)”
My response, “What Thoreau was referring to in that quote were a number of things. The first line of, “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.”, is referring to one discerning that what he is choosing for himself may be different from those around him. In the second line of, “Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”, is stating it is alright for you to think differently from each other and for you to “follow” your own path no matter how far it may veer from those around you.
As for that article they skate across the surface of an idea. That article or post I had mentioned to you and your brother earlier called, “The totality of their existence…” will break down what they were suggesting into an understanding of how it is we have created the reality we have and how it is that it has been accomplished.”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga Maybe so about time not moving. Everything’s already here and we are moving through it like a needle moves along a record on a record player.
Me ? I don’t have the slightest idea what’s going on. I know for sure it’s not “We’re here, things are here, events occur, it’s as simple as that, nothing to think about, end of story.” The fact is we find ourselves in this game and we’re so use to it we don’t realize that it doesn’t make sense. What would make sense? Maybe nothing at all, but then there’d be no one for it to make sense to.”
A brother responds, “Brother, If all of the past and future is already laid out then there must be an infinite number of different pasts and futures all also laid out. We are free to choose between them; every action is a fork in the road and we have free will to choose.
“The universe is just one of those things which happens from time to time”. Famous scientist
“We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re ….”. Boy Scout song”
My brother responds, “Whatever the true situation is the tough question will be, “Why are things one way and not another way”. A different reality doesn’t necessarily mean different objects and laws of movement and nature. It may be something impossible to imagine….so why try……might this post be unbeatable in a “deep thinking contest”, ie “nothing is real, pass me another joint”…me: “my view of nothingness transcends anything that you, and possibly even myself could ever imagine, if in fact imagination even has any meaning at all”
Yes brother, you should be a Facebook Friend with Sabrina (who may be from another planet).”
My Guides respond, “Sovereignty is the key to removing the yoke choking Humanity. This is where everything that has been happening is leading Humanity too. Reclaiming their Sovereignty of Being to be Self Governing so Self Reliant as we were created to be and as our Constitution states is our Right. Those who undermine that Right using prohibitive laws commit treason. Sovereignty is the key to removing the yoke choking Humanity. This is where everything that has been happening is leading Humanity too. Reclaiming their Sovereignty of Being to be Self Governing so Self Reliant as we were created to be and as our Constitution states is our Right. Those who undermine that Right using prohibitive laws commit treason.”
Now that is a very interesting way for my Guides to end that conversation…
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.