Hello world. The following was written 3/31/2018.
I found myself responding to a brothers comment telling me what they think I need to do on a post I had shared from two years ago talking about contemplating ones responsibility for the choices they make to believe. The following was their comment and my response.
My brother states, “Please review chapter 27 of the text entitled the healing of the dream. slowly. one section per day. I believe this will help you get a perspective that you can live with. I bless you on your journey.”
My response, “You assume I have not already done so brother. You judge and assume you know what I should or should not be doing here and that I am holding a misconception and doing something wrong. Look in the mirror little one. You need to recognize your presumptions coming from your egoistic mind and stop shoving your shit down another’s throat.
Hopefully I am being BLUNT enough to get your attention and anyone else’s who would presume to try telling me I need to follow what they dictate. I am not here to follow you into the pit of hell you have created. I am here to share the understandings I am given from my own life’s personal experiences and the lessons I was to learn from them.
I did ACIM in 2013 following a teacher like you who was lost. When Holy Spirit and my Guides stepped forward and showed me the Truth of the lies and bullshit that teacher was shoveling, I walked away and only took my Guidance from within from there on out. It has stood me in very good stead too. It has healed my mind, body, Soul and Spirit of all the traumas, trials and tribulations I have experienced from birth to today. I am healed on all levels all illness and disease and I am able to share and explain how every rape, molestation, beating, mental and emotional abuse was of benefit to me. How I would not be who I am if I had never experienced the things I have.
Now you can either accept me as I am without casting your judgments on me or FUCK OFF and crawl into your hole before I loose what little patients I have during this retrograde and break down in the basest ways exactly what Humanity has been doing to each other and their children with their egoistic control and manipulations for power over each other.”
My brother responds, “Ok, I Will.”
The honesty and authenticity one needs to have with themselves will be what their brother witnesses. When they stand in their Light of Truth no matter what, it no longer matters what it is their brother is choosing. For their choice is not yours and not wanted by you any longer so you no longer willingly choose to blindly accept, follow and believe the bullshit they try to shovel out at you.
Sometimes one finds it necessary to be extremely blunt and to the point on their journey when interacting with their brothers. There does not seem to be any other way to get them to comprehend their “questionable guidance” is not needed nor asked for and needs to be kept behind their teeth, reviewed and questioned for any validity in Truth before they choose to part their lips and shove their foot in it.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.