Hello world. The following was written 4/4/2018.

Humanity understand the psychology behind what is being experienced and you can reverse it completely. If Humanity can be shown exactly what it is they do and has been being done to them on a subconscious subliminal level, they can step back from the ledge and leaping like lemmings after those who leap before them.

There are a couple of videos floating around the internet showing how the main stream media companies are saying the exact same things at the exact same times. All is being read off of a teleprompter. Every word being spoken is being fed to them by someone else for one purpose and one purpose only. The purpose is to do a mass subliminal hypnosis of the populous through subversive subliminal messages created to train you to conform to the dictates of those who state they are the authority.

One of the “LABELS” used standing out in those videos was the word or label all of them kept using when referring to the United States. They kept calling this country a Democracy. Something to consider here regarding the United States. The United States is a Constitutional REPUBLIC and NOT a Democracy. A Democracy is based on the premise the rights of the majority overrule the rights of the few. A Republic is based on the premise each Being is Sovereign and has the Right to be Self Governing so Self Reliant as God created them to be.

What has been happening here in the USA would be the subversive coercive manipulations being used against the populous to get us to hand away our rights and freedoms for a false sense of safety and security through the use of prohibitions created by changing the way we are perceiving something to be through the changing of its name or label.

When something is labeled it is given a new meaning. We then take this new meaning and over lay it on what we think we are perceiving so judge it to be what it is not. Those who state they are the authority are using your own minds against you to enslave you and Humanity is not even aware of what it is they do when they beg for someone to come in and save them. Each time they do this they are handing away their Free Will and Sovereignty of Being to be Self Governing so Self Reliant. They are willingly making themselves VICTIMS in a belief someone else will be responsible for them and take care of them.

As a woman who has experienced the extremes of rapes, molestations, beatings, exorcisms, canings, mental and emotional abuse, I can state succinctly NO ONE was THERE to SAVE ME when I was a child or as an adult. I WAS, my FIRST RESPONDER and I failed to do so BECAUSE I was TAUGHT I was to be the victim in how I perceived everything to be. Taught I did NOT have a right to defend myself or speak out about what I was experiencing. If I spoke of it I was beaten into silence.

Victims are not allowed to have a voice that is not given them by someone else. They are not allowed to speak of anything but what is being dictated to them. They are not allowed to hold a different perspective and opinion of what was experienced. If they share how something positive has come from it they are shamed and guilt into silence.

If one states every experience was of benefit to them they are told they are sick and twisted and need to be hospitalized. Told they are trying to get women to believe being raped, molested and beaten on is good and should be sought out. Nothing could be further from the Truth. What is shared is how to change ones perspective from the Victim Mentality, to one of a Sovereign Mentality. Shown how they are responsible for how they were choosing to perceive and believe. Shown how they are the AUTHORITY over themselves.

What these Beings have done is let go of the belief they are a victim of this world they perceive. They chose to look at what was experienced and see it from a different perspective. A perspective of CHOICE. A perspective of having the right to change their mind, think differently, speak differently, look differently and be as they choose to be. They take back their Sovereignty and stop playing the victim role that was handed to them to be.

They reverse the training they went through to believe someone else has authority over them. They choose to look within at the psychological brainwashing they experienced into a cult mentality known as Society. They question why they were required to conform and accept the dictates of society as the authority they are to follow the laws of. Society is a cult mentality governed through mans laws for society believes it is the law. Society is mans laws in action, Sovereignty is GOD’S LAW!

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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