Hello world. The following was written 1/16/2019.

I am hearing words running through my mind that I have no understanding of and have to look up the meanings of. As I start to look up the meanings the words begin to flow more freely and I am rushed to write them down as they come in. Channeling at it finest here….

“The dichotomy of sociality within society aggregates through the manipulation and coercion of the Individual to conform to what it is the masses are choosing to accept. That which those in positions of “leadership” or “power and control” shall use, will be subversive tactics to gain leverage over the masses to direct them to their desired will through force if necessary.

It is up to the Individual to decide for themselves if this is what they would accept so receive or perceive. Each Individual will be responsible for this choice they make to comply or not. It is a choice they must make for themselves using their Free Will to choose what resonates as Truth within them. Each of you are Sovereign Beings who are capable of being Self Governing so Self Reliant as you were created to be.

It is a choice each of you are making to accept and conform to the rules, prohibitions, regulations, judgements, opinions and laws being DICTATED to you. Understand you have been trained from the moment of your birth to blindly follow and accept whatever is being said and done to you without questioning. This training is done on a subliminal level of your subconscious mind using the medians of shame, guilt, blame, pain, suffering and fear as the modes of manipulation to control you and all you do.

The active tool that is understood by all is judgment. You are taught to fear all judgment. You are taught to fear what another is choosing to think and believe of themselves so project onto you. You are taught that if you do not conform to what another is dictating you will be punished. All you care for taken from you as you are locked away in a cell cut off from all you know. Ostracism taken to an entirely new level of perversion.

Humanity you are being controlled and manipulated through your subconscious mind to conform to the dictates of those who state they are the authority. Humanity you are being handed an illusion and are being told you must accept it and make it real by complying willingly. Humanity your mind is being used against you using your emotions as the trigger of control. Consider again what you are being told to perceive so believe. Consider the words they would use to manipulate your purview. Recognize the hypocrisy as they tell you do as I say and not as I do.”

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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