Hello world. The following was written 11/15/2018.

For a number of days now I have been experiencing flashbacks of visions and dreams I have had in the last few years regarding scrolls. In these visions and dreams I would be in a library of sorts and these scrolls would appear in front of me with a word written out in a beautiful cursive style script or hand writing. At the top of these scrolls were the words Acceptance, Contemplation, Relationship, Unity, Limitation, Shackles, Labels, Judgment, Perspective, Belief, Questioning and so many more.

Not long ago I found myself in a number of dialogues with my brothers demanding I prove something to them. None of those brothers were willing to do any research to inform themselves as to what is or is not True. Like many others they choose to blindly follow and believe whatever is said to them or they read in a book as being absolutely True and the ones speaking their chosen authority. My brothers were choosing to blindly follow and believe an imaginary authority.

Today a brother shared a section of the Text from ACIM that brought back some memories of the first year I did the workbook lessons of ACIM. Memories of how differently I was perceiving what the material was stating and what the teacher was stating it was.

ACIM T-2. III. 3. “The acceptance of the Atonement by everyone is only a matter of time. This may appear to contradict free will because of the inevitability of the final decision, but this is not so. You can temporize and you are capable of enormous procrastination, but you cannot depart entirely from your Creator, Who set the limits on your ability to miscreate. An imprisoned will engenders a situation which, in the extreme, becomes altogether intolerable. Tolerance for pain may be high, but it is not without limit. Eventually everyone begins to recognize, however dimly, that there must be a better way. As this recognition becomes more firmly established, it becomes a turning point. This ultimately reawakens spiritual vision, simultaneously weakening the investment in physical sight. The alternating investment in the two levels of perception is usually experienced as conflict, which can become very acute. But the outcome is as certain as God.”

I remember when this first came up in 2013. What I perceived it stating was very different from what the “teacher” was stating it said at the time. My understanding was that we will each come to understand and accept the Truth for ourselves in our own time. That the Truth will be similar yet different for each of us based on our experiences and the lessons we are to learn from them. Once we accept the Truth as it is without judgments our perspective and purview will shift thereby changing what we see and how we are seeing it. Their response was I do not exist and nothing is real. That I needed to sit down and shut up because they were the teacher and not me.

My Guides state, “No, they are not a teacher. They are the ass dangling a carrot on a stick before the other asses who blindly follow and believe without questioning.”

LMAO! Now that is the freaking TRUTH!

My Guides state, “Question everything. Question what you are told. Question what you hear. Question what you see. Question what you perceive. Question what you believe. Question what you experience. Question everything! Question even that which those who state they are your Guides would have you believe. Do not blindly follow and believe just because they state they are this Being or that Being. Question what it is they would teach you. Ask for clarity and understanding as to how what they are stating is the Truth. Ask for examples which show how this is True. Ask and you will receive. Stop believing blindly whatever is placed before you. Discernment is needed. Learn it! You will be easily manipulated by any Spirit that would speak through you until you do.”

What they share is True. When I first began this journey I found myself questioning everything after my Guides had asked me some probing questions. They asked me to write out everything I believed defined me and who I am. After I wrote out that list They asked me what each item had in common. Each was a label. They asked me where each one came from. Each had been handed to me. They asked me why I believed those things defined me. I believed because I was told those things defined me. I made a choice to believe.

It was in those moment I came to understand that I was the one who was making these choices to believe in the judgmental labels that were handed to me. I was creating my own living hell with my choices to blindly follow and believe without questioning. The more I looked, the deeper this illusion went. Everything I thought I knew and believed in was a lie that was taught to me by someone else just as it had been taught to them. None of the Beings who came before me questioned what they were being taught to believe in. There was no questioning!

It was my questioning what it was I was experiencing and being shown by Holy Spirit and my Guides that opened my eyes to these Truth’s. It was my own willingness to look at what I was believing in and choosing that freed me from the shackles that were binding me. It was the questioning that healed and released me from my pain and suffering from the fear of dying from disease.

When I first heard the voiceless voices and understood their messages I questioned who they were. Each time I would ask for a name the response was the same. “Who we are does not matter. The message we bring is all that matters. Consider what is shared and try what we suggest for yourself. It is in the doing that you will see the Truth of what is shared fully”

Each time I would do as I was being asked. Each time I would see the Truth they were sharing before me. It is this understanding that has built the convictions I now hold within me that what they have been teaching me is True. It has taken me 5 years of listening, questioning and doing as I am bidden before an understanding came to me of who two of my Guides are.

My Guides would place the materials before me showing me who They are. It was my own inability to Discern what was right in front of me that kept me from seeing the Truth staring me right in the face. It was also my own belief in labels, titles and NAMES that was blocking me from that Truth. It was not until I could let go those attachments to labels or titles that understanding came.

In everything we block ourselves, destroy ourselves, imprison ourselves and FREE ourselves. In everything we are responsible for what it is we are choosing to believe. In everything we have to be willing to question that which we have chosen to believe it is that we perceive our experiences to be. For in everything we have been taught to judge it to be what it is yet to never QUESTION that which we are told to believe it is.

In other words we are taught to accept the judgmental labels and beliefs being handed to us as defining us and what it is we experience. We are taught to not question those judgmental labels and beliefs we are handed. We are taught to accept them blindly and follow them strictly without questioning the ones handing them to us. We are to assume that Being is an authority and has every right to control us and what we think, say and do. We are taught to never question. We are taught to question the authority brings pain and suffering. We are taught to never questioned. We were taught to blindly follow and believe the authority.

On my journey I have learned to question everything if I am to discern the Truth before me. Questioning! Breaking the shackles that bind you.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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