Hello world. The following was written 12/29/2020.
A brother asks, “When the world takes your home away, are you going to be Hand-Out Homeless? Or Hard-Core Homeless?”
My response, “My Husband and I have been homeless for a year and a half now by society standards as we are living in an RV. After losing our home we have had to work hard for every single thing we now have. In the last year we have busted our butts to fix things that were broken or needed repairs and have done trade work for some of those items. In the year and a half we have earned 8 165 watt solar panels, batteries, and all the components that go with solar and batteries. We have really worked hard to get everything we now have. None of it was free. All of it was paid for with hard earned money, blood, sweat and tears literally.
By the way, we do not consider ourselves homeless as we DO have a home. Our home is this RV and it supplies us shelter from the storms, a place to rest and to maintain ourselves and prepare the foods we would partake of. Poverty is a state of mind. By societies standards I am impoverished. Yet I tell you I am truly rich for I have all I need and am provided what I may need when I need it. I want for nothing because I have what I need and not what I think or believe is needed. Big difference between those two. The what is needed and what is believed to be needed.”
My brother responds, “You have far surpassed my test, madam.”
My response, “My tests on my journey have had me facing death over 100 times. I would die and be resuscitated. Each time I died I would visit the other lives I am living in other forms Human and otherwise. It took me dying again and again before I figured out I am not this body I inhabit. This body is no more than a costume I don like an actor on stage pretending to be who they are not for a time just for the experience of it. How else does the Eternal Soul get to experience what being finite is like?”
My brother responds, “I’m usually quite responsive here on facebook but you’ve got me at a loss for words. I am very happy to have met you and the chance to share some perspective.”
My response, “Everything we go through and experience here in this reality is for our benefit whether we know it in the moment it is occurring or not. All have lessons buried within them that point to how we are choosing to think so believe. All will be based on what we have been taught to judge all as being. Each judgmental label we accepted creates a veil or film like an overhead projector which taints or distorts what is being perceived to be what it is not. All is taught to us and can be unlearned if and when we choose to look at it and question what we were being taught or trained to believe in.
In essence what I am referring to here is the psychology of indoctrination with the myriad forms used to implement it through. The use of non-contact torture using ones own mind and emotions as the tool of leverage against the individual to manipulate so control all that is perceived to believe to be real so true for them. It is the subconscious mind in the drivers seat working from that programming the individual took in subliminally unconsciously and unknowingly through that mind training they received during their growing years from birth until 5 or 6 years old when they began to think for themselves or become conscious of their individuality. The I AM aspect of belief.”
Poverty is a state of mind. It is a belief being held that was taught to you. The shame, guilt, blame and fear that fills you was taught to you. The belief that you cannot do for yourself was taught to you. The things you have been taught have disconnected you from yourself. They have disconnected you from the bounty that surrounds you. Everywhere you look there is food before you and you do not recognize it in its natural habitat. All around you are materials for tools and structures. You have the ability to to teach yourself how to farm, hunt, gather from the wild and fish for your sustenance. There are medicinal plants all around you growing wild. All is provided you. It is you who are choosing to believe otherwise.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.