Hello world. The following was written 10/09/2018.

For the last few days I have been finding myself in dialogues with my brothers that seem to revolve around their beliefs in labels, being politically correct and blindly following and believing what a supposed authority figure is stating is True. Such as what has been being said about Justice Kavanaugh. To one such item that had been posted I found myself responding and the following dialogue ensued. All of this happened two days ago. This morning I found myself responding to another brothers post and another dialogue ensued there. Both shall be shared here with you all. FYI, this article is very long.

My comment, “What happened to innocent until proven guilty? It is only in COMMUNIST SOCIALIST countries that you are GUILTY until proven innocent. Wonder what all these blind wanna be socialists are going to say when their heroes are being tried by military tribunals for treason?”

A brother asks, “Do you think the woman was lying Sabrina Reyenga? Do you think it’s possible that a woman would not know who assaulted her if she knew the person beforehand? That she would be mistaken?”

My response, “Hello brother. Yes I “feel” she is lying on multiple counts. She was not assaulted for starters. When she was speaking of the incident during the hearing the emotions she was displaying were token. There was no “true” emotional energy connected to the “event” nor the “people” connected to it when she would speak of them.

It was not the same with Kavanaugh. When he would speak of his life and this event that he is accused of there is great pain and anguish in his heart center. There is confusion, disbelief and rage that he would be accused of such a thing. All of this is transmitted when he starts to speak.

None of those emotional energies came through from her. Nothing is as it may seem. She is not who she is made out to be. Her connections to the alphabet agencies and the previous administrations reaching back decades is there for all to see if they choose to look closely enough. All they need do is start with the JFK files. All the players in the game then had children and proteges who are in the game now. They are all connected one unto the other.

As to your other question, Yes I do believe women can lie about being assaulted. There are plenty of cases of men going to prison because a woman lied. When new evidence comes out they are released with a token I’m sorry. They are even willing to lie about those they know if they think it will get them what they want or even to get revenge for maybe being rejected. They are no different than men in this reaction and mentality. Both are equally unpredictable when emotional responses are being triggered unknowingly.

By the way, there are plenty of women and men who have claimed rape and abuse to gain custody of children, finances and to simply destroy those they once loved in an act of rage at being rejected. It is very possible for them to lie about these things. As to forgetting someone they know before hand, NO! Not unless they were HEAVILY DRUGGED before anything happened.”

My brother responds, “Interesting. You have no argument there. Definitely true that some women have lied about being assaulted. However, there is nothing for her to gain in bringing it forward. If you bnb didnt find her credible, then I understand how you see it I found her extremely sincere. And foind him angry because he got caught. He seemed very entitled, and how dare he be questioned about something he did so long ago. I believe he overstated who he was and who he was not, and that will he his downfall. I mean come one, she conspired with the Clinton’s. That’s a joke. On the oyehr hand, she is GLAD to have the FBI investigate the truth. He clearly dodnt want that. I dont think thats a coincidence.”

My response, “There are a number of articles I have written and shared that may give you a more in depth understanding of where it is I am coming from based on facts put forth through official documentation and research you yourself may do, to verify the information that is shared.

On the 23rd I wrote an article titled, “The bait and switch that has stolen your Sovereignty.”

On the 28th I wrote an article titled, “Do you remember…”.

Both of those lead into a third article titled, “Whatever happened to innocent UNTIL PROVEN guilty?”.

I happen to be a Medium. Holy Spirit places the information I need before me when I need it. It is also why I refer to emotional energy when I am saying “feeling” in those moments. I am Empathic. I experience the emotions, physical pain and suffering of those around me on a physical level within my own body when I connect to them energetically.

I am also an experiencer of extreme sexual, mental, emotional and physical abuses in my growing years starting at 9 months old. Read some of the articles I share on my wall and you will gain an understanding of what it is I am saying.”

My brother responds, “I’ll try to do that. I am interested in knowing what you ‘feel’ with regard to Trump.”

My response, “In what respect? At the time of the election I did NOT vote for him. Neither did I vote for Hillary. I could not see voting for the lesser of two egos at the time. As of now I would have to say I would be more willing TOO vote for him. He has been keeping promises made despite the interference and bullshit propaganda being put out there by these corrupt politicians and their main stream media counter parts. In everything I am being shown he is following an inner guidance from a Higher Source than mankind. One of Trumps mentors was the same gentleman who prosecuted the people who were found to be traitors committing treason after WWII. He has spent years watching the antics of these politicians while being mentored by the man who put politicians to death for Treason. Trump is way more aware than these politicians comprehend. He has also read through every page of those JFK files. He has already connected the dots on who the majority of the players are who are at the very top of this food chain of horror.”

My brother responds, “So you think he is following a higher power when he appeals to everything and everyone that causes division in this country. I certainly believe that he is no way as dumb as people say. I think he knows what appeals to people from his television experience. But also he knows and appeals to racists and separatists. And riles up that base. I thought neither of them were great candidates either, but unlike you, I know he is worse than she would have been. The idea that a billionaire that appoints billionaires to correct a system that made them billionaires is completely insane. Yet, the base votes against their own best interests all the time. So no big surprise there. I hope he improves. That’s all I can do at this point.”

My response, “Are you a hunter? Sometimes a hunter has to flush his game from it’s hiding spot in order to take home dinner. He uses the same tactics on them, they are using on you and the rest of Humanity. He uses the labels they created against them. Those labels trigger them into uncontrolled rages that have them dropping their false facades and masks so EVERYONE can see who they really are. They being these politicians, corporations, media and alphabet agencies. Nothing is as it may seem here.”

Another brother responds, “Hey Sabrina were you screaming for justice when all the black men who have been killed by the police, that they are innocent until proven guilty?”

My response, “I have no need to scream for anything. I do not see the color of a persons skin. I do not distinguish between one person and the next by where they were born. I do not blame someone for what they have absolutely no control over such as their sex at birth or the color of their skin. I leave those antics to you and the rest of Humanity to do.

I am not responsible for what it is another is choosing to believe in for themselves. I am not responsible for what they do nor how they are choosing to perceive their reality to be. Each of those are choices they are making and are responsible for.

Every experience is for our benefit and through us all of Humanity. Whatever the situation that occurs it is needed for those involved to learn a lesson and grow Spiritually on their perspective journeys. If it was not needed it would not have happened to them. Also, each and every Being in creation comes into Being under a contract they create to experience a list of specific things or emotions. Once those items have been completed there is written in EXIT POINTS of which they may take at any time if things become to much for them or they are simply ready to move on.

In my own life I have died and been resuscitated over 100 times. Each came from a myriad number of catalysts that would repeat themselves in different ways such as allergies, drowning and asthma to name a few. I have been force fed, kicked into a fireplace, raped, molested, exorcised, beaten on, mentally and emotionally abused by my own family, their friends, the Catholic Church and complete strangers all starting at 9 (NINE) months old.

Each event had a reason and purpose for being above and beyond what I was told and taught they were to be for me or that I chose to judge them as being. Each had lessons within them I was to learn about who I AM and am meant to be and who and what I was taught I was to be. Each experience held a key to the release of all my pain and suffering with the side benefit of healing every disease I was diagnosed with and told was killing me.”

My other brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga. I think you give him to much credit. I believe he is what he shows himself to be. There are no labels created against him. His labels have very much been earned by his actions. I will give you that he did appeal to them on purpose..but that’s not a good thing, regardless.”

My response, “So you deny he is called names for his hair or his skin tone?”

My brother responds, “No he is..but the names dont matter. I’m taking about the core of his beliefs and actions. I could care less what he looks like. Or what people call him. They call all presidents something..”

My response, “ALL names ARE labels. Each is created as a tool of control to manipulate how you think, perceive, express and believe yourself and your reality to be. Everything you think you know and believe in as being true has been taught to you by someone else just as it was taught to them. Did you ever stop to question if what you have been taught is the Truth of not?

Just because all the other lemmings are jumping over a cliff into an abyss without question, does that mean you are going to as well? The label tossing goes both ways brother. Go back to the beginning of Trumps campaign and look at the coverage the media gave him and the things that were being said not just about him but the American people as well. When they started in with the labels he and the People embraced them, then decided to return the favor. They did not and do not like being labeled and go off the deep end when it is done to them. None of these people are innocent of the trash talking they all do.”

My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga …I think everyone is on a journey for truth in life. As I stated, the label tossing matters not. It is very easy to observe words and action. Its simple. Especially for him. Evident by his lack of truths, his constant exaggerations and egocentric behavior. None of that has anything to do with ‘other’ lemmings. Its direct form the source. Again, very simple. Ftr, Trump started with the labels…Again, very simple, observed action. During his campaign that you referenced, he started with the labels you speak of. And that was what he knew his true base would love. That being said all Trumpers are not racists. But all racists support trump. Do you think that’s a coincidence? Or is it because they like what he sold? Again, observed words and action. Has nothing to do with what labels can do. It’s what he ran on to get in office. It’s nothing contrived or second hand..its just a matter of whether it’s okay for you? And to many of the Americans people began to label after he got in office saw him as their mouthpiece of all the separatist talk they really feel. Again, easily observed word and action. The spin on labels simply does not apply to him.”

My response, “You stated, “But all racists support trump. Do you think that’s a coincidence? Or is it because they like what he sold?” Brother there are no races. There is ONE race here on this planet and that is the HUMAN RACE. Humanity is one Species of Being and not multiple Species. I notice you harp on racism stating it all comes from only one side of the isle and refusing to see how both sides are LABELING the other side. Their only goal to get a triggered response from the other side. Notice how you want to point fingers and place blame here too.

Something to consider here also is that YOU DO NOT get a say in what it is someone else is choosing for themselves. You get no say in what they think, say, do, express nor choose to be. What they choose for them is up to them and only them. You cannot control anyone but yourself brother. You can only control the choices you are making to be and believe as you are choosing. The only one you can control here is you. It does not matter whether or not you agree with nor like the guy next to you. It does not matter what they are choosing is completely different from what you choose. All that matters and will ever matter is what you decide to choose for you and ONLY YOU. You are the one who will have to live with and heal from your choices to believe. No one else can do that work for you.”

My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga the kumbaya idea of we are all one race sounds great but is simply not the reality in the eyes of alot of Americans. Where would the idea of racism come from if that were what the world sees it as? I actually dont harp on racism..but the undertoned of this president wallow in it without saying it as overtly as he could.. It has caused division. It rallies his base. My point was I could careless what he is called; names, his looks, etc. That is very shallow and simply doesn’t matter. But since you bought up labeling, it simply cannot apply to him. That labeling got him in office.”

My response, “Those are your choices to perceive so believe. The only one those thought are hurting is you. They eat at you from within brother. They are the silent killers these things we call judgments.”

My brother responds, “What choice are you referring to here?”

My response, “”the kumbaya idea of we are all one race sounds great but is simply not the reality in the eyes of alot of Americans. Where would the idea of racism come from if that were what the world sees it as?”

Those are all choices being made to believe being made by you. It is a choice you make to follow the masses and do as they do for acceptance and to fit in.

You are not and were not ever required to accept what someone else is choosing to believe as your own. You were never required to accept the judgments being handed to you by your family, peers or the government. All those whom you believe are an authority are frauds. They have no authority over you. You have been indoctrinated into believing they do.”

My brother responds, “So you are saying that people are not able to make any determinations on their own? Which would include you? You’re saying we are a product of how our what we are conditioned to believe; no matter what? That humans cannot listen on their own to first hand material, not second hand, and make a determination on their own?

Choices as far as whether racism is a real thing? We are only conditioned to believe that but its not real? Come on. If that’s what you think, we cannot continue dialogue with that level if denial.”

My response, “This is what I know to be true brother. I am part Asian, Caucasian and Native American. Can you please tell me which part of my physical being is the part or portions of the so called “race” I was birthed to?

See the conundrum yet? How does one portion themselves out as being this race or that race? It is not possible without making a choice to believe and so perceive yourself to be that which you choose.

By the way, I was not stating any of those things you mentioned above about Humanity not being able to discern and so decide for themselves what they would choose to believe. What I have stated is all of Humanity has been indoctrinated to perceive so believe as they do so initially. It is up to every Individual Being to step back and question what it is they have chosen to believe and change their minds about it. No one can make those choices for them. They are the one responsible for believing as they do.”

My brother responds, “So youre trying to say that different races and ethnicities are what people are conditioned to believe? As far as your race, it would be whatever the highest percentage of ethnicity you are; that would determine your race or you could be considered Other on paper. Either way, it’s very easy for me to know there is no part of me that is Asian. Its not because I have been conditioned to believe it’s not so. Now if you talk about generalizations and stereotypes with regard to behavior within races; such as “ them being a bunch of rapists and criminals” then I can agree that you are conditioned to believe certain things. Media, environment, etc. But not what your own personal race or ethnicity is.”

My response, “If that is what you would believe, it is your choice to do so. The only one being hurt by those beliefs would be you as they eat at you from within with angst, fear, shame and guilt. All pain and suffering you go through you are responsible for choosing to perceive it the way you do for you. No one is forcing you to believe. It is a choice you have to actively make.”

My brother responds, “Unless I am misunderstanding, and you’ve repeated the same type information multiple times, so I don’t think I am; you talk is as though use of intellect and common sense is pointless. As though humans are not built to have the ability make an informed choice on their own. I disagree.”

My response, “No brother. That is not what I have been stating. What I am trying to explain to you is how your subconscious mind works and how you are and have been being controlled through it. The indoctrination process starts from birth with your parents and caregivers. They “teach” you what to do and what not to do according to what they are judging as being appropriate. We learn these “habits” or “patterns” subconsciously of what is or is not acceptable and what will gain us acceptance and approval from those around us. Our Subconscious mind is trained through emotions and uses emotional triggers to condition your compliance and willingness to agree.

It is NOT UNTIL one chooses to stop and question what they are and have been choosing that they begin to be able to decide and choose for themselves what really resonates in their own hearts as being True and right. Everyone is able to learn to discern Truth from Lie and make a choice to do what it is they want to believe in. Thing is they have to willingly look at what they HAVE CHOSEN to believe in first to see the Truth of what it is they have chosen to do before they can change their minds.”

My brother responds, “Well yes. Of course all that is true. The point of it is here is some folks chose poorly to believe what fits their own agenda or belief. I dont believe this woman had anything to gain by reporting what she did. And there is no way you would not know who sexually assaulted you, especially if you knew the person before. The idea of that is lunacy. But I understand why people need to believe what fits their narrative. But personally, I easily separate what is real from what I might feel better believing, or would prefer to believe. Usually just takes truly listening, empathy in some cases, and common sense. The fact one of his first excuses was a conspiracy due to the Clinton’s told me a lot. You seem to skip over that madness entirely and focus on how she seemed disconnected from any real emotion. The fact she wanted the fbi investigation and he clearly did not. You seem to skip over that as well. There is a reason for that. A very obvious reason.”

My response, “Good morning brother. Did you watch Feinstein crying yesterday when Grassley announce the FBI found no evidence any of the accusations were true? She was panicking because she is now under investigation, as are every one of her democratic coworkers who were colluding to commit TREASON with their antics. Hillary, Feinstein, Obama and many in office at this time are corrupt. This corruption is not limited to one side or the other either. Both sides are corrupt and have been for a very long time. I focus on Truth above and beyond what I am being told something is. You state you can easily separate real from fake or what you want to believe. Can you? Can you really? Who are you and who do you believe yourself to be? Are you that meat coated skeletal wagon you call your body? Everything you think you know and believe in as being true has been taught to you. What exactly is it that you think you know to be real or true here? Have you ever stopped to question any of these things you have been taught to believe? Nothing is as it may seem here brother. You are not that shell you call your body either. You only believe you are.

FYI, there are around 5 separate gofundme pages setup in Fords name right now totaling well over $900K. Looks as if someone is gaining something from all of this. Wonder if she will have to hand over those funds to Kavanaugh when she is sued for libel and lying under Oath which is a felony. Also, those accounts mention paying for legal fees. Which is interestingly pointing to fraud when both her attorneys swore under oath they were both working pro-bono and where not receiving funds from any outside sources. Shortly thereafter Senator Sheila Jackson Lee is caught on camera handing Fords attorney a fat envelope that was quickly tucked away into an inner suit jacket pocket. Someone is getting paid a lot of money for this.”

My brother responds, “Not at all. The investigation was a joke, and what happen is exactly what I expected would happen. I never thought it would make a difference. But that still doesn’t change to what I feel about it.

How its paid for or not doesn’t matter to me. That is trivial in all of this. They wanted to push him forward without even investigating. It was just for looks that it was even pushed to investigate this much. But how are you going to have an investigation that doesn’t include interviewing the two people involved. Trumps hands are all over it. If you think she made it all up, and doesn’t know who did it, then it doesn’t matter what the fbi might have found anyway.”

My response, “It seems a bit strange to me these politicians were screaming for the FBI to investigate so the PUBLIC could see what was really happening and now the investigation has been done they want the report sealed. The only reason they could possibly have for wanting this report sealed from the PUBLIC’S VIEW is because they were caught red handed doing something that is illegal. You may not be concerned with where the money is coming from, but many of your fellow Americans are. Especially when you have so many politicians with a tax payer funded slush fund to pay off their sexual assault and harassment cases.”

My brother responds, “Dems dont want it sealed. It matters not. They didn’t even interview the parties involved, so clearly their hand were tied by the WH. It was nothing more than to give the appearance that some diligence was done. And also…they didnt have the votes without that appearance. These same fellow Americans say they care about where lawyer fees came from, but are glad to completely ignore millions of dollars in what would be felony tax fraud by their president. The same folks that harped on Obama decreasing the deficit in ways they dont like, but are perfectly fine with trump at least doubling it. So I know better than that they really care who paid for her lawyers.”

My response, “Then it must have been another democrat named Feinstein saying it yesterday on the news. Must of been robots dressed up to look like these politicians speaking to the media and the Senate yesterday asking for the report to be sealed. lol

Well now, it looks as if he was confirmed. How soon before arrests start being publicized as those sealed indictments begin being opened by Kavanaugh? Something says he is going to be given the privilege of opening those first few and sending out the arresting teams with the message that JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED!”

My brother responds, “As I said. I knew he would be confirmed. I didn’t hear Feinstein say that. Others were not saying that. It was a waste of time to pretend investigate. It will cost them later. He is not impartial. That in itself should have kept him from making the supreme court. Water under the bridge now. We hv

Ave a sexual assaulter as a justice. Making America great again.”

My response, “What exactly is it he has done brother? He was accused of groping a girl at a party that never happened. Every single witness she named stated there was no party and what she is saying never happened. Each one stated this under oath. How do you investigate an event that never occurred? How do you persecute an innocent man with no proof he has done anything to anyone? Seriously!

When I accused my landlord of trying to rape me when I was 14 I held the burden of proving he did what he did and not him. I had witnesses that stated he had me pinned on the floor with my top torn off me and breasts hanging out as I tried to hold him off. I had to show proof enough that he was investigated and questioned. It was then he admitted to what he had done to me and his own daughter.

There has been a lot of information coming out from that investigation too. There was mention of text messages and emails from Ford to her friend and others to Ford coaching them in what to say and how to say it. What to keep quiet about and so on. Do some research on your own and may I suggest looking someplace other than main stream media. Like maybe go to the Government and alphabet agencies websites and look through the documents they have been releasing to the public on this and a lot of other items.”

My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga now who has been influenced by what to think? I have read the statements. Not remembering is not a denial that it happened. And not remembering is reasonable with the time that passed. But for you to say she made up everything that happened is you hearing what futs your narrative and making it your truth; what you have been talking about shiukd not be done in this entire thread. FTR, he would NEVER ADMIT to anything. In your example, what amount of time had passed from when the assault took place to you reporting it? I am assuming not much. That makes that situation very different. If you had not reported it then, folks may not believe it ever happened. And say you made it all up. And then if people were questioned that didn’t want their friend hurt they could easily say they dont remember. Especially 30 years later… Would that mean it didnt happen? You are an example of why it’s best to come forward right away. At the same time, many people dont. Any psychaiatrist worth their doctorate will tell you that there are more that go unreported than reported. So her case is not even rare other than who she claims did it. She did not ask for this. Both parimties weaponized this womans ordeal for political reasons. Both are both wrong. And do not care. Repubs didnt care to even have it appear to be investigated UNTIL they didnt have the votes for him. I watched the full days of testimony. So I am fully aware of how it went down. At the same time, I’m convinced someone on the Dems side leaked it in the first place. So their bullshit is also bad. However, none of that has anything to do with what I saw from him or her in testimony and whether it happened or not. He overstated what he was and what he was not. And flat out lied about how much he use to drink. There are also multiple folks that have made statements about that. I guess you discounted all those. If you are willing to overlook those ‘under oathe statements he made, that’s fine. But dont tell me he is innocent because He clearly didn’t want a real investigation. By saying he is innocent, you’re saying she made it up except She did want the investigation. From the beginning. She did believe a real investigation would pull some of it together. But you dont care about any of that, and that’s fine. So outside of all that, in the end, he is not impartial. He made that clear in the first few minutes of his remarks in testimony. As soon as he did the trump puppet thing of blaming the dems for something he did against the clintons, it was clear there was more to the story. The fact he lied about what he had in his weird diary. Multiple times. You dont care about that either. Look up what he said the things related to sex meant in his diary in his testimony and then look up what they really mean. The fff, for example.There was another example I cant think if right now.. Easy common sense that he was not truthful… The fact he is not impartial itself is reason for him not to be there. And the fact he doesn’t care about lying under oathe should also matter.”

My response, “When I was 9 years old I was molested and RAPED my a neighbor on a military base. The incident I spoke of that happened when I was 14 brought out what had happened to me at age 9. That incident at age 14 opened a door to the event at age 9 for me. I was visited by the FBI, CIA, DOJ and some other government agencies at the time and was asked to make a statement. Those agents went to the man I accused and asked him questions about it. He confessed to everything he did to me. That was 5 almost 6 years later coming from a girl who was no more than a child at the time of the incident. Yet I hold every memory as if it happened to me just moments ago. Ford IS a LIAR and a FRAUD PERIOD. There is no TRUTH to anything she stated. Everyone who knows her is coming out calling her a liar and a fraud. Believe as you so choose brother. NO ONE is required to believe as you have chosen to. No one is required to be a victim of the world you think you perceive through your blind following and believing whatever is fed to you by your masters since you are choosing willing slavery for yourself.

By the way, at 14 I was FORCED to see 5 separate psychiatrists via court orders. Out of those five psychologists only one told me I had done nothing wrong. The other four told me I asked for it, deserved it, wanted it and should have kept my mouth shut about it. That came from licensed psychologists telling me I was the evil party for standing up and saying NO to an adult and a man. That was FOUR PSYCHOLOGISTS telling a CHILD and a victim they should shut up and submit to the abuses silently. Get your head out of your ass and stop blindly believing the bullshit being handed to you by these people. You are choosing to be a FOOL, Period. Truth is Truth and you DO NOT come from Truth. You are choosing to believe in lies. I have no problem calling that woman a LIAR to her face nor do I have an issue calling you a fool to your face either. Walk a mile in my shoes and then come talk to me about being victimized. Lets see you deal with rapes, molestation, exorcisms, canings, physical, mental and emotional abuses from your own family, their friends, your church and still continue to want to live and not kill yourself at the first opportunity as I have done. You do a lot of assuming with not a shred of personal experience to back your shit up. I come from nothing but personal experience here. Now STFU! You have no foundation to stand on here with your hypothetical bullshit premises that have no basis in reality or Truth.

FYI, the incidents I am speaking of happened in San Mateo County around 1985–86′. The case was against one Harold Masso. The incident when I was nine happened in NYNY on Governors Island with one military officer by the name of Steve Walmack. All information can be verified as being factual and true and as being experienced by me. Ford CANNOT state the same and has not a single ounce of evidence to corroborate her claims.

By the way, if I were to claim right now that you molested my cousins daughter and possibly raped her right this instant would you ADMIT to it? Would you admit to being guilty of something you did not do? That IS what you are expecting of Kavanaugh here. For him to claim he is guilty until proven innocent. Our laws do not work that way. You are innocent until PROVEN GUILTY in this country for a reason. Anyone can make a claim that YOU HAVE DONE this or that. Anyone can accuse you of wrong doing at any time. If and when they do it is up to them to bare the burden of PROVING what they said happened and was done as they have stated. Not to long ago there was a group of around 4 or 5 men in Nevada that were being accused of gang raping a woman. It was her word against theirs. There happened to be video footage on the hotel security cameras showing she was more than willing to play with those men so the case was dropped. Three of those men were brothers and dentists. All of them were professionals in some capacity so had money and where easy targets. Point is women and men lie all the time when they think they have something to gain from it. Ford has already proven she is gaining from this by those gofundme accounts totaling over $900K… She has literally just become a millionaire for lying and destroying an innocent man. Friday Feinstein was asking specifically for this report to be sealed on national TV. I watched her say it while watching C-span. Seriously, consider looking for the clip of her stating this if you still need proof.

As I had just stated to you if I were to accuse you of having harmed my cousin or even me without any proof and every witness I named stated I was lying and that the event never happened then I demand an investigation, law enforcement would laugh at me. Especially if they had already done 6 separate investigations into who you are talking to over 150 people of who you are closely and loosely connected or related too. You are being emotionally played by your keepers. If they control your thoughts and reactions, they control your subconscious mind.

Nothing is at it may seem and these players have been taught to lie convincingly. Their very lives would depend upon it depending upon where they are going in their lives and careers for these alphabet agencies. https://youtu.be/SgzRzvFzSak”

My brother responds, “Those investigations did not include this. And why did you even send the CIA asset crap. Stop. I guess you believe Hillary ran a sex ring out a pizza parlor too.”

My response, “Everything stated in that video can be verified as factual through your own research. Which is what I did and many others have also done. As for Hillary and a pizza parlor, I personally have not seen nor heard anything about that particular item. What I have seen and heard were references to a number of Hollywood celebrities and a number of politicians and other government officials world wide having connections to child sex trafficking and USING terminology or guide words (secret code language) to intimate what they seek using those analogies or parables in reference to their personal sexual preferences. Another term or word for these types of language structures is also referred to as “slang”.

An example of this would be Mr. Weiner and the terminology he used while soliciting sexual materials from a minor…”

My brother responds, “There is always SOMETHING that can corroborate anything. That’s what a conspiracy theory is. Common sense need to be utilized.

Oh you mean like ffffuck?”

My response, “No, I am referring to actual documentation of factual evidence that proves and corroborates a factual point in reference to an actual event that happens.

Factual LEGAL documentation that can be used and is admissible as evidence in a court of law. Documentation such as Judicial Watch has obtained from FOIA filings as well as people such as John Greenwald who has been running https://www.theblackvault.com/ since he was 15 years old. I deal in facts and not emotional manipulations done through subversive coercive tactics on a subliminal level to manipulate and control all you think, say and do, not to mention feel.”

My brother responds, “So what evidence do you have that he didnt assault her?”

My response, “The Black Vault is a rabbit hole of immense proportions filled with factual documentations of our governments secret programs committing illegal crimes on many levels against the people and all of Humanity in concordance with OTHER governments around the world.”

My brother responds, “Dont ask me what shows he did? Because just the accusation along is reason enough to question the accused.”

My response, “The very fact every one of her chosen witnesses stated it DID NOT happen and there was never any party of such a nature. Even her own doctor said she was lying.”

My brother responds, “No they did not. They said they dont remeber or where not aware. If the drunk said he was in the room, then he would be guilty too..ask of course he said it didnt happen.I’m familiar with that site. It’s like a source reference point for multiple conspiracy theories. Grain of salt…”

My response, “In 97 I worked for Toy’s R Us. I had been working there for 4 1/2 years. In that time I made lead cashier and had never been more then a nickle short in all my years. One of the managers had an issue with me knowing her job better than she did. That manager tried to frame me for stealing a $100’s from my register. I was sent home and placed on unpaid leave while the matter was investigated. A week later it was found through security video in the counting room that she was not aware of that she had taken the money and stashed it herself under an item on the desk. What she did was falsely accuse me of what she herself was doing. She tried using misdirection with me as the scapegoat and got caught. TRU reinstated me shortly there after. Yet I did not get back pay nor did that shadow leave me from that point on. It was recorded and shows on my records as happening and of being accused for any future employers to read. It does not matter that I was exonerated from it. All they see is that I was accused and it matters not to them that it was done falsely.

Here is another situation as an example of people lying. When my son was 6 I was told by my doctors I had cervical cancer. My then boyfriend and then girlfriend were at the house when I got home and I told them what the doctor said to me. Their response was to tell me they were both leaving me for each other and they wanted me to move out with my son. I had no where to go and was just told I may be dying. I went outside to smoke and was being verbally attacked and even pushed by her as I was trying to calm down and make sense of my situation. When she pushed me I lost it and beat the living shit out of her. I was pulled off her three times and even shimmied out of my t-shirt to go after her again. I walked out of that house with my son that day. No charges were filed because she placed her hands on me first as the officers explained to her they would have to arrest her for assault and I was defending myself.

A month later my sons father filed suit for full custody for our son citing signed affidavits from my ex-girlfriend and roommates that I was abusive to my son and a danger to him. That I would beat on him, choke and starve him. None of this was true in the slightest. The one signature not there was my ex-boyfriends. He would not lie to the courts and actually defended me against the slander. Yet their accusations did not stop my son from being taken from me until the Truth was revealed a couple of years later. During that time I was subjected to monitored visitations, drug testing and medical evaluations for mental stability. I was required to jump through hoops just to be able to speak to my own child because someone falsely accuse me of something that was not true and had never happened. Once again all of this is verifiable in Contra Costa County. You see people lie for a number of reasons.

By the way, the TRU incident, cancer diagnoses and child abuse accusations all happened at the same freaking time. Interesting how these things come in threes too.”

My brother responds, “I’ve never disputed that women lie. I believe that wholeheartedly. There was no reason to believe she was lying though”

My response, “Until I heard her testimony I held off deciding succinctly if I believed her or not. I have already shared that I am a Psychic Empath and a Clear Open Trans Channel, a Medium or Mystic. One of the abilities given me is the ability to “feel” the emotional attachments one is placing on the words they are using. The words that are triggering a deeply held emotional memory that will respond to that word specifically will stand out from all the others giving an entirely new depth and meaning to the word they are choosing to use. It is a subconscious attachment one is holding that they are not even aware of because it was conditioned into them subliminally without their conscious awareness of it.

When Ford gave her testimony there was no truth to her words and there was NO EMOTIONAL attachments to any of the words she was using for herself. Each and every word chosen was for the triggering effect it would have upon those listening and witnessing her testimony. Labels are the median used to indoctrinate you. Some labels may stay the same yet their meanings or definitions are changed. New labels are created to redefine the old and give them a new meaning instead. Labels are being used to manipulate through a belief that political correctness is mandatory. Political Correctness is no more than a way of censoring ones ability to express themselves fluidly. It is a form of psychological manipulation being forced on you to conform or be persecuted as something you are not.

By the way, it does not matter what someone is choosing to believe you to be. It is their choice and actually has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them and how they are choosing to view and judge themselves to be. They project out their choices to believe so that will be the only things they are are able to perceive in their chosen reality. Who you are and choose to be is up to you. It is also your choice to accept so believe in any judgments that are being handed to you as being true. You are not required to accept another’s judgments of you as defining you. That is a decision that is entirely up to you to make for yourself on who you would be and how you define yourself to be. You are not what they think you are. They are what they think you are. You are what you think you are and what you are choosing to be.”

My brother responds, “No emotional attachment to the ‘laughter’ comment? Really? The fact she requested a full investigation of her accusations. What emotion did you tie to him? Truthfulness, disrespect, poor temperament. Clearly did not want a full fbi investigation…Are you serious?

Not even to exonerate himself…he knew he had overstated who he was. And knew it could come out…”

My response, “No one can change your mind here brother. If you truly wanted to know the Truth you would willingly do the research needed to find it instead of blindly believing what those you have placed in positions of authority are choosing to tell you. You negate everything placed before you without even researching if it may be true or not. That in and of itself is stating your mind is closed to anything other than that which you are and have chosen to believe it is you perceive your reality to be.

As for Kavanaugh, the emotions expressed from him were righteous fury, outrage, hurt and shock at what he was experiencing and witnessing being done to his children, wife and himself as well as the American people and our Justice System of Innocent until proven guilty. What he was witnessing is the very fabric of the foundations of our Constitution being ripped apart through the twisting of these labels and their meanings.”

That was the last response from that conversation with those brothers. The following is from today and comments my brothers stated. The following conversations ensued.

My brother states, “He wasn’t proven innocent, you fuck…”

My response, “HE was NEVER PROVEN GUILTY you fool!”

A brother responds, “His actions said it ALL! And furthermore if he wasn’t guilty…He still DID NOT have the temperament or behavior for a judge.”

My response, “Innocent until proven guilty is how the laws in this country work. An accusation is not proof of a crime, it is a claim that something may have happened. Go back to school and learn our Constitution again if the fact that we have a REPUBLIC here and not a fucking socialist democracy continues to escape your comprehension!

Let me accuse you of raping the little boy next door to you and see how calm and collected YOU ARE. Seriously, get your head out the fucking ground you moron. Or better yet pack your shit and move to Venezuela if you love communism so much. Let me guess you also think being White is a sin and all white men are evil too. Someone should have slapped your parents when you were born for being fools.

Yes you are a child molester and rapist. You need to be arrested and shot dead since you are now being accused. That is all it takes is one accusation with NO PROOF to make you guilty. Fucking idiots!”

Another brother responds, “Wow. That got ugly fast. Defending someone you don’t know for an action you were not present to witness. There was no trial he was not proven innocent, or guilty, but there is evidence to question his ability to be impartial and professional and judicial. He is not worthy of the job. You, however resorted to name calling, even talking about someone’s parents needing to slap their baby. Disgusting.”

My response, “I said her parents needed to be slapped not the baby! Read it again! Go back to school and learn our Constitution again if the fact that we have a REPUBLIC here and not a fucking socialist democracy continues to escape your comprehension!”

My brother responds, “i read it correctly. Angry much? People seem to not know how to discuss a difference of opinion without name calling and losing their shit.”

My response, “What is expressed here is Righteous Fury and not anger that so many are willing to crucify an innocent man just as they had done to Jesus because some imagined authority is saying they may have done something wrong with NO PROOF. Instead a mob mentality has taken over here and all you all seem to care about is getting your ounce of flesh and blood to make yourselves feel better.”

My brother responds, “You can’t say he’s innocent just as much as I can’t say he’s guilty. Neither of us were there. But I still don’t think he is worthy of the job.”

My response, “I can and do state he is innocent until proof is given to show otherwise. That is how our laws work here in this country. You ARE INNOCENT until you have been PROVEN guilty.

By the way, in 97 I was working for Toys r us and had been working there for 4 1/2 years as a lead cashier. During my time there my register was only short one time of the amount of a single nickel. I had a new manager that did not like me because I knew her job better than she did. That manager tried to frame me for stealing $100’s out of my register. I was sent home on leave without pay for a week while the incident was being investigated. It was found through surveillance videos in the counting room that manager had taken the money and hidden it under an item on the desk herself. When all was said and done I was brought back to work without any compensations and that manager was fired. I quit the next year after that. Point is I was falsely accused by an authority figure for something I did not do. This shit happens all the freaking time. Which is why our laws dictate one is innocent until it is proven they are guilty.

FYI, during that event I was a complete mess crying, screaming, ranting and raving that I was innocent and had never done anything like this event and that in all my time my register was never more than a nickel off. I was completely freaking out at being accused of such a crime and it is now on my records and every employer I submit an application to will see that title on that report and not bother talking to me at all. They do not look to see if it was resolved and I was found to be innocent. All they see is that I was accused of stealing from my employer.

It was that situation which had me seeking employment through Temp agencies for office work, before I went into business with my Husband 20 years ago doing mobile computer repair.

Also my own Husband was accused at the age of 14 of trying to “rape” a girl at a party when he pressed himself against her as they had kissed. He had to confront her and her family about it until she admitted she was lying. Otherwise he was looking at assault charges being pressed on him by her family and the police. That incident has caused my Husband endless pain and suffering. It has made it so my Husband does not initiate physical contact first with ANYONE. Not even me his wife of twenty years. If I want a hug I have to ask for it. If I want to be touched by him I have to ask for it. It has caused him to never be willing to reach out to anyone for fear of having his life taken from him as it almost was.”

My brother responds, “Calm your tits. Many people who ARE guilty were not found guilty. It’s a flawed system.”

My response, “Is it? It sure worked for me when I was pressing charges against my rapist who raped me when I was 9 years old and my attempted rapist at age 14. The laws sure seemed to work fine for me when I submitted actual PROOF of what was experienced to be investigated. Especially when my witnesses confirmed what I was stating and did not state that the EVENT NEVER Happened under OATH.”

My brother responds, “I’m sorry that happened to you. My mother’s boyfriend was murdered in front of her and there were witnesses. The murderer admitted to the crime. After preliminary hearing the DA decided not to go to trial. So, sometimes proof doesn’t work in our judicial system, it’s all about whether or not the DA can get a win.”

That was the last comment made by my brother on that post. Everything comes back to Political Correctness (PC) and the choices my brothers are making to blindly follow and believe what a supposed authority figure is telling them to believe in. My brothers cannot see how it is they are being subliminally coerced and manipulated through judgmental labels and the meanings attached to those labels to think, perceive, say and do as they are in response to what it is they are being told is the Truth without any factual evidence to back up what is being stated.

My brothers are being played like a violin discordantly through their emotions and unwillingness to question what the authority is stating is the Truth. My brothers are willingly enslaving themselves in a bid to escape responsibility for the choices they are making to blindly follow and believe without question. Political Correctness steals your ability to express yourself fluidly. My brothers are literally choosing to enslave themselves and block themselves with their choices to follow and believe in this absurdity we have been trained or indoctrinated into accepting called political correctness.

Another point to be made would be the indoctrination one goes through into the cult mentality we know as Society. If you do not conform to what Society dictates through the PC police you are persecuted and vilified until you give in and conform to their dictates just to attain a measure of peace and acceptance within your existence. All of this is done through the manipulative guise of Political Correctness using judgmental labels to coerce and manipulate one on a subliminal level through their subconscious mind using psychological tools of manipulation to get you to comply with their demands using fear, shame, blame and guilt as their median of control.

Each of you make a choice to accept what is told and taught to you. You are not and never were required to accept nor believe in any of these things that have been taught to you. You only believe you were required too. It is a choice you made and it is a choice you can make to change your mind and choose differently. You are allowed to question and to decide what it is that resonates for you as Truth. You do not have to believe as your brothers are choosing to.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

Previous post The only real choice you have right now is to stop playing their game.