Hello world. The following was written 8/07/2018.
I found myself responding to a brothers post talking about the banning of Infowars. They were of a mind no ones “freedoms” were being attacked and no one else was being effected by it. Another brother chose to respond to my comment and the following dialogue ensued.
My comment, “Yesterday I was shadow banned as was my husband for sharing a link talking about Jones being banned. A company stops being “private” when they start selling their stock and now have share holders. This makes them a publicly owned company.
Last night I contacted my attorney about the banning and the fact Facebook has been blocking my followers from viewing what I share unless I “pay” them. At the same time, Facebook is monetizing my personal data and property, selling it to others.
What this is called is extortion, racketeering, coercion, manipulation and spiritual persecution for they banned me from my own Spiritual Group. My attorney has informed me I do have a very sound case for a law suit. For everything they are doing is against the law, not just here in the USA, but in almost every other country out there as well.
Every one of those companies were colluding to silence an opposing political voice. Quite literally, Trump and many in the Senate and Congress have been experiencing these shadow banning forms of censorship, sharply of late. What was witnessed was a number of corporations collaborating together to silence the voices of anyone who is not in alignment with their political views. This is an egregious (just had to look up the word so I am channeling here) affront to our Sovereign Rights of Free Speech and our ability to be Self Governing so Self Reliant, if we are denied the ability to be well informed so we may make choices according to our own measures of Truth. We are being denied the right to choose for ourselves what we would listen to, read and watch so we may decide for ourselves what is or is not Truth.
Oh, and it is also a form of enslavement. I produce a product they block me from sharing freely so they can sell me my own property and the right to share it. See how twisted this is? It is literally a form of slavery being forced on me.”
A brother responds, “You get shadow banned for spreading hate speech and fake news. Makes me wonder what kind of “spiritual” group you’re in that espouses any of that.
And just in case you haven’t noticed, people just can’t “judge for themselves” wether something’s true or not. That’s what the fairness doctrine was for.
Maybe try Etsy. Only hold off on the hate stuff, or you’ll get banned there too.”
My response, “LOL, go read what I write about. Then come talk to me about your judgmental belief in an authority figure and your own willing slavery. I share my personal life experiences from the perspective of which it was experienced, as context to understanding how my purview of those experiences have shifted to show me how each and every one has been of benefit to me and through me the rest of Humanity, as I share the healing I have received freely with my brothers.
I do not share hate honey. I share how to heal yourself of the traumas, trials and tribulations experienced here in this reality you have created with your acceptance of judgmental egoistic beliefs as being Truth.”
My brother responds, “if that’s true, then you haven’t been shadow banned. You decide how you want to present yourself.”
My response, “I share how I have healed two forms of cancer and multiple other diseases without medications or surgery. I shared how I did this by turning within and looking at my choices to accept judgments or make judgments about the experiences I had of being raped, molested, beaten, mentally and emotionally abused as well as being exorcised and beaten for the natural abilities given me as a Mystic from age two.”
My brother responds, “then why were you banned? And how are we seeing your posts now?”
My response, “I have 10K followers on this platform alone. Out of those 10K only a handful are able to see or even find what I am sharing and each have to do a search for my materials.”
My brother responds, “Well I can see them. Who said you were banned? And just an FYI? No one has 10000 followers here. You’ve got like 1300. Facebook limits you to 5k.”
My response, “Apparently you do not pay attention. I stated I was shadow banned last night without notice. I was completely locked out of my own Spiritual group and every other Spiritual group I happen to be in. Within 30 minutes of talking openly about speaking to my attorney about taking legal action my account was unlocked.”
My brother responds, “Wow what a story. Facebook somehow knew you talked to your lawyer? Sorry, you’ve told a few too many falsehoods to be believed at this point.”
My response, “LOL. You are thinking in terms of ones personal page. I happen to have a public page and a Spiritual group as well. I also publish articles on multiple platforms outside of Facebook where I am not required to pay anything to have my materials seen. I am not sharing what I do for profit or followers. I share what I do to help Humanity heal.”
My brother responds, “ that’s awesome! So what’re you complaining about then? Info wars a big fav of yours or what?”
My response, “Go read some of the materials I share and you will understand why what has happened to them is of import here. Until you can recognize your choices to willingly become a slave through your acceptance of the prohibitive limitations being placed on you through those who you are “ALLOWING” to have authority over you, you will never comprehend what it is I am talking about. No one is allowed to control another for any reason WITHOUT their permission being given. THIS IS a UNIVERSAL LAW of CREATION.
Your very acceptance of their dictates is giving them permission to enslave you. This is what you have been indoctrinated into doing here without your conscious knowing.”
My brother responds, “Sorry, but no. I just want an end to the lies and fake news that make my brothers lose their minds. That’s the opposite of enslavement. Why do you want your brothers fooled and lied to?”
My response, “As I said, go read some of what it is I share. Until then everything said will be as words, words, words for you with no comprehension of what is being handed to you. Blessings on your journey to understanding.”
My brother responds, “Umm you didn’t answer my question. Why would you want your brothers lied to?”
My response, “I never stated it is what I want. That is your assumption and judgmental belief what I share and believe is a lie. I do not have to believe in or accept what another believes in as being true for myself to support their choice TO BELIEVE in it. I DO NOT get a say in what it is my brothers are choosing to believe in for themselves. My brothers DO NOT get a say in what it is I AM choosing for myself either. If this was the case I would not be free, I would be a slave who has to accept what is being dictated to them. OPEN YOUR EYES ALREADY!”
My brother responds, “This post is about Info Wars being banned. That’s what I’m talking about. Why would you want a site like that to stay up? Why do you want your brothers to be lied to? Have you noticed that there are many many people being driven out of their minds by these lies? I think it’s YOU that needs to open YOUR EYES ALREADY.”
My response, “Notice how each one of your questions are loaded judgmental egotistical questions. Each one is stated in a way to condemn your brother if they do not agree with your purview. What you are doing here is a form of coercive subversive manipulation using egoistic judgments to instate feelings of fear, guilt and shame. You are using the same psychology which has been used on you. to indoctrinate you, on your brothers. You are propagating the machine of slavery for your masters.”
My brother responds, “Oh bullshit. The lengths you go to to defend harmful rhetoric and lies is astounding. It’s always you “spiritual” types who character assassinate while saying it’s the other guy. I”ll ask you again, why do you want to protect something harmful? What on earth would make you take this position? Why do you want your brothers deceived?”
My response, “You DO NOT GET A CHOICE OR A SAY in what it is SOMEONE ELSE IS CHOOSING to BELIEVE. You DO NOT have the right to dictate or control ANYONE but YOURSELF!”
My brother responds, “YES YOU DO!!!!!! YOU BAN HARMFUL LIES FROM SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS!!! By your logic, let’s just let toddlers smoke and drink. Their choice right?”
My response, “No one gets a say in what YOU choose for YOU.”
My brother responds, “We all get a say honey. Look up the fairness doctrine and ask yourself why you’re against what was once a great public service.”
My response, “This is why you will always be in conflict trapped within the hell of your own making. Always believing something is being done to you or someone else. Key word, doctrine, as in indoctrination.”
My brother responds, “HUH??? I’m not in conflict you troll. I’m not the one whining about being banned and raped or whatever. That’s you. You advocate for lies. OMG Now look up doctrine. You’re old, you never heard of the fairness doctrine? You are so spiritual that you’ve forgotten how to be a human being. Sad.”
My response, “Brother, please look in a mirror and recognize how you are projecting out your own judgmental egoistic beliefs onto me. Recognize how you are doing your best to BULLY me into conforming to your choices to believe as you do. Recognized how much pain and suffering you are going through, is being created BY YOU! It is your own thoughts and beliefs which create the pain and suffering you experience and go through. It is a choice you are making to believe which is hurting you. I do not judge you your choice to believe here. All I do is point out the fallacy of your belief, you can dictate what another would and is allowed to listen to, watch or read and so choose for themselves what it is they would believe in. You cannot control what anyone else is choosing for themselves. All you may control is yourself and what it is YOU choose for YOU.”
My brother responds, “Ok there swami, thanks for the sage advice. But I prefer to receive guidance from the realm of sanity, not fake spiritual “teachers” who can’t even see their own hand in front of their face.”
My response, “Every time you judge another you are telling the world what you believe yourself to be. Notice how much vitriol YOU have spewed here in this dialogue. Notice every judgmental label and derogatory comment you have made here in your bid to belittle and brow beat me into agreeing with you. You are making of yourself a PRIME EXAMPLE of what Indoctrination does and how it creates a cognitive dissonance within those faced with Truth. They revert to the mentality of the school yard bully, calling names and making fun of that which they are unable to comprehend themselves. You are lost in a sea of beliefs which are lies you have accepted as being true for you. It is quite the burden you have chosen to bare there.”
My brother responds, “Yawn. So tired of hypocrites who have no idea how things work in the realms of men. You’re boring. And not too bright I might add. Not a good combo. You must have an insane bunch of followers lol.”
My response, “Look in your mirror brother. You project again.”
My brother responds, “Uh huh. I project. But somehow, you don’t. Makes perfect sense, said no one ever. Luckily acim is a self study.”
My response, “By the way, you are the one responding to my comment here on this post. You are the one choosing to make comments here which are negative and judgmental. No one is doing this, BUT YOU!”
My brother responds, “Oh, I thought you were responding as well. Must be imagining things again. Why do I keep getting notifications that you responded to my comment I wonder? Hmmm. One of life’s great mysteries I guess.”
My response, “Oh, to be so unaware, of what it is one does. You initiated this dialogue by responding to my comment on our brothers post. Your choice to respond is what started this dialogue. Your choice to JUDGE me and what I shared is what had me pointing out the fallacy of your choices to believe as you are.”
My brother responds, “Uh oh, there you go, not responding again. Keep up the good work swami. Will you be done telling me how wrong I am soon? Or nah.”
My response, “Blessings on your journey, little one. Your choice to believe as you do is your own. No one is required to believe as you are choosing to. No one is required to accept what you believe in for themselves. You are allowed to believe as you so choose. It is your choice to do so. I am not required to agree with you. All I am required to do is “ALLOW” you to choose what resonates for you as being true. This is the point you are not able to comprehend.”
My brother responds, “Little one? Arrogant much? Is that how you teach too? Sign me up!! I love being belittled and attacked by teachers! Did you get your degree at trump u?”
My response, “Your vitriol is that of a child throwing a temper tantrum. There is no arrogance in seeing you as a child lost in the darkness of their own imaginings believing that which is not real or true. The EGO seeks out and buys a piece of paper to validate the “knowledge” they have CHOSEN to believe in. Those with “Knowing” need no one and nothing to validate what they know to be True for them. Their very experiences and the lessons they have learned from them, give them the understanding and Knowing of what resonates as Truth for them.
Good day to you and blessings on your journey. I have work to do before my business day is through. Hugs and love.”
My brother responds, “You just can’t stop, can you? And now it’s hugs and love lol. You’re like a pedophile, telling the kid you’re abusing that you love them. You;re one sick chick. I think I’m gonna troll your page for fun.”
My response, “Thank you for making my point beautifully.”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.