Hello world. The following was written 8/09/2018.
A brother shared a link from yahoo what was trying to say the President had admitted to stuff which was not true. What my brother had posted was a fake news report of a lie which has been created to generate a false picture and build upon a lie which is being propagated by the main stream media, politicians, corporations and celebrities to sway public opinion and the way the masses perceive this President and his administration. My brothers are seeing what they are wanting and choosing to believe.
My response, “Stop drinking the koolaide, the main stream media gives you. Fake news and a dead company is what yahoo is. They get their info from places like CNN and everyone has seen the proof of the lies CNN spews.”
My brother responds, “That’s what the Russian bots would have you believe- Unless a bot has got ahold of your account-then I apologize. Either way still love you for who you are. Holy, loving child of God! Moving along.”
My response, “Brother I am no bot. Take a look at some of the things I have been sharing. I share and speak of acceptance. I speak of judgments and belief. The acceptance I am speaking about, is responsibility for my choices to judge as I was and to believe as I was. I had to accept I was responsible for accepting all the judgments which were handed me and choosing to believe those judgments defined me. As soon as I accepted responsibility for what I had done, I could let go those beliefs and choose differently.
Something to consider, you have been conditioned to perceive and believe that which is being handed to you from any who claim they are the authority. You are trained to believe if a Being has a piece of paper which gives them a title they are an authority. If someone has written a book they are an authority. It is an illusion you have been indoctrinated into believing someone has authority and someone’s authority rules you. You were trained to blindly accept, follow and believe in what is told to you by the authority and to never question what they are telling you to believe in. You are willingly choosing to be their slave unknowingly.
This is what I shared brother. The understanding of the psychological indoctrination all of Humanity has been put through to see division and separation and to propagate their slavery willingly.”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.