Hello world. The following was written 9/06/2016.

It is funny. I do not watch TV or listen to the radio. I do not read magazines or news papers. Now if and when I read the stuff being shared on social media I can see the judgments and opinions at play in the background. The twisted thinking and propaganda at play. I then see the rinse repeat cycle which is happening throughout the masses of the subliminal brainwashing they are agreeing to.

All dialogues, even vitriolic dialogues are of benefit. It brings to the surface that which has been hidden from view, even from the speaker themselves. Once it has been brought into the Light those items which have been hidden may be healed. Everything which is happening and has happened is for our benefit. All is being brought to the surface for healing.

A post shared of a woman crying alone in an alley brought to the forefront of my mind a memory of being that woman. Sitting alone in the dark crying my heart out for a release from the pain and suffering which was my life. An understanding is being given of how universal the answer to a call for love truly is.

The answer to a call for love is universal. All we are asked is to be present. To be there in the moment for them and not ourselves. To listen to hear and not respond, To hear them and answer with our presence. If words are needed, they are given. Yet silence, is the true comforter, along with the simplest of touches. Such as the patting of a hand or even a hug from a complete stranger who walks out of the darkness bringing a Light with them in the darkest hour of need. Someone who simply stayed by me until I was okay again. I have been that woman myself which was described.

Nice words which come from the heart are always welcoming and loving, All Inclusive. No one is left wondering if they are loved. For they feel the love and welcoming energy exuding from those around them endlessly. Their only purpose, to extend love continuously to all they come into contact with. Even to those who express the exact opposite of this feeling. They are the ones who need this the most. They are the ones calling out to you for the love they are unable to find within themselves. Love them. Love them unconditionally with no thoughts of getting anything back in return. In doing this, you find the love unfolding in them and surrounding you as well.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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