Hello world. The following was written 8/08/2020.

The Universe is a mental construct created within the mind and projected out as what is perceived. The mind is a computer programmed subliminally. Your Subconscious is in the drivers seat. You’re asleep.

Life as it is perceived is a group of elective classes we choose to participate in. Each experience had is a class of its own with lessons buried within them we are to learn of ourselves. Each one has a purpose so is of benefit to you whether you know it or not.

Are you recognizing how all has been for your benefit yet? Have you started to connect those dots to how each experience has been connect to a thought within the mind that had been taught to you? Can you see how those thoughts were judgments and labels with definitions attached that you accepted at that time as defining you? Do you understand how it was a choice being made by you initially to accept so believe those labels that began the journey of pain and suffering you have experienced?

When you accept full responsibility for those choices, you are given an opportunity to let them go so change your mind, thereby healing yourself when you do so. It is the acceptance of full responsibility that frees us from those shackles causing the pain we go through. It is in recognizing what we chose and why that brings us back to our TRUE CENTER of BEING so able to accept who we are AS we are in the moment without judgment that shall restore our Sovereignty to be TRULY FREE of all ties that once bound us in the illusion of what we perceived our reality to be for us.

Your LIGHT is shining brightly for all to WITNESS this transformation you go through now in healing thyself my brother. It is through this open sharing, hiding nothing, holding nothing back that shall help your brothers heal as you are healing. It is this open sharing that shall breed HUMILITY in you and your brothers as you each begin to BARE your SOULS to the LIGHT in full service to those around you.

Accept that you CAN DO IT and you will. Everything is a choice being made by you in what you CAN or CANNOT DO here. Your belief in yourself IS what is at question RIGHT NOW. Everything is interconnected here whether you understand so or not. Nothing is dropped into our laps here. Everything is specifically manifested exactly as it is needed for our highest ability to grow exponentially Spiritually and eventually to understanding WHO we TRULY are here in the moment.

Nothing is going wrong here. You are only attacked if you JUDGE yourself to be so. It is a CHOICE you have to make to experience it in that way. No one can take your happiness from you either. It is a CHOICE you are making to let it go and be unhappy in those moments. How you perceive will be based on how you were taught to JUDGE and believe everything to be including yourself.

In my nearly 50 years here in this existence I have only been wrong 3 times in my life. Each time I went out and celebrated the experience. Growing up I was punished for being right. For knowing who was there to hurt me. Knowing who was lying, prevaricating and doing what they knew was not right. When I would speak of it I was beaten into silence and submission until I denied what was perceived. When it was found I was right, I was then beaten again for pointing out the Truth. I had to learn that just because my brother does not believe so perceive as I do does not mean they are right and I am wrong. It does not mean I have to see as they do. I only believed I was required to change so be as they demanded I be so believe.

Turn within and ask yourself where these emotions are coming from. Ask yourself what thoughts are triggering these emotions and the beliefs that go with them. If you choose to look within with Holy Spirit and ask Holy Spirit to show you, Holy Spirit will show you exactly what it is you have chosen here and how to let it go.

Holy Spirit will show you why you do not have the Faith, Trust and Belief in yourself to do what your heart is aching too. This time you are given is for you to come into yourself fully, accepting yourself as you are WITHOUT JUDGMENTS!!!!

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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