Hello world. The following was written 8/29/2017.
The following are events which were occurring in 2017 in Houston and around the nation. The events occurring were very divisive. We had groups terrorizing cities tearing down statues and historical landmarks. The groups were black lives matter and antifa. Both have been found to be terrorist organizations created and paid for by the southern poverty law center, which is paid for by the democrat and republican parties, soros, major corporations and foreign governments. All donation to these groups are being funneled back to the DNC coffers for whatever bills and programs they are pushing to get passed and for their own political campaigns and pockets. They are literally laundering money gained through false premises, manipulations and outright illegal actions.
The splc recruits actors and activists through craigslist ads and other media platforms to manufacture fake protests and marches to suit their agendas. They are hiring mercenaries and anarchists to destroy, maim and murder anyone who gets in their way, no matter what skin color, religion or ethnicity they be. Their goal to separate so divide Humanity using fear and violence.
Tonight has been a night of some interesting revelations. I have spent the last few hours responding to my brothers calls for love. A brother posted their frustration about the things being done to these statues, people politicizing them, grandstanding about them and using them as tools of attack during this crisis in Houston. Many of the responses they received were no more than hate filled vitriol.
You cannot heal that which you refuse to see. You cannot learn from that which has been hidden from view so as to not repeat it again. Your hew and cry is no more than a trained response. You propagate that which you would obliterate. You have been trained to keep the wheels of slavery churning with your refusal to see what has been placed before you.
The statues are memory markers of the those things we as a species do not want to repeat. It is the same with the places which were used during WWII. Each place has been kept preserved to remind Humanity of what has gone before and what is not to be repeated if Humanity is willing to be vigilant in remembering what once was.
By the way, for all of you taking issue with the supposed meanings of these statues. Where is your outrage for the antics of the BLM and Antifa groups blatant racism, bigotry and violence? They are no different from white supremacists. Each group are terrorist organizations. BLM and Antifa are being funded by you, the democratic and republican parties, soros, major corporations and foreign governments. How does this sit with you? You are siding with terrorists.
It seems history has a new face or is it just another repeat? Just as Stalin, Hitler and Mao erased the histories of their people to meet their agendas, so to are the BLM and Antifa at this time. They are and have become the new face of the NAZI PARTY! When are the terrorists going to be brought to justice? For these groups are no different than the white supremacists they say they are against. History is repeating itself right now and they are the brown shirts Hitler used to terrorize the people through fear to do as he dictated.
There is no right or wrong here. It simply is what it is. My point is, all judge that which they do not understand. Instead they choose to blindly accept, follow and believe in the garbage being hand fed to them through their TV. Not a single one of these people know how to actually think for themselves or question those things they have been taught to believe. Even when the Truth is slapping them upside the head violently.
Consider the hypocrisy at play right now in the media. Consider how you have blindly chosen to believe everything they say to you. Now ask yourself if what you think you know and believe in are really true. I guarantee you every single one is a lie and you are believing it.
By the way, when you think of a community organizer and who has been touted as the best, who’s name comes to mind? Was that Obama you say? Now consider this, what do each of these cities which have been facing such racial divides where rallies are scheduled and riots evolve with no police intervention have in common? Who are the people in charge and what do they all have in common? They are run by Democrats who once worked with Obama. Makes one wonder who is actually behind all this violence when seen in this light, doesn’t it?
Nothing is as it seems. Everything we are being shown is an illusion created to terrorize and create a fearful hate filled divide between us. United we stand and divided we shall fall. This is what they are working towards. This is what they want. Except this time you are looking at the complete annihilation of the Human Race. For it will not stop with the color white.
Blessings on your journeys my brother. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.