Hello world. The following was written 01/16/2019.
A brother responded to an article I shared this morning of a channeling I had done today called, “Recognize the hypocrisy as they tell you do as I say and not as I do….”. The following was his opening statement to my article and the subsequent dialogue that followed it.
My brother shares, “1. I want to share what I’ve learned about what happens when you die.
2. First off, it is important to state, that we live in the third dimension.
3. Now, when we die, we leave the third dimension.
4. What happens, is guides come to us and move our spirits into tall beds residing in the fourth dimension, also called bliss.
5. While we are being moved from the third dimension into these tall beds, we see many different colors.
6. This is energy that the guides are giving to us.
7. They do this because our spirits are weak and not acclimated to the fourth dimension.
8. Once in the fourth dimension, while on these beds, we undergo a review of our life where we relive lessons we learned while alive.
9. We relive our actions not only from our perspective, but from the perspective of others too. This helps us learn more lessons.
10. During this time, guides and their leaders watch a projected image of that which we are reliving.
11. Once life review is over, we may either reincarnate, or, by the leaders permission, move forward.
12. If we reincarnate, we simply wait for reincarnation to occur.
13. During this time we think and reflect on our life review. If we do not reincarnate, we are moved into a different bed.
14. On this new bed, we undergo a journey in our core, also known as the brain.
15. During this time, leaders bundle energy in the form of threads, and they connect the bundle from their cores to ours.
16. They then send energies that grow our spirit and give us knowledge.
17. We stay in the core journey until leaders wake us up to the fifth dimension, also called home.
18. When we wake up, we have 8 senses.”
My response, “That is an interesting belief system you are holding there where everything you do is contingent on someone else’s approval. There is a fallacy within your belief system brother. No one has authority over you and what it is you are choosing for you. No “Guide” nor “Spirit” has any control over you and what it is you are choosing to do.
I have died and come back into this body multiple times on this journey of mine. Each time my Guides would join me and ask me what it is I would choose to do. Would I return to my body or continue on to another life and body. Each time it was MY CHOICE to come or go. None of them had a say in or had a choice in what it is I would choose to do.
Consider questioning that which you would blindly follow and believe of that so called guide of yours. Everything they seem to tell you is gauged to have you blindly following and believing without question all they would dictate to you as being True. Consider asking how it is these things play out in your every day life with examples that SHOW EXACTLY what it is they would have you comprehend of your experiences. QUESTION EVERYTHING they would place before you stating it is the truth….”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga Why do you say that about me regarding belief systems?
For fun I guess I’ll respond. . .
Uhhh. . . If your spirit guide gave you those options then it was the spirit guide deciding the options. . .
It is especially important to note that you were not given the option to go to core journey and then the fifth dimension. . . This means you have bumps on your soul still. . .”
My response, “Now that is some funny shit right there. Bumps on the soul… LMAO! You completely missed what was being stated. In ALL THINGS we as individuals choose what it is we are going to do based on those things we have chosen to believe so perceive ourselves and our reality as being. At NO TIME does anyone or any other Being have any say in what it is you are choosing for you. THAT IS THE ILLUSION you are being handed and asked to believe in here, that someone else has authority over you and get a say in what it is you will choose and do.”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga uhhh. . . You just said that the spirit guide gave you the options. . . I am having a hard time understanding why you think what you think after having the experiences you say you have had. . . It doesn’t add up. . .”
My response, “No brother. I never said they gave me options. I stated we would go over what had been experienced up to that point on my journey and they would ASK ME what it was I would like to do. They made no suggestions. It was always my choice and decision to come or go. They had NO SAY in it. PERIOD!”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga hmm. . . Your initial writing says otherwise. . .”
My response, “No it doesn’t!”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga Yes it does. . .”
My response, “Try reading what has been shared again brother. This time do so with an open mind. Drop your preconceived judgments and beliefs and HEAR what is being shared here.”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga I did. . . Your initial writing is what I said. . .”
My response, “How does, “It is the up to the individual to decide for themselves if this is what they would accept and so receive or perceive” translate to someone else giving you an option? Hello?!? Is anyone home in that head of yours? Are you capable of cognitive thinking? Are you capable of discerning the Truth for yourself? Your responses state a huge negative on all of those points. You are stuck in a rut of your own making with your choices to blindly follow and believe without questioning. I said this before and I will state it again. I am not here to educate you nor to hold your hand while you figure things out for yourself. You show no signs of wanting to understand nor heal your misconceptions either. Good day to you and blessing on your journey. You are going to need every single one you can get at this point!”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga hmm. . . The experience you initially wrote about doesn’t add up to your analysis. . .”
My response, “What I wrote was a CHANNELED PIECE. My feet are firmly planted in multiple worlds. I am the conduit in which the energy flows and the message is delivered. I am the tool used to connect one to another and complete the circle. I am the channel the message flows through to get to you… I AM a CHANNEL brother. Spirit steps into my body and will use my vessel as the conduit with which to connect to my brothers. I do this WILLINGLY and KNOWINGLY! It IS a CHOICE I make to do so. I step out of the way and allow Spirit to deliver its messages without interference nor judgments on my own part. I watch and listen to all that is shared and ASK my own questions for clarity and understanding that which they would share through me. I question everything and accept nothing blindly!”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga Hmm. . . Your experience that you initially wrote about doesn’t match your analysis. . .”
My response, “That is your choice to judge so perceive it to be other than what it actually is.”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.