Hello world. The following was written 12/04/2016.

There comes a point on ones journey when they find themselves wanting a deeper connection. A connection to self and to their brothers. They are no longer seeing just the surface of what is happening within them and around them. They are beginning to see that there is much more to themselves and their brothers than they had ever been taught.

When we reach this point, and all of us do, we find that the shallowness of the connections we once had will no longer suffice us. That the materialistic needs of the world no longer pull us. That the egoistic needs and beliefs no longer resonate within our hearts. In these moments we learn to walk away from all that no longer resonates with who we are.

I am finding for myself walking away alone does not help. Sometimes a complete cutting of ties is needed for me to continue on my journey. Here in the world of the internet that may take placing a block on the one who will not take no for an answer.

In any situation I must stand in my Light of Truth. I must be honest and authentic with myself and what I am experiencing. That how I am feeling is valid. It is what I am experiencing in that moment. It does not matter if my experience does not match my brothers. Each of us perceive differently.

In everything I understand I am the one who gets to choose what it is I am experiencing. I get to choose what it is I am believing in. I can believe anything I choose to believe in. That is my right of Free Will. In this same way my brother can choose to believe whatever it is they want to.

I can share my Truth and understanding from my experiences. You may accept them or deny them as is your choice. There is no obligation for anyone to believe me and what I share. If I can allow you this right to have your own beliefs, why is it that you will not permit me to have my own? Why do you choose to try and take my free will from me brother? Allow me my choices as I allow you yours.

When you force yourself upon a brother, telling them they must believe as you do, you are taking their Free Will from them. When they ask for a boundary to be respected and you ignore it, you take their Free Will from them. For one moment step back and look at what you do. See the reflections of your actions being mirrored back to you, when you receive the same things you do to others as a karmic backlash. Consider again your choice to be right. Your choices to judge your brothers journey because it differs from your own.

Each of us have Free Will to pick and choose how we will see ourselves, our brothers, and this world. Our Free Will allows us to perceive all things uniquely from our own personal points of view. How we choose to perceive our world and ourselves is reflected in how we walk our journey. Do we walk in fear of being judged so we judge first? Or do we walk in Love allowing and accepting our brothers exactly as they are?

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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