Hello world. The following was written 01/15/2020.

I am witnessing on my journey how my brothers are seeking outside of them. They turn to their brothers and books for all that they are seeking. They negate what it is they are experiencing within them as a signal of something to be looked at and questioned. Instead they judge what is being experienced so seek ways to make it stop from external sources no matter how extreme they may be.

I have watched my brothers poison themselves with the things they are using to get the pain and suffering to end. Blaming each other and inanimate objects as the source of the pain and suffering of what they are experiencing. None of them are recognizing the choices they are making to judge so believe that which they think they perceive.

The words they use are directly connected to the judgmental beliefs they hold forth as defining who they are and are supposed to be. They superimpose these mental images over everyone around them unconsciously, including themselves. What they do not comprehend is that all they were taught to perceive are illusions. They have been indoctrinated to believe in lies as being real and true.

Every judgmental label that has ever been handed to them as defining who they are in those moments and how they are to perceive of themselves as being, was a lie used to control and manipulate them to conform and comply willingly with someone else’s choices to believe. Each one was used to twist that which they think they perceive before them. Especially when they look in their mirror at themselves.

As with an over head projector Humanity is taught to overlay every judgmental label with its definitions onto the image they see before them. Each image over laid over the original image distorts what is seen or perceived. It changes what is in front of them to be what it is not. These distortion are the curtains or film that is pulled over ones eyes or consciousness. It is what keeps them from seeing themselves and their reality clearly as it actually is.

When they look in their mirror they are trained to compare themselves to every around them. To change themselves to be the person next to them. They are shamed and guilted through judgmental labels to believe they are not good enough as they are. That they are lacking because they do not look, sound, act, think, feel and believe as someone else is choosing to. They are demeaned and denounced until they choose to conform and comply so become what another wants them to be. They are trained to overlay those judgmental images over themselves. They are trained to strive for what another is choosing to be and would dictate they be.

These choices to conform and comply so become what another is dictating eats at them within. The more they bow down to another the more they find themselves eaten inside with angst, frustration, anger, self doubt, hurt, depression and a rage at themselves and others. The more these things eat at them, the faster they find their bodies shutting down on them. Illness and disease makes its way in, in slow increments until it hits them like a ton of bricks stopping them in their tracks.

I hear my brothers calling out for prayers to have what is happening taken from them. To have what is being experienced stopped and taken away. Afraid to face what is happening and themselves in those moments. They continue seeking outside of them in others. Hoping and praying someone else will hold the answers and the power to remove what they are experiencing from their existence. That someone else’s prayer is more powerful than their own.

All refuse to turn within and ask Spirit to show them what all is for and how it is of benefit on their journeys. They forget how their body is there to tell them to look when something is not in alignment. That Spirit uses our bodies to get our attentions for a reason. It is when we are stopped in our tracks that we are forced to evaluate what we are now faced with and have been running from all along, Ourselves.

Have you considered stopping and listening to what it is your body is telling you? No amount of praying for something to be taken away will work. In all things we must be willing to take responsibility for our choices to think, believe, say, and do. Your body is speaking to you right now and it is asking you to stop and listen.

In 2004 I was in a motorcycle accident that broke the left side of my body and left me bedridden unable to move. At the same time I was told I was dying of multiple diseases such as two form of cancer and diabetes…

I had to start listening to my body. I started eating and using only organic products and produce. Then I started paying close attention to how my body was reacting to every item I took into me. As I did this I began to learn that many of the foods I ate I was allergic to. When I stopped eating them I started losing weight and shoe and clothing sizes. The more I paid attention the better I began to feel.

I then began looking at my life experiences and questioning everything I had been taught to think and believe in as being true. As I did this I was shown many Truths that freed me. I was freed from my nightmares of past experiences and I was healed of all diseases with no medications or surgeries. I did this by going within my own heart and mind with Holy Spirit and asking Him to show me the Truth of what I had chosen to believe defined me and to show me the corrections to those beliefs. When I asked I received. When you ask you receive brother. You have to ASK first though if you would receive the answers and healing you seek.

In all things you have to ask if you are to receive. You have to willingly acknowledge that you do not know what anything is for and that you would have Holy Spirit show what His intentions for everything is for. Everything we go through and experience here is for our benefit with lessons we are to learn of ourselves and how we are choosing to judge ourselves and our reality as being. How we are the one making all decisions for ourselves willingly even when we feel we are being coerced. We still must make a choice to believe we are a victim. We must make a choice to conform and comply with what is being dictated to us.

No one is a victim here. Each of us are making choices to believe as we are. Judge as we are. Accept what is handed to us as we are. Accept what we read in a book as we do. Judge ourselves as unworthy, unlovable, lacking and so much more. In each instant we are the one making this choice, this decision to believe that whatever we are experiencing will destroy us and define us. In each instant we do this. No one does this for us.

What my brothers are faced with in these moments is the false facades and masks they have donned and built for themselves on their journeys to hide behind. They are faced with everything they feared. In these moments they must willingly face themselves. The must look in their mirror and with blunt honesty ask themselves why they are choosing as they are. They will have to face themselves with that blunt honesty and authenticity. They will have to remove the false facades and masks they have built one by one until they are able to see themselves as they are Truly and authentically in all their majesty.

It is through the turning within to Holy Spirit for your answers that you will gain all that you seek here. It is through the turning within that you may heal all that is being experienced by you on your journey. It is by turning within that you will find the answers to your own choices to believe as you do. If you would heal you must turn within. Holy Spirit awaits you there within that labyrinth you call your mind.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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