Hello world. The following was written 09/12/2016.

I am sharing the understanding of how we judge ourselves and block ourselves when we are in judgment of our brothers. How the conflict we experience within comes from judgmental beliefs held which are not true.

Anytime we judge another, we are judging ourselves. When we block a brother we have judged, we are blocking ourselves from LOVES awareness. We block ourselves from seeing the love in our brothers and the love within ourselves. In those moments we have forgotten everything we are and have experienced, is for our benefit. Whatever is happening is for our spiritual growth and healing.

When I hear my brothers calls for love, I am to be present with them. I am not to bolster their beliefs in those moments that something has gone wrong. I am to simply be a witness to their journey and share with them the Truth of their judgments in those moments. To offer them the correction to their misconceptions. Everything is exactly as it needs to be in that moment. All is for their benefit and the benefit of their brothers.

If there is conflict within, a belief is being held which is not true. A belief which judges what is, as it is not. Whatever you are experiencing in this moment, is what is needed for you to heal. Question it. Ask why it is happening. Ask why it is there and what it’s purpose is for you. What lesson does it hold for you? Is it True? It is in having a willingness to look within at what you are choosing to think, believe and judge you will be given an opportunity to heal yourself. Are you ready to heal yourself?

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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