Hello world The following was written 8/17/2021.

I have found on the journey I will chop wood and carry water. Meaning, I will have experiences and will be required to look at them and what I was choosing to perceive them to be in a moment of Self Reflection. As soon as I look at these experiences so learn the lessons within them, how I am perceiving all to be including myself shall shift so change. Nothing outside of me has changed. I am still chopping wood and carrying water as far as those around me can perceive. Yet, the shift which occurred within me has changed how I am perceiving myself and my reality. As my perspective perceptions shifted and changed within my own mind, my reality shifted and changed with me, so I no longer perceived the reality I once did.

An example of this shift in perspectives which shifted how I perceived myself, occurred when I was bedridden and dying of multiple cancers and other diseases as my body was shutting down one system at a time in 2004. I was home alone, in extreme pain laying in my bed unable to move or do anything for myself after wrecking my motorcycle, breaking the left side of my body. I was told I was dying and nothing could be done for me by 6 different doctors who had me on 14 pills 4 times a day.

That day I found myself looking out my body’s physical eyes as if they were windows. I was trapped inside of this body, where no one could see me or hear me, within it. I was then flooded with flashing memories of crossing over into the Light and coming back into my body many, many times. Learning how I was not the body I inhabited, but the Soul within it. I held within me the power needed to heal myself on all levels of my Being.

I was then questioned by Holy Spirit as to, who and what I believed myself to be? Why was I choosing to believe these things defined who I am and am supposed to be? Where did these beliefs come from? What do they all have in common?

The answers, when I looked at them, were I believed myself to be a list of labels which held definitions defining what they would mean and the parameters to be followed as to how I was to think, say, do, be and believe, which were handed to me or taught to me by someone else, as what they believed all to be. I did this accepting without question because I chose to believe those teaching me would never lie to me, manipulate me, hurt me or abuse me. I placed on them a label of authority blindly, so did not question what they were teaching me.

When I did begin to question, I found I was coerced, manipulated and beaten into submission until I accepted what they stated and denied what resonated within my own heart as being true for me. I chose what I did at the time for survival. It was the only way I could get the abuses to stop for a little while. My own family had killed me and abused me. I had died many times from allergic reactions, drowning, asthma and violent acts, crossing over and back knowing what I would be experiencing when I returned. Each time I chose to come back here to complete the journey I am on.

I was then asked, why do you choose to continue to believe that which you did for survival as a child when you are no longer a child, so are able to let go those beliefs for what you would choose for you? Why do you continue to torture yourself mentally and emotionally with the judgmental labels and beliefs which were dictated to you with fist, belt and whatever was at hand to make their point stick so perversely?

As I looked at those questions, I asked myself why I was. In those moments a Light Bulb went off in my head of how I was blindly accepting and believing whatever was said to me, to keep from being persecuted and abused again. I started realizing how I was blindly accepting what those doctors said, just as I had my family and the nuns and priests, when they exorcized me and tried to beat the psychic abilities I have, out of me.

Those initial experiences had me looking at myself, my reality and all I was taught to believe in and questioning all of it. The biggest pill for me to swallow was I chose to believe the things I did, so I was responsible for how I was experiencing everything to be. The understanding came my thoughts were connected to my emotions which are connected to my body’s physical responses. What I was thinking and believing were literally killing me, as were the medications those doctors had me on.

I stopped taking those doctors medications and my body started to heal itself. When I started looking at my thoughts and beliefs, I started healing my mind, heart, and SOUL. Every aspect of our reality is connected to a choice and decision we as Individual Beings have made to believe in it as being possible to be experienced by us. Humanity has a Hive Mind they are unaware of. It is connected to the way we have been Conditioned to believe and conform to our societies which are all based on the same ideology of hierarchies and slavery.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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