Hello world. The following was written 7/09/2017.

The calm in the eye of the storm has begun to pass. The debris from the first half is beginning to be flung around in hopes that something will come of it. That in the chaos of the storm something will knock us loose from our moorings where we are hunkered down in the center simply waiting out the worst of the storm in the trenches. Watching as wave after wave of debris flies about and passes over head. Knocking things down and tearing out the foundations of what was never true.

In these moments the energetic force of this storm can be felt by all who are part of it. That Lady Justice is blind and will sweep away all who choose the crooked paths. Even if only for a moment. In these moments my job is to stay centered and focused on what is True. On all that is taking place in the here and now and not the past or future. The only thing that is mattering right this moment, is this moment.

The eye of the storm has begun to pass. As the fury it contains builds into a frenzy around me I am not touched by it. I recognize more and more that nothing in it has anything to do with me and who I am and who I am choosing to be. As I stand in my light of Truth in this moment I am untouched by anything or anyone that is and has been caught up within this storm.

As everything begins to spin and toss and turn I stand stationary in place. Closing my eyes I sink into a seated position in the very center of this storm. Even as the debris brushes my cheeks, pulls my hair, and tugs on my clothing I am calm and untouched by it. Even as the wind begins screeching and screaming in my ears I am unmoved.

You see in each and every moment I am the one choosing what and who I am to be. No one else will or can do this for me. Everything I am thinking and believing was chosen by me. I made the choice to accept it and believe it. I made the choice to judge it and so believe it. I make these choices for me. The only way the storm may touch me is if I choose to allow it to do so. It is a choice that is and will be made by me and only me. I am the one who makes the choices and decisions to believe and so perceive whatever it is that is happening to me and around me. How I am choosing to think and believe will control the world I am now perceiving and believing it to be.

The fury within the storm can be felt right now. It’s rage and frustration at not being able to move me is witnessed again and again. The fury of its chosen destructive path is seen for what it is. All who pay attention witness this and move aside so as not to be touched by it. Many, like me, learn to take shelter in the trenches so the storm may pass over us and we are untouched by it because of this. We learn our lessons from our experiences and heed what we are taught by them.

As I fell asleep last night I found myself speaking to Archangel Michael. I spoke to Him of the righteous fury that erupts within me at witnessing a brother purposefully harming another brother. I found myself asking for help in understanding this fury that erupts within me and to explain to me how this “judgment” effects me. For I do recognize that there is a judgment being passed or even held in those moments. How is this judgment different from my ego judgments? How is it that this judgment can be detached from all emotional responses? How can I be experiencing a righteous fury and yet feel absolutely no strong emotions, if any emotions at all in those moments? How is this different?

I laugh as I recognize the differences I just wrote down before me. One I am feeling attached to it in the moment emotionally. In the other I am completely detached emotionally. It is as if the mind is engaged fully on the second and partially on the first. So much to take in. To contemplate and question the purpose of. Asking, how is this of benefit to me and through me all of Humanity? The calm in the eye of the storm has now passed. The full fury of the storm is now baring down on us at full speed.

In stillness and silence I will sit here calmly and wait out this storm. It is in the very act of keeping still that my safety lies. For only when I choose to move or fight am I then attacked or pommeled by the debris flying around me. As ACIM states, “I need do nothing.”

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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