Hello world. The following was written 3/5/2018.

Holy Spirit states, “Stand in your Light of Truth no matter what it is your brother is choosing for themselves. You are not and have never been required to accept what another is believing in as being True. They are not required to accept what you believe either. You are each allowed to believe as you so choose. Whatever it is you are choosing to believe in is True for You. Whatever they are choosing to believe in is True for them. It is a belief held that makes it True for that Being. Until you and they choose to look at and question what it is that is being believed. The belief held is all that can be perceived.”

It is the mind screw of all time. We are trained to follow a specific thought system that has us blindly accepting, following and believing whatever is handed to us by those who state they are the authority. This same belief system is propagated through our families and society. This creates a manifested reality that is being co-created by Humanity on an Individual level and a co-created societal level at the exact same time. It is this thought system that must be looked at by the Individual to see what they have chosen to believe. For what they believe, is what they perceive.

My Guides are pointing out something very interesting I have only been conscious of as a periphery element in regards my interactions with my brothers. Many of my brothers are coming to me offering for me to come and follow or read their chosen guru, book and or ideology. Today I found myself guided to respond to my brothers. I am guided to give clarity and understanding of where I am at on my journey.

My response, “Thank you for the invitation to blindly follow the guru you have chosen for yourself brother. I respectfully decline your offer. I have no need to follow any other Being to understand and know myself as I am choosing to be. I have heard Kryon and any number of other channeled Beings many times over. Each one works from where they are at on their journey of understanding and the conduits level of communication ability. The filters the conduit has in place can and will block them from taking in fully what it is the messenger brings so they may not integrate what is channeled for themselves.

I AM already fully open and all of my filters have been removed. When I did my inner work to heal myself of all disease without medication or surgeries I cleared out all the filters I had been taught to place before me brother. The only Beings I follow now would be my own Inner Guides. I no longer look outside of me to another for who I am and am meant to be. I need no one else’s permissions, codes or authority to be as I AM. I AM the Authority of me with the Free Will given me by Prime Creator as a Sovereign Being. No one may take this from me and no one else may give them to me either.”

Please understand that each Being will reach a point on their journey where they stop seeking for answers outside of them and begin to turn inward for what it is they seek. Each will come to understand what it is THEY have chosen to do and become willing to change their minds about it. As each Being lets go of all they were taught to believe their reality to be they begin to perceive their True reality. How every choice they made to accept and believe is what has distorted everything they would perceive.

My brothers you have been trained to see yourself as a victim and someone else as the authority over you. That you require another’s permission, blessing and acceptance to be as you would choose to be. Each of you have been trained to hand away your authority to another in a belief it will gain you safety and security. Each of you have been taught to believe you are required to accept and believe whatever is being handed to you even when what is handed to you does not resonate as the Truth for you.

My brothers you are not and have never been required to accept what another has chosen for themselves. You have never been required to accept anyone as having any authority over you. You only think and believe you are required to. That is the illusion. This belief everyone else has authority, BUT YOU.

My brothers no one has authority over you. You are your own authority. You make all choices and decisions to be, think and believe as you are choosing to do. Those choices are yours alone to make and no one may take them away from you. Not even with force. Even in that instant the choice is still yours in how you are choosing to perceive what is being experienced in the moment.

Everything you think you know and believe in to be true has been taught to you by someone else just as it was taught to them. Every label used to define you was handed to you. Every meaning for every word has been handed to you. Every experience was explained to you as being what it was for you in those moments. All you believe to be true has been handed to you.

My Guides started out asking me questions that caused me to stop and look at my own choices to believe so be. Asking me questions such as, “Why do you believe as you do? How do you know what you have been taught is the Truth?”. Until I actually looked at what I had been choosing to believe, I had no idea what was true. I held no comprehension of what it was I had been doing either. When I stopped and looked at what they would place before me I could then see the Truth of all I had been doing with a dawning horror.

I had chosen to blindly accept, follow and believe in everything being handed to me. All it gained me was illness, disease, pain and suffering with a date with death on my horizon. When I started turning within and listening to those questions being asked of me, I began to heal. As I let go each belief taught to me, each illness and disease fell away as if it had never been without using medications or surgeries. I was being shown how everything is connected. Our minds to our emotions and our emotions to our physical body and all is connected to our Soul. When we heal our Soul we heal all of our Being on all levels. Every aspect of us is healed completely.

We are not these bodies we inhabit my brothers. We are the Soul’s within these shells. The body is a tool to be used on this journey. It signals us when something is to be looked at with pain and suffering. It tells us when we need to step back from the precipice and regroup. It is a tool to be used in the moment. Let go your attachments to what it is you think it is. For even that belief has been taught to you. You are not your body. You are the Soul within it. You are not a victim. You are your own Authority. You have Free Will given you by Prime Creator. You are a Sovereign Being capable of Self Governance and Self Reliance. What you have chosen to believe were the lies being handed to you. You are capable of looking within and seeing if what is shared here resonates as Truth for you. The question now would be, are you brave enough too?

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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