Hello world. The following was written 8/09/2021.

On August 5th I was guided to watch a video called, “The Milgram Experiment”. The video was discussing how a Society can be coerced, manipulated and mind controlled to do unthinkable acts and atrocities such as what occurred in Nazi Germany in WW2. The next day I was given waking visions and started channeling Arch Angel Metatron and what He would have me understand of the visions He was giving me.

In the first vision I am looking out the eyes of Marie Antoinette as she says, “Feed them cake.”. She was looking out her carriage window at the starving masses lining the roads begging for food. Like the people, she had become disconnected from the land and where ones food actually comes from. The people had been trained to seek their food from the government and the towns and markets therein. They had forgotten how to hunt, gather and forage the wild bounty around them so found themselves starving because of it. The people had been trained into Obedience and to Obey an authority so forget how to be Self Governing so Self Reliant and fend for themselves.

The next vision was of Nazi Germany during WW2. I was shown neighbors turning in neighbors, children turning in parents and angry mobs rounding up entire neighborhoods for imprisonment and executions in a belief that the genocide was righteous and good. The next scenes are of internment camps were those same people are now being tortured and experimented on then murdered when their value has expired. How those doing the torturing legitimized what they were doing by devaluing the Human Life before them and used the excuse they were only following orders. Once again the people forgot how to forage, hunt and gather the bounty around them. The forgot they were to be Self Governing so Self Reliant.

Next vision I am shown the Middle East and the enslavement of the women, children and any who do not believe as they do. How the people are beaten and tortured into submission and into accepting their own slavery willingly. How the children are indoctrinated into believing they have no voice and no rights other than what the authorities of their society choose to give them. I am shown how they are trained to seek what they need from their governments, towns and society. They to have forgotten how to hunt, forage and gather the wild bounty around them. They too have forgotten they were to be Self Governing so Self Reliant.

In the last vision I am shown it is here in the United States. I am shown the riots from 2020, the lockdowns, fires and overall coercion and manipulation of the masses world wide to conform, comply, adhere to, accept, follow and blindly believe the narratives handed to them by their governments and assumed authority figures such as the media and medical industry. Just as with these other times, places and people, here to have the people forgotten their connections to the land and how to hunt, gather and forage for that which they need. They to have forgotten they were to be Self Governing so Self Reliant.

Makes one wonder why it is these big box stores seem to have empty shelves while other stores are fully stocked. Then again it also brings into the forefront how the box stores weren’t shut down and are now pushing masks and jabs on their employees and the general public. Then you have the realization that those same box stores were sucking in profits during lockdown while the mom and pop stores were put out of business.

If common sense were still common Humanity would have figured out by now that they have been lied to so played. They have been being stripped of their money, freedom and ability to choose what resonates as Truth for themselves. Their blind acceptance and belief in the narratives has literally had them willingly enslaving themselves and giving away their countries to tyrannical illegitimate governments.

Humanity you have been indoctrinated into a Conditioned Mind of Obedience to Obey those who say they are the authority. All cultures indoctrinate their people into their Society and what their Society dictates they obey and be obedient to. All train their people to be Obedient and to OBEY those who state they are the authority. All are coerced, manipulated and tortured mentally, emotionally and physically into willingly accepting, conforming and complying to what it is their Society dictates they think, say, do and be. All are trained to accept the dictates of The Conditioned Mind of their Society and Obedience to an authority that does not exist. All are conditioned to obey an illusion.

Humanity you have been conditioned that you are required to follow, accept, comply, conform and adhere to these rules, laws, regulations, prohibitions and limitations your Society is dictating you believe in. Humanity you have been lied to and manipulated into believing you have no choice. Those who assume authority are and have been lying to you. You were never required to accept what they dictate to you. You were never required to believe as they are teaching and telling you, you are required to.

Humanity these frauds are using your own minds and emotions against you to coerce, manipulate so control all you think, say and do. They use your own fear of the unknown to control you. They have learned to catalyze your own fear against you to manipulate you to do what they want you to do, such as willingly poison yourselves with experimental drugs and then coerce those around you to do the same. Lying to you saying those who do not poison themselves are the ones poisoning you. You forget you are the one who agreed to their experiment and it is you who is poisoning those around you now and not the ones who refuse the poisons you took.

Common sense is no longer common. Humanity has been trained and indoctrinated to no longer think for themselves. To no longer question the supposed authority and the narratives being handed to them. Humanity has forgotten they are Sovereign Beings who are supposed to be Self Governing so Self Reliant. They have forgotten how to take care of themselves. They have forgotten they are solely responsible for themselves and what it is they are choosing to follow so believe in. They have forgotten how to forage, hunt and gather the resources they need from the wilds around them. They have forgotten what it is they came here to do so Be.

Humanity you have forgotten you are Sovereign Beings who are Self Governing so Self Reliant and responsible for what you choose. God has given you plentiful bounty in the wilds around you. You have forgotten how to take care of and fend for yourselves. Humanity you have forgotten the Common Sense God gave you!

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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