Hello world. The following was written 6/15/2018.

It seems there are those who are taking issue with a statement made by President Trump, when asked if the North Korean leader would be coming to the White House and how certain government officials are taking issue with it. Part of President Trump’s response was, “President Trump on North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un: “He speaks and his people sit up in attention. I want my people to do the same.” His comment is being taken out of context. They are not remarking on the question which was asked nor how the question was phrased or stated to gain this response. Once again it is a twisting of Truth to be what one is wanting to perceive.

My brother states, “I guess that lady on fox and friends was right when she accidentally said two dictators.. glad this is on tape.. but still his base will love him.. so I guess it doesn’t really matter..”

My response, “Perspective is everything. For decades Americans and most of Humanity have sat in front of their TV’s in a trance. They take in all the main stream media has fed them. They take it all in blindly following and believing it without question. He was not acting like nor stating he wants to be a dictator. What he was stating is he wants the American people to wake up, start paying attention to what is really going on around them and to start doing their own research to find the Truth. I did not vote for him. Yet, even I can see with my own eyes all he has done to help the American people. Even I can see the bias, corruption and propaganda being spewed by the main stream media and these politicians.

I am seeing how the politicians, corporations, media, hollywood, the medical industry, big pharma, the alphabet agencies and local law enforcement agencies have been working hand in hand to keep themselves in power. I am able to see how they are manipulating Humanity through coercion to subvert their Sovereignty using prohibitions they do not have to follow. I am seeing how these Beings are behind the sex trafficking industry, human trafficking industry, drug trafficking industry and fire arms trafficking industry. They are all fighting tooth and nail to stay in power and keep it all hidden from the public.

The 2016 elections were rigged to get Hilary elected and they failed. The American people stood up and said we are done with the corruption. Trump was their response to the blatant abuse of our rights. In the last year and a half we have watched human trafficking rings, pedophile rings and sex trafficking rings shut down and light shined on the people behind it all. We have been watching legal documents come out through FOIA Requests and lawsuits by Judicial Watch and other groups tying all of these entities together to the corruption starting at the very TOP with Obama and those who came before him.

DO YOUR RESEARCH! Stop blindly believing the bullshit being fed to you by the main stream media and the blind followers of these corrupt entities. It speaks of the co-dependent relationship, where the abused becomes the enabler of their abuser making excuses for why it is they abuse them as they do and then ask their abusers to abuse them more and in worse ways. You are asking your abusers to take away the rest of your rights because they tell you they are the authority over you. Think for yourself and recognize how it is you are willingly becoming their slave in your belief they will save you and protect you.”

Humanity you are the one choosing to stay in this abusive relationship. You are the one enabling your abusers to keep abusing you as they do. When will you decide enough is enough? When will you choose to Stand up in your Light of Truth for yourself and those around you? When will you decide your freedom to be as you choose and your children’s rights and freedoms to be CHILDREN, are to be preserved? When will you choose to Love yourselves enough to walk away from your abusers and hold them accountable for their actions? When will you decide to stop handing away your Sovereignty for the false sense of safety and security your abusers are handing you?

Humanity, when will you choose YOU?

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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